AUDIO UPLOADED – Please join Janice Bellucci and ACSOL President Chance Oberstein, a criminal defense attorney, for our next phone meeting.
The conference call will be on Saturday, November 17 at 10 am Pacific Time (1:00 Eastern) and will last from 2 to 3 hours.
Topics of conversation will include information about the domestic and overseas travel, the Tiered Registry, residency restrictions and other current topics as well as pending legal action throughout the nation.
Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!
Dial-in number: 1-712-770-8055
Conference Code: 983459
To ask a question, press 5*
You can let the moderator know that you wish to ask a question by pressing 5* on your phone (i.e., the “5”, then the “*”). The conference call system should tell you that your virtual “hand” is raised, and will note this on the moderator’s switchboard.
If you press 5* a second time, your hand will be lowered, and the moderator will no longer see that you wish to ask a question. Pressing 5* a third time will raise your hand again, and so on.
Unfortunately, the switchboard does not indicate the order in which callers press 5*, so please be patient while waiting to ask a question.
This will be recorded and IS NOW AVAILABLE on our website CONFERENCE CALL page.
So far I don’t see anyone talking about what the current laws are doing to families in this country. Because of the Adam Walsh Act of 2006 it is nearly impossible for anyone on the SOR to have their adult spouses from another country remain here in the US. My wife was here for 23 months, we were married here and lived a good and happy life until the USCIS forced her to return to here own country. We have been fighting the AWA for six years now, and even though I was able to travel to her country once a year for last four years with no problem the International Megan’s Law Act of 2016 has stopped me from being able to be with my wife at all. My wife and I have no children, we never have, and we never will. I am in my sixties, and my wife in her fifties. I have been off probation and had completed a very real treatment program over tens years ago with NO further run-ins with the law of any kind. I can marry any American woman anytime and I will never be considered a “risk” to her, but because my wife is from another country all of a sudden I am a risk…….how is this constitutional in any way? If that is not enough, now the IML is forcing many registrants to give up their passports so they can be “marked” with a visible written statement inside the back cover for all to see, and because of SORNA no one on the SOR can travel outside the US in order to prevent “child sex trafficking”…..nonsence! The only people the IML actually affects are the ones who are obeying the law. Anyone who has EVER been charged with a sex crime overseas is unable to have a passport….PERIOD, and there is NO evidence of any kind to show that sex offenders who have never done so, ever will. These laws are not just draconian, they are against everything our system of law in this country is supposed to be about. So far I have written to my Congresswoman, my female Senator and the ACLU, all to no avail. One person is not enough to call for change. We have to band together and act as one voice to change a system of laws and treatment that should have ended with the nazi regime.