China: College pitcher with sex-offender past spurned in China, too

[ – 8/7/18]

Former star collegiate pitcher Luke Heimlich’s status as a sex offender has once again derailed his professional baseball aspirations.

The former Oregon State ace had agreed to sign with the Lamigo Monkeys of the Chinese Professional Baseball League on Monday night. But on Tuesday, the league declined to approve the contract, as the CPBL has a no-tolerance policy for players with criminal records.

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Well yeah, when a worldwide publication like m 8i monthly Sports Illistr%*÷#, comes out with an article about Luke exactly revealing his past, China sports reads too besides Japan and other baseball spott interested countries including Canada and Mexico (en Espanol). Mr. Heimlich is now a renowned rso.
Not to just the registry but due to that popular publication circulated and online. ( $ports Illustrat June 2018). Poor Luke, his was his childhood, haunts him to this day as an adult.

May 21, 2018 issue, good article but two faced as so many wont read into it to see how old he was. How he has changed and how it has affected his family and career. What happened to just great skill and performance ratings? No merit anymore on current outcomes? Sad, that means any jobs not just his gave sport, he will be judged, like most RC’s , for life, no matter what they do and web holds info decades past. Registry listed or not!

Encourage all to email reporter and give perspective on article. Many are ignorant of our plight and only see it from a false perspective. They people that can get the real story out need to be told what the real story is.

“And obviously this accusation came out. So we immediately put everything on pause, as we should, to gather facts, gather information.”
uh huh. Because someones past really determines how well they are going to perform as a player. what is it with these pansy ass pr people and image.

Wow! I’m confused. This is disturbing. I was under the impression that his offense was expunged and he no longer had to register? Yet, they are still holding this against him? My relative plays baseball and the competition is fierce! OSU is one of the top tier College Teams. So, it’s disturbing to think that while he is no longer required to register, this expunged offense still follows him around!

The whole fiasco started because of a clerical error by the OSU campus police. They “outed” him because they said he had failed to register, which in fact he wasn’t obligated to do.
This is another example of how the registry will torment all put on it far beyond its legal limits.
It gives anyone the ability to crucify you, ruin opportunities, and destroy your life, with zero repricutions on the individual.

FYI: My offense was reduced to a misdemeanor and expunged in early 2000! Possibly the laws have changed now. Please refrain from providing legal advise.