CA: Sex offender task force raids valley homes, checks felon compliance

With Halloween Wednesday, children across the valley will take to the streets for a night of trick or treating. How do you know whose doors they’re knocking on…and if your kids are safe?

Police gave News Channel 3’s Jake Ingrassia an exclusive look at their secret operation working behind the scenes to keep tabs on the valley’s registered sex offenders. Full Article / Video

Also see

Halloween is a no-go for sex offenders on probation in Los Angeles County

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Years off parole and I still think about those years of being herded into the parole office with a hundred others on Halloween just to make sure we weren’t doing anything we wouldn’t have been doing anyway. We were homeless, so it’s not like any kids would be trick or treating anywhere near us. It was and absolutely always will be a ridiculous waste of time and taxpayer money.

Didn’t watch the video, and don’t care to. Betting it was just a more polite form of harassment than last year owing to the cameras.

DA Hestrin comes off as a pandering idiot. Think the reporter should have asked how many SOs have occurred on Halloween.

One take-away from the article about LA County probationers is that the surprise visit to one registrant’s home was triggered by his failure to “respond to a recent letter reminding him of the Probation’s Department’s regulations for Halloween, which prohibit him from handing out candy or decorating his house for the occasion.” In the long run, life is usually easier when we comply not only with conditions, but also with whatever additional (and lawful) requests that probation officers and parole agents make.

I hope those RC not on paper have ACSOL business card hand and ready to say “bye bye”

Isn’t this the equivalent of a prison shakedown?!

What good is freedom if you have ZERO privacy, security or sense of safety??

Today in San Diego three children were killed crossing the street to get to their school bus. The bus had it’s stop sigh out and flashing lights engaged, but the driver tried to pass illegally. Too bad some of those police weren’t out patrolling the streets, maybe they could have saved three precious lives (probably five since the parents will never recover).

I’m the one who brought this to Janice’s attention. You see I was at work when my neighbor called me and told me a grip of cops, with a helicopter, were at my house looking for me and passing my picture around. I’m off parole, they need to leave me alone. They know where I live because I register once a year. I’m mad 😡. Are the cops trying to get me killed? I am so stressed right now! If my neighbors didn’t know before they know now and there are a ton of gangbangers where I live that would live to get their hands on an r.c. I wish there was something I could do. If something happens to me or my pregnant girlfriend… There is lots wrong with this and nothing right. The DA knows darn good and well that we know they don’t forget about us. It’s inciting is what he’s doing. He’s really confused and I will push back as far as I can, to and including getting an attorney if I have to.

I’m the one who brought this to Janice’s attention. You see I was at work when my neighbor called me and told me a grip of cops, with a helicopter, were at my house looking for me and passing my picture around. I’m off parole, they need to leave me alone. They know where I live because I register once a year. I’m mad 😡. Are the cops trying to get me killed? I am so stressed right now! If my neighbors didn’t know before they know now and there are a ton of gangbangers where I live that would live to get their hands on an r.c. I wish there was something I could do. If something happens to me or my pregnant girlfriend… There is lots wrong with this and nothing right. The DA knows darn good and well that we know they don’t forget about us. It’s inciting is what he’s doing. He’s really confused and I will push back as far as I can, to and including getting an attorney if I have to. Maybe ya’ll know of someone who can represent me

Just got back taking my youngest kids trick or treating. My older kids stayed home to pass out candy. Honestly, it was so dark outside, why would ANY parent allow a small child to walk the streets in the first place? Would they allow them to walk around on any other night? As far as I can tell, all small kids had responsible parents chaperoning them on their quest for candy to include myself. That was nothing more than a waste of taxpayers money in order to win the next election and I’m glad I dont live in that horrible backward state……

Yet another solution looking for a problem. Political pandering and, now that it’s officially November, television ratings sweeps. Makes me sick!!!

So what’s the news about cities age restricting trick or treaters? My nephew lives in VA and was given a warning. He’s 14, sisters 18 and 10, so now their restricting teenagers?

It’s an election year and the dimwit lazy politicians that are looking for the easy votes and use children for their own cause.

AJ, do you think we are going to be better off without Scalia and Kennedy in the picture? It sure seems like Gorsuch and even Kavanaugh are at least sane as compared… At least that is my take. Scalia seems to have been really reluctant to even recognize substantive due process from my readings so far.

I cross posted this on another thread. Just should give the real “Danger” another look. Police should be setting up DUI Checkpoints and using our taxpayer $ for that on Halloween instead. But, that doesn’t create “irrational Fear” now does it. This story brought to you by The Patch. Same folks doing the “beware of these xxyy Registrants maps we are trying to fight against in all states. I am attaching an additional link to my local Fox News affiliate story about Meth-laced candy that got the Parents sick when they ate it. Just a small look at the real dangers (copy and paste link into browser).

I believe it is time for SOR registrants to post signs pointing out Rapists cops. California can use the serial killer cop who just got busted. It’s time to give the police unions some of their own medicine.

Very funny. I live near Los (they are fighting the sanctuary city laws)! Let’s get tough on crime and etc etc. Yet, we have 2 we’ll know massage parlors (trust me) that are within 2-3 miles of city hall? In addition, the City of Cypress has also been a city that is tough on crime! Yet, they have at least 6 Massage Parlors that offer Full Sex/nude massages, handjobs, oral sex and one is located very close to a church and pre school? Yet, how do these tough cities allow these whore houses to remain open year after year?

From the article:
“The team is a special task force is called SAFE, or Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement, conducting compliance checks to ensure sex offenders are living at the address they’re registered at, and that they are following the terms of their parole. ”

So compliance check is done to registrants on PAROLE. What is the difference with a compliance check with a registrant NO LONGER UNDER CUSTODY? There is no difference between being under custody and not under custody. Thus, the registry as it is IS punishment.

Does this website post any positive information it’s always like the worst information like a registered killed or new law or just something to make you even more paranoid and depressed I wish this website would post more about the positive things of the new tier law thats coming in effect in 2021 and what they think the changes going to be in ways people need to saddle up and be ready not just the worst of the worst every time we’re all living this nightmare so we know what’s going on out there to those who don’t you must be rich