AL: District Court Determines Alabama Laws to be Punishment

Doe v. Marshall – decided February 11, 2019 Conclusion: Alabama can prosecute sex offenses to the full extent of the law. It can also act to protect its citizens from recidivist sex offenders. But the State denies that ASORCNA is designed to “punish” offenders. And once a person serves his full sentence, he enjoys the full protection of the Constitution. Harris, 772 F.3d at 572; accord Packingham, 137 S. Ct. at 1737. Sex offenders are not second-class citizens, and anyone who thinks otherwise would do well to remember Thomas Paine’s wisdom: “He that would make his own…

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Philippines: US gives BI pat on the back for blocking 200 American sex offenders

The United States government has commended the Bureau of Immigration (BI) for preventing 200 American registered sex offenders (RSOs) from entering the Philippines in 2018. Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said Friday the bureau was recently awarded a certificate of commendation by the US Embassy in Manila after registering the second highest number of excluded American RSOs throughout the world last year. Mexico, which shares a land border with the US in the southwest, recorded the highest number of intercepted RSOs. Full Article

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Conference Call re. Michigan AG Dana Nessel Amicus Briefs (2/13)

Women Against Registry – Have Questions? We have received many questions since notifying our members of the amicus briefs filed in the Michigan Supreme Court by new Attorney General Dana Nessel in Michigan v Snyder (Case number 153696) and People v Betts (Case number 148981), arguing that Michigan’s sex offender registration and notification requirements are punishment because they are so burdensome and fail to distinguish between dangerous offenders and those who are not a threat to the community. In response to the appeals for answers we have invited Guy Hamilton-Smith…

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CNMI: Sex registry’s constitutionality questioned

Northern Mariana Islands – A registered sex offender, whose adult girlfriend is currently pregnant, is questioning the constitutionality of the law that created the CNMI Sex Offender Registry, as this prevents him from being around minors, including his own children. … Banes said, the statute is unconstitutional, under both the CNMI and the U.S. Constitutions as applicable in the CNMI under the Covenant. Full Article

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UK: University launches scheme to rehabilitate sex offenders

Sex offenders will be given support to help find a job and make new friends under a pioneering scheme run by a university and backed by police. The initiative aims to integrate people back into society to prevent them committing further crimes. Offenders will visit a centre, the first of its kind in the UK, where they will receive employment training – from management skills to writing CVs – as well as help with building a supportive social circle, finding new hobbies or learning basic skills such as cooking. The…

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MI: AG Dana Nessel Does The Unthinkable – Argues The Truth About SORA (Commentary)

Michigan’s Attorney General has entered the cultural and legal conflagration of how we reckon with sexual violence in our society with a remarkable (and compelling) argument: Michigan’s sex offender registries are not effective at stopping sexual violence. It’s a remarkable argument. Safety and accountability have been the ostensible watchwords in our ongoing collective discussion of sexual violence, but strong (and understandable) emotion has tended to override those concerns and diverted discourse into negative-feedback loops of ever more brutal consequences for anyone who would even be perceived to stand in the way of…

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Kat’s Blog: To Compete In Today’s World, Registrants Need Computer Access

Making it out of prison alive is a success in itself. Making a success of your life once you are out of prison is often a whole different story. Registrants who are prohibited from using smartphones and computers, often those on probation, may find it a struggle trying to reintegrate into today’s fast paced techno- world without the proper tools. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to succeed in society without having access to computer technology that’s the norm for most men, women and children. For registrants, every day there’s some new…

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MI: Attorney General Nessel Weighs in On Sex Offender Registration Cases Before MI Supreme Court

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed amicus briefs in the Michigan Supreme Court today in Michigan v Snyder (Case number 153696) and People v Betts (Case number 148981), arguing that Michigan’s sex offender registration and notification requirements are punishment because they are so burdensome and fail to distinguish between dangerous offenders and those who are not a threat to the community. Full Announcement BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE – Betts BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE – Snyder Related Attorney General: Michigan Sex Offender Registry too broad, lost effectiveness

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CA: Sex Offender Seeks Access to Son’s School to Enhance His Learning

An admitted registered sex offender is suing the Lancaster School District, alleging he is being wrongfully denied access to his child’s school and to be involved in his son’s education in defiance of the law. The man, identified only as John Doe in the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit filed Monday, is asking a judge to declare that the state Penal Code does not deny the plaintiff and other registrants access to school grounds for “lawful business.” Full Article

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TN: Charges dropped against youth football coach who was accused of violating Sex Offender Registry Act

[ – 2/8/19] Charges were dismissed against a Memphis Youth football coach. He was wrongfully accused of violating the state’s sexual offender registration laws. Police had arrested and charged Mykal Madision with Sexual Offender Registration and tracking on Wednesday. It happened after a parent of one of Madison’s players said he was a registered sex offender. Madison is currently listed on the Texas sex offender registry Read more  

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The Number of Men in Federal Prison for Viewing or Sharing Child Pornography Has Nearly Septupled Since 2004

The number of child pornography offenders in federal prison has nearly septupled since 2004, and most are serving mandatory sentences of five years or more, generally for crimes that did not involve assault or sexual abuse. In fiscal year 2016, for example, 1,565 people were sentenced for possessing, receiving, or distributing child pornography, but only 80 (5 percent) were also convicted of production or another form of sexual abuse. The average sentence was more than eight years. Download the report: JacobSullum_Number-imprisoned-septupled  

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PA: Reaching back in time to charge adults for youth offenses

James is a registered sex offender. He was convicted in 2016 of felony statutory sexual assault when he was 23 years old for sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl, according to court records. His name will appear on the Pennsylvania sex offender registry for nearly another decade and he will carry a felony conviction for the rest of his life. Anytime James applies for a job, housing or school that requires a background check, his potential employer, landlord or college will know that he carries a child sexual assault conviction. If…

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WA: Sheriff’s Seeking Input on Proposed Domestic Offender Registry [House Bill 1080 and Senate Bill 5244]

[ Washington State] The Franklin County Sheriff’s office posted some comments on their Facebook page, seeking public input on two companion bills (one in House, one in Senate) being debated in Olympia. :House Bill 1080 and Senate Bill 5244 would create a database for domestic violence offenders, similar to that which has been out for years for sex offenders. The Sheriff’s Department clarifies what the bills would do. Here’s part of that commentary: “House Bill 1080 and companion Bill SB 5244 would mandate the registry of persons convicted of a…

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England: Headteacher banned after ‘she didn’t disclose relationship with sex offender’

[ – 2/6/19] A headteacher has been banned from the country’s classrooms after she failed to disclose her relationship with a sex offender. Caroline Riley, 54, dishonestly failed to reveal the courtship while she was head teacher at George Betts Primary School in Smethwick. She took over as head in 2009 and a Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) disciplinary panel found that the following year, despite advice to the contrary, she failed to disclose the relationship. The disciplinary panel also heard she misled an investigation into the situation by saying she…

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Trinidad AG: Child sex offenders will have passports marked

[ – 2/6/19] The marking of convicted child sex offenders’ passports is one of the amendments in new sexual offences legislation, reported Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi. He was piloting the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill in the Senate today. He said borrowing from the Australian and US laws, the passports will say “child sex offender.” He added the individual will have the ability to possibly have the record expunged. Al-Rawi explained with the Sexual Offenders Registry, there will be a public database with limited information such as photo, name and address,…

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Trinidad and Tobago: Senator objects to public naming of sex convicts

[ – 2/5/19] At least one In­de­pen­dent Sen­a­tor is not in sup­port of the names of sex­u­al of­fend­ers go­ing pub­lic. Sophia Chote, SC, said that this has the po­ten­tial of open­ing the flood­gates for vig­i­lante jus­tice in T&T. Chote made the com­ment in the Sen­ate on Tues­day dur­ing her con­tri­bu­tion on the Sex­u­al Of­fences (Amend­ment) Bill to cre­ate a sex­u­al of­fend­ers reg­istry. She said mak­ing the names of sex­u­al of­fend­ers pub­lic will al­so stig­ma­tise the name of the con­vict­ed per­son. “So if the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice has a list of…

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ACSOL Leads Lobby Day 2019 in State Capitol

ACSOL led about 40 registrants, family members and supporters in Lobby Day 2019 in the CA State Capitol.  The participants were organized into 6 teams led by Team Leaders experienced in lobbying the state legislature.  Lobby Day 2019 included twenty-eight scheduled meetings in the offices of newly elected and Public Safety Committee members in both the Assembly and the Senate as well as at least a dozen unscheduled meetings in the offices of elected officials who represent districts in which the participants reside. “The two primary purposes of Lobby Day 2019…

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