Note: before you travel to another state, it is your responsibility to always read up on the latest registration regulations. Don’t depend on secondhand studies like this. Do your research so you don’t land in jail.
Wow! I haven’t read through this but just skimming it it looks like the travel guide most of use have been asking for. Could you possibly sticky this PDF so that it doesn’t get lost in a couple of weeks? This is incredibly helpful for traveling.
Also, 22 states don’t remove you after that fact? And here I thought Florida and NY were the only ones like that. This will certainly restrict my traveling even more so.
September 10, 2018 3:43 pm
I would like to do this certain type of “cannon ball run” type car rally throuout the country which goes for 14 days and makes stops at racetracks where us participants compete. We also do breakfast & places of worship for safety prayers. I guess as an RSO, I’ wouldn’t be capable of abiding by the rules of the event if I need to go to any police station to register as this is a timed event and I then wouldn’t be able to win. Could I do the prayer services or am I “not allowed”. What other obstics would I be up against?
September 10, 2018 4:24 pm
Author stated, “As it has just been outlined, there are some real issues that surround the policies or lack thereof in regard to registrants visiting another state. With more research in this area, it can hopefully lead to a more universal resolution that is both beneficial to the states and its citizens, as well as registrants and their loved ones.” The only “universal resolution” is get rid of the registry.
September 10, 2018 4:27 pm
Some people make it a goal to visit all 50 states. I wonder if it would be possible to be registered in all 50 states. That would be an interesting accomplishment.
September 10, 2018 4:33 pm
Well apparently I missed it or can’t find it, but it supposedly says 22 states still keep you on the registry even after your done. So what state are they exactly. Thanks in advance.
September 10, 2018 5:00 pm
There was a news story today about how many of the area airports in DC are rolling-out the new facial recognition technology for travelers.
As an RSO it makes you wonder, how often we will be stopped and accosted by Federal Agents while simply trying to fly-out to Florida.
Looks like they will have the compliance for the traveling RSO down to a science, and it wouldn’t be too far-reaching to transmit our whereabouts to the Local or State Registering Agency, wherever we decide to visit.
Just like Angel Watch!
September 10, 2018 6:35 pm
“If a registrant is stopped by a law enforcement agency, that officer has full discretion to arrest the registrant regardless of whether they knew the laws or is within the allotted number of days to register in that state.”
Wait a minute, help me understand this. Let’s say I am travelling down the road, day one, in a state that requires registration after you have been there for three days. Let’s say I am pulled over for a broken tail light. So, even though I have been there for only one day, with two days to go before I am required to report, I can be arrested?? On what charge?
This is huge because that means any of us, at any time, can be arrested even if we’re in compliance, just because the cop sees on his computer that we’re an RC.
Am I reading this wrong??
September 10, 2018 7:39 pm
“If a registrant is stopped by a law enforcement agency, that officer has full discretion to arrest the registrant regardless of whether they knew the laws or is within the allotted number of days to register in that state.”
Wait a minute. Help me understand this. Let’s say I have spent one day in a state that gives me 3 days to report. I get pulled over for a broken tail light on day 2. If I read this correctly, I could be arrested because I’m an RC even though I am in compliance? On suspicion of what? Do I read this right??
Mary Davye Devoy
September 11, 2018 3:01 am
On Page 7 it says Virginia does NOT remove “visiting” RSO’s from VSP SO Registry after they return to their home state, this is 100% incorrect. Out-of-state RSO’s do NOT remain on our Registry.
If this is wrong there could be other inaccurate data so don’t consider this document to be 100% correct.
September 11, 2018 3:53 am
I think this is a great starting place, but be sure to double check. This is from last year and Florida changed from 5-3 this year. Hubs and I were talking last night, that for even both of us being fairly intelligent, educated people, it’s next to impossible to figure out.
Also what happens if we are in a 5 day state, on day 3 and he has a heart attack? I told him I’d drag him on a sled out of there if I had to, to avoid registering in another place!
September 11, 2018 4:15 am
I knew I had seen this before.
Previous post and additional discussion.
Does anyone know if there are states that scan such things as airline tickets and arrivals; hotels for check in; car rentals; etc. ? I have family in FL and have been there and not had an issue since I did not get stopped; no one came to the door where I was staying?
Will Allen
September 11, 2018 9:27 am
This traveling harassment is one of the most unacceptable things about the Registries. I truly can’t see how any decent, actual American thinks it is acceptable. I think that only bad people think it is acceptable.
The poor little, helpless, NBG-dependent people who want the Registries are pathetic. If they had simply stuck to their original lies about the Registries, they might’ve had something acceptable to Americans and possibly even somewhat useful. But no! They had to be the greedy little scumbags that they are. Creating the Registries was just the start of their lies and harassment. Look at what we have today.
The criminal regimes that have Registries should be 100% responsible for maintaining it themselves, with no requirements whatsoever for anyone to report anything to them. Then they wouldn’t have to cry and whine about how they have to depend on “$EX offenders” to give them information. Let the lazy NBG people do some actual work. They lie nonstop about how they are “monitoring” people and such. So let them actually follow some of their lies.
Believe me, at this point, I don’t care in the slightest what information NBG wants to tell their minions about me and I care even less what they think. They can all go F themselves. But stop asking me to help you scumbags or to do anything.
someone who cares
September 11, 2018 5:41 pm
I don’t know about everyone else here, but every time I research FTR, it seems to always say if a person “willfully” fails to register. With the millions of different laws and regulations for each State, County, City, how can it ever be really willful? Not even the LE is probably aware of the ever-changing laws.
September 11, 2018 6:42 pm
Here is a situation: I live less than an hour from a major commerial hub, which, is in another state. Is my shopping trips to this hub considered a visit to that state?
September 11, 2018 8:09 pm
Nobody should take any legal advise from police if you have questions about RSO laws or about registration. Example, I reported to my “Detective, Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit” officer that I was visiting Puerto Rico for a few days and he asked for my passport information. I told him I was using my DL for the trip. He took notes and said enjoy your vacation.
It sucks that when you try to talk to somebody like police station, they ask so many questions to get your information and recommend that you to “check in” when you arrive when the current law/ few states say you dont have to. Its best that I keep mouth shut and give less information as possible.
Anyway I am not trying to break law here from my previous post. I prefer to stay registered within my state and avoid ones that does not take you off registry right away which can affect for example international traveling.
September 11, 2018 9:09 pm
I’m someone who is lucky enough be off the list in my home state. I will still never travel anywhere that exceeds the day limit. I was wondering when I read visiting California, everywhere says within 5 days. Does that mean if one even spends one night there that they have to register? Even only staying for 4 or fewer days? Thanks
Tim Moore
September 11, 2018 11:02 pm
How do you find out requirements for registering when visiting Indian reservations? Do they use the same requirements of the state they are in or make their own?
I would go to the text of the law in each state, instead of calling someone in some police station for advice. Like they have told me at my sheriff’s office, they will tell you it is safer to just notify them anyway, “just in case”, like they told Will Allen. Or else you may get whatever info they can trump up on the spot. They play with you for entertainment. What could is more soul crushing than to be an employee of the registry? You can’t even honestly pretend what you are doing is in the public welfare. It’s a lie. Your job is a lie. They are not required to tell you the law but the lie.
I will try to obey the law, not the lie, but I will not volunteer anything or ask questions of them anymore. They (law enforcement) look at you when you ask any questions as if you are trying to get information to somehow skirt the lie.
To them it is necessary we remain the “criminal”. Even if the reason for travel is business or just to enjoy a trip with the love of your life, you’re somehow doing it for criminal purpose. That is necessary to support the lie and justify the job. Life itself for us is criminalized. They don’t all see us that way, but it is hit or miss knowing who to trust. It’s a culture. More and more they all sound the same, reading from the same script. Not worth it.
September 12, 2018 11:11 am
“There was a guy on this site that was arrested in Las Vegas. During his trail he discovered that TSA notified the LV local police department that he was on his way there.”
Does this mean TSA is now notifying state authorities at our destination? How does that work? Shall we expect to be questioned at our departing airport, and what if you plan to move around from place to place while in the destination state during your alloted time? Will they call us when our time is up, and you better be gone?
September 12, 2018 1:10 pm
I have a client that wants to me to visit several of their plants in several states. I will have to drive it, but I will also have to go through around 6 or 7 states. These spreadsheets are good for general guidelines, but once you dig in to the individual state statutes, they start throwing around definitions like “sexually violent predator”, “violent offender”, “sexual predator”, etc. No lay person can read these statutes and possibly understand what category you are in because there are dates, exceptions, exceptions to the dates, exceptions to the exceptions, there are paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, references to other laws that impact the requirements that need to be researched, it’s endless. I cannot afford to pay an attorney to pour through all of this. And that doesnt even include any counties or cities that might have their own laws. I will be driving through many, many dozens of those along the way. I cannot say no. This is my living, and it is how I support my family. Telling my boss no would be grounds for dismissal.
This is total insanity. How can we possibly be expected to know? You truly need to be an attorney to sort it out. Would a judge really look at someone with a straight face and sentence somone for violating some technicality that no lay person could readily interpret? “You should have known this particular law”. REALLY??
First day in prison.
CELLMATE: “Watcha in for?”
ME: “Oh, I was on a business trip, and found out that because I crossed the corner of a particular state, and then travelled through it again on the way home, I found out that parts of a day counted towards consecutive days, even though the reporting office was closed on Saturday and I wouldn’t be there Monday when it re-opened, and the statute was unclear whether weekends counted because it couldn’t determine if I was an “offender” or a “predator” because the law had been changed in 2011, and I couldn’t tell if it was retroactive or not because of a recent court ruling I read somewhere that called it into question.”
Has anyone ever been involved in a situation in which they were questioned by LE or arrested, on a trip out of state, because of a legal technicality that they SHOULD have totally understood?
I ask this, because usually when a RC is arrested, it makes news. I have looked and looked and looked, and I don’t see anything on Google in which a RC was arrested because of a technicality in the law, that anyone could have been confused about, that they should have understood. The only news reports I see revolve around flagrant violations, ie, failing to give notice when you move, working at a school, staying somewhere for a considerable time without notification, stuff like that. Those are obvious and we all understand those. But what this tells me is that there are many of us going about our lives and simply not worrying about it because we have families to feed, parents to care for, etc.
Maybe I’m just ignorant about all of this, but even if I researched this crap all day long I STILL would not feel confident that I had crossed all of my i’s and dotted my t’s. So, other than stuff that we all know is obvious, why bother?? We probably won’t be right because most of us are not attorneys, and cannot afford this kind of assistance.
All you can do, it seems to me, is print out the spreadsheets that this organization and others have been generous enough to provide for us, take it with us so at least we can show someone we TRIED, and then pray.
This is no way to live.
September 12, 2018 7:34 pm
I wonder what is the difference with this and probation or parole?
Will Allen
September 13, 2018 5:43 am
I like the note that was added to the beginning of this article/post (i.e. “Note: before you travel …”).
But, I would do more (and I do) than just read the laws where I intended to visit. I would contact them in writing and ask them what their laws are. Tell them what you think the laws are and ask them to confirm it in writing. If they are confused about your situation, send them court documents that document what you were convicted of, when, etc. Send them case law from their own jurisdictions. Personally, I’ve always gotten a response back.
If they do not respond back, expand the number of people to whom you are communicating. Include the city attorneys, the city council, and their mayor. Do the same at the county and state levels. Remember though, to give them as much time as possible to respond. They are busy. But you can resend the request perhaps (eventually) once per week to help them remember.
I have personally done this same type of communication with the criminal regimes where I live, for numerous Registration questions/issues. Most of them were related to something other than travel, but it is the same. I have had Nanny Big Government (NBG) employees respond back to me with answers that did not match the law but were instead just the answers that they wished/fantasized were true. That requires you to teach them the law and of course include everyone who is higher up the food chain than they are.
I have always been able to get their position/beliefs in writing. I’ve also been able to get my local criminal regimes to stop committing some of their crimes. For example, I’ve gotten them to stop forcing people to give information that was OBVIOUSLY and CLEARLY not required by law. That is, I got them to stop intentionally operating outside of the law (i.e. stop committing crimes).
I think these criminal regimes should have to deal with their Registration laws on a daily basis. It’s good to keep them working on stupid things instead of something useful. They should like it though because it gives them more excuses to keep NBG big and grow it bigger.
Lastly, don’t forget to retaliate for all the time, effort, etc. that it requires to keep the criminal regimes in line.
September 13, 2018 7:18 am
How many people have actually been detained or arrested for just being in a location beyond the limits ? Are there really authorities who are running around looking for us?
September 13, 2018 12:10 pm
….and like Janice, I would love to hear the story of anyone who has been detained, arrested or charged for a technicality while visiting, not moving, to another state. By “technicality”, I would be referring to some aspect of the law that is not readily apparent to a non-legal layperson (which is most of us). Like I stated earlier, I have looked and looked and looked on all the search engines for a such a news report, and cannot find one, and I think it is accurate to assume that the police report (if there was one) would definitely have been picked up by the press, which clearly feeds on this stuff.
Isn’t this a ground for a lawsuit?
Wow! I haven’t read through this but just skimming it it looks like the travel guide most of use have been asking for. Could you possibly sticky this PDF so that it doesn’t get lost in a couple of weeks? This is incredibly helpful for traveling.
Also, 22 states don’t remove you after that fact? And here I thought Florida and NY were the only ones like that. This will certainly restrict my traveling even more so.
I would like to do this certain type of “cannon ball run” type car rally throuout the country which goes for 14 days and makes stops at racetracks where us participants compete. We also do breakfast & places of worship for safety prayers. I guess as an RSO, I’ wouldn’t be capable of abiding by the rules of the event if I need to go to any police station to register as this is a timed event and I then wouldn’t be able to win. Could I do the prayer services or am I “not allowed”. What other obstics would I be up against?
Author stated, “As it has just been outlined, there are some real issues that surround the policies or lack thereof in regard to registrants visiting another state. With more research in this area, it can hopefully lead to a more universal resolution that is both beneficial to the states and its citizens, as well as registrants and their loved ones.” The only “universal resolution” is get rid of the registry.
Some people make it a goal to visit all 50 states. I wonder if it would be possible to be registered in all 50 states. That would be an interesting accomplishment.
Well apparently I missed it or can’t find it, but it supposedly says 22 states still keep you on the registry even after your done. So what state are they exactly. Thanks in advance.
There was a news story today about how many of the area airports in DC are rolling-out the new facial recognition technology for travelers.
As an RSO it makes you wonder, how often we will be stopped and accosted by Federal Agents while simply trying to fly-out to Florida.
Looks like they will have the compliance for the traveling RSO down to a science, and it wouldn’t be too far-reaching to transmit our whereabouts to the Local or State Registering Agency, wherever we decide to visit.
Just like Angel Watch!
“If a registrant is stopped by a law enforcement agency, that officer has full discretion to arrest the registrant regardless of whether they knew the laws or is within the allotted number of days to register in that state.”
Wait a minute, help me understand this. Let’s say I am travelling down the road, day one, in a state that requires registration after you have been there for three days. Let’s say I am pulled over for a broken tail light. So, even though I have been there for only one day, with two days to go before I am required to report, I can be arrested?? On what charge?
This is huge because that means any of us, at any time, can be arrested even if we’re in compliance, just because the cop sees on his computer that we’re an RC.
Am I reading this wrong??
“If a registrant is stopped by a law enforcement agency, that officer has full discretion to arrest the registrant regardless of whether they knew the laws or is within the allotted number of days to register in that state.”
Wait a minute. Help me understand this. Let’s say I have spent one day in a state that gives me 3 days to report. I get pulled over for a broken tail light on day 2. If I read this correctly, I could be arrested because I’m an RC even though I am in compliance? On suspicion of what? Do I read this right??
On Page 7 it says Virginia does NOT remove “visiting” RSO’s from VSP SO Registry after they return to their home state, this is 100% incorrect. Out-of-state RSO’s do NOT remain on our Registry.
If this is wrong there could be other inaccurate data so don’t consider this document to be 100% correct.
I think this is a great starting place, but be sure to double check. This is from last year and Florida changed from 5-3 this year. Hubs and I were talking last night, that for even both of us being fairly intelligent, educated people, it’s next to impossible to figure out.
Also what happens if we are in a 5 day state, on day 3 and he has a heart attack? I told him I’d drag him on a sled out of there if I had to, to avoid registering in another place!
I knew I had seen this before.
Previous post and additional discussion.
Does anyone know if there are states that scan such things as airline tickets and arrivals; hotels for check in; car rentals; etc. ? I have family in FL and have been there and not had an issue since I did not get stopped; no one came to the door where I was staying?
This traveling harassment is one of the most unacceptable things about the Registries. I truly can’t see how any decent, actual American thinks it is acceptable. I think that only bad people think it is acceptable.
The poor little, helpless, NBG-dependent people who want the Registries are pathetic. If they had simply stuck to their original lies about the Registries, they might’ve had something acceptable to Americans and possibly even somewhat useful. But no! They had to be the greedy little scumbags that they are. Creating the Registries was just the start of their lies and harassment. Look at what we have today.
The criminal regimes that have Registries should be 100% responsible for maintaining it themselves, with no requirements whatsoever for anyone to report anything to them. Then they wouldn’t have to cry and whine about how they have to depend on “$EX offenders” to give them information. Let the lazy NBG people do some actual work. They lie nonstop about how they are “monitoring” people and such. So let them actually follow some of their lies.
Believe me, at this point, I don’t care in the slightest what information NBG wants to tell their minions about me and I care even less what they think. They can all go F themselves. But stop asking me to help you scumbags or to do anything.
I don’t know about everyone else here, but every time I research FTR, it seems to always say if a person “willfully” fails to register. With the millions of different laws and regulations for each State, County, City, how can it ever be really willful? Not even the LE is probably aware of the ever-changing laws.
Here is a situation: I live less than an hour from a major commerial hub, which, is in another state. Is my shopping trips to this hub considered a visit to that state?
Nobody should take any legal advise from police if you have questions about RSO laws or about registration. Example, I reported to my “Detective, Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit” officer that I was visiting Puerto Rico for a few days and he asked for my passport information. I told him I was using my DL for the trip. He took notes and said enjoy your vacation.
It sucks that when you try to talk to somebody like police station, they ask so many questions to get your information and recommend that you to “check in” when you arrive when the current law/ few states say you dont have to. Its best that I keep mouth shut and give less information as possible.
Anyway I am not trying to break law here from my previous post. I prefer to stay registered within my state and avoid ones that does not take you off registry right away which can affect for example international traveling.
I’m someone who is lucky enough be off the list in my home state. I will still never travel anywhere that exceeds the day limit. I was wondering when I read visiting California, everywhere says within 5 days. Does that mean if one even spends one night there that they have to register? Even only staying for 4 or fewer days? Thanks
How do you find out requirements for registering when visiting Indian reservations? Do they use the same requirements of the state they are in or make their own?
I would go to the text of the law in each state, instead of calling someone in some police station for advice. Like they have told me at my sheriff’s office, they will tell you it is safer to just notify them anyway, “just in case”, like they told Will Allen. Or else you may get whatever info they can trump up on the spot. They play with you for entertainment. What could is more soul crushing than to be an employee of the registry? You can’t even honestly pretend what you are doing is in the public welfare. It’s a lie. Your job is a lie. They are not required to tell you the law but the lie.
I will try to obey the law, not the lie, but I will not volunteer anything or ask questions of them anymore. They (law enforcement) look at you when you ask any questions as if you are trying to get information to somehow skirt the lie.
To them it is necessary we remain the “criminal”. Even if the reason for travel is business or just to enjoy a trip with the love of your life, you’re somehow doing it for criminal purpose. That is necessary to support the lie and justify the job. Life itself for us is criminalized. They don’t all see us that way, but it is hit or miss knowing who to trust. It’s a culture. More and more they all sound the same, reading from the same script. Not worth it.
“There was a guy on this site that was arrested in Las Vegas. During his trail he discovered that TSA notified the LV local police department that he was on his way there.”
Does this mean TSA is now notifying state authorities at our destination? How does that work? Shall we expect to be questioned at our departing airport, and what if you plan to move around from place to place while in the destination state during your alloted time? Will they call us when our time is up, and you better be gone?
I have a client that wants to me to visit several of their plants in several states. I will have to drive it, but I will also have to go through around 6 or 7 states. These spreadsheets are good for general guidelines, but once you dig in to the individual state statutes, they start throwing around definitions like “sexually violent predator”, “violent offender”, “sexual predator”, etc. No lay person can read these statutes and possibly understand what category you are in because there are dates, exceptions, exceptions to the dates, exceptions to the exceptions, there are paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, references to other laws that impact the requirements that need to be researched, it’s endless. I cannot afford to pay an attorney to pour through all of this. And that doesnt even include any counties or cities that might have their own laws. I will be driving through many, many dozens of those along the way. I cannot say no. This is my living, and it is how I support my family. Telling my boss no would be grounds for dismissal.
This is total insanity. How can we possibly be expected to know? You truly need to be an attorney to sort it out. Would a judge really look at someone with a straight face and sentence somone for violating some technicality that no lay person could readily interpret? “You should have known this particular law”. REALLY??
First day in prison.
CELLMATE: “Watcha in for?”
ME: “Oh, I was on a business trip, and found out that because I crossed the corner of a particular state, and then travelled through it again on the way home, I found out that parts of a day counted towards consecutive days, even though the reporting office was closed on Saturday and I wouldn’t be there Monday when it re-opened, and the statute was unclear whether weekends counted because it couldn’t determine if I was an “offender” or a “predator” because the law had been changed in 2011, and I couldn’t tell if it was retroactive or not because of a recent court ruling I read somewhere that called it into question.”
Has anyone ever been involved in a situation in which they were questioned by LE or arrested, on a trip out of state, because of a legal technicality that they SHOULD have totally understood?
I ask this, because usually when a RC is arrested, it makes news. I have looked and looked and looked, and I don’t see anything on Google in which a RC was arrested because of a technicality in the law, that anyone could have been confused about, that they should have understood. The only news reports I see revolve around flagrant violations, ie, failing to give notice when you move, working at a school, staying somewhere for a considerable time without notification, stuff like that. Those are obvious and we all understand those. But what this tells me is that there are many of us going about our lives and simply not worrying about it because we have families to feed, parents to care for, etc.
Maybe I’m just ignorant about all of this, but even if I researched this crap all day long I STILL would not feel confident that I had crossed all of my i’s and dotted my t’s. So, other than stuff that we all know is obvious, why bother?? We probably won’t be right because most of us are not attorneys, and cannot afford this kind of assistance.
All you can do, it seems to me, is print out the spreadsheets that this organization and others have been generous enough to provide for us, take it with us so at least we can show someone we TRIED, and then pray.
This is no way to live.
I wonder what is the difference with this and probation or parole?
I like the note that was added to the beginning of this article/post (i.e. “Note: before you travel …”).
But, I would do more (and I do) than just read the laws where I intended to visit. I would contact them in writing and ask them what their laws are. Tell them what you think the laws are and ask them to confirm it in writing. If they are confused about your situation, send them court documents that document what you were convicted of, when, etc. Send them case law from their own jurisdictions. Personally, I’ve always gotten a response back.
If they do not respond back, expand the number of people to whom you are communicating. Include the city attorneys, the city council, and their mayor. Do the same at the county and state levels. Remember though, to give them as much time as possible to respond. They are busy. But you can resend the request perhaps (eventually) once per week to help them remember.
I have personally done this same type of communication with the criminal regimes where I live, for numerous Registration questions/issues. Most of them were related to something other than travel, but it is the same. I have had Nanny Big Government (NBG) employees respond back to me with answers that did not match the law but were instead just the answers that they wished/fantasized were true. That requires you to teach them the law and of course include everyone who is higher up the food chain than they are.
I have always been able to get their position/beliefs in writing. I’ve also been able to get my local criminal regimes to stop committing some of their crimes. For example, I’ve gotten them to stop forcing people to give information that was OBVIOUSLY and CLEARLY not required by law. That is, I got them to stop intentionally operating outside of the law (i.e. stop committing crimes).
I think these criminal regimes should have to deal with their Registration laws on a daily basis. It’s good to keep them working on stupid things instead of something useful. They should like it though because it gives them more excuses to keep NBG big and grow it bigger.
Lastly, don’t forget to retaliate for all the time, effort, etc. that it requires to keep the criminal regimes in line.
How many people have actually been detained or arrested for just being in a location beyond the limits ? Are there really authorities who are running around looking for us?
….and like Janice, I would love to hear the story of anyone who has been detained, arrested or charged for a technicality while visiting, not moving, to another state. By “technicality”, I would be referring to some aspect of the law that is not readily apparent to a non-legal layperson (which is most of us). Like I stated earlier, I have looked and looked and looked on all the search engines for a such a news report, and cannot find one, and I think it is accurate to assume that the police report (if there was one) would definitely have been picked up by the press, which clearly feeds on this stuff.