… While public sex offender registries are now required by federal law, other registries for people who have committed certain types of crimes—such as domestic violence or drug-related crimes—are on the rise. They are seen by some victims’ rights advocates as a way to protect the community. But, criminal justice advocates argue that the registries are just another way to assert control over people who have already served their time. With registries, the collateral consequences of incarceration can extend indefinitely. Full Article

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Great article! I’m was happy to see that Ms Wetterling was quoted on her current stance on registries.

The cover photo made my blood boil. It has been decades since I’ve seen such horrid official government displays of ignorance and hatred.


Great article.

It points out all of the other registries that are trying to be created. There is even a drunk driving one in Ohio with 5000 people on it.

It’s time for the judiciary to do its job and stop legislature from not only labeling people people, but labeling them without the judge deciding on a duration or need for public safety. It surely should never extend beyond the probation or parole duration and continue beyond the sentence determined by the judge who is responsible to determine the punishment, rehabilitation needs, and what to do to protect the public and tailored to the individual. That’s called Due Process.

If a guy has been incarcerated 3 different times for violent crimes, he shouldn’t be released from government supervision anytime soon to be on a public list and needs some type of rehab. Since “lists” don’t work, there is no case where one is needed for public safety. The government already allows certain employers and groups to see old and even sealed records of particular crimes to prevent recidivism. That should be the end of it.

Regarding the “PEDOPHILE FREE ZONE” sign in the cesspool city of Wapello, Iowa – I strongly believe that city government jobs attract awful, disgusting “people” to them. Some people who are in city governments are decent, but most are scum. Most of them can’t manage their own pathetic lives, let alone dictate to others how they should live.

Their sign is lame for numerous reasons. The main reason is that even if “presence restrictions” did protect anyone, this sign does not alert anyone, even Registered people, that there are presence restrictions that might apply to them. And that is obviously because it is not illegal to be a pedophile and it is also not related to being listed on the $EX Offender Registries. Also, I’m sure the sign would not suffice as a legal notice to anyone. So … the people who wanted the sign are scumbags and/or stupid.

Also, in the war on Registry Terrorists, I do advocate for retaliating only by means that are legal. However, this sign is screaming for vandalism. It would be so easy and nice to spray paint across it. Perhaps something like “F you, anti-American dumbf*cks.”

Lastly, the only good government is a broke and dysfunctional government. Make sure you make them shrink.

“Pedophille free zone”

Hate a liar more than I hate a thief.

A thief is only after my salary, a liar is after my reality.

-50 cent, “I’m a hustler.”

realistically the unites states government needs to be done away with

Anyone who has ever been incarcerated knows that those pointing the finger and making the most noise are inevitably the ones with the most to hide.