Philippines: US gives BI pat on the back for blocking 200 American sex offenders

The United States government has commended the Bureau of Immigration (BI) for preventing 200 American registered sex offenders (RSOs) from entering the Philippines in 2018.

Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said Friday the bureau was recently awarded a certificate of commendation by the US Embassy in Manila after registering the second highest number of excluded American RSOs throughout the world last year.

Mexico, which shares a land border with the US in the southwest, recorded the highest number of intercepted RSOs. Full Article

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Isn’t this completely contradicting the whole “we are not restricting travel” thing? Which would make Angel watch unconstitutional at the very least.

“Department of Homeland Security, Operation Angel Watch targets RSOs traveling abroad who are likely to engage in child sex tourism” What happened to due process? Who decided who is likely to engage in child sex tourism? The cops who are there to enforce the law? The politicians who passed the law? Or someone who may actually be competent and qualified such as a psychiatrist?

“A global initiative of the Department of Homeland Security, Operation Angel Watch targets RSOs traveling abroad who are likely to engage in child sex tourism.”

How many of the 900K+ registered have been convicted of sex tourism?

Obviously, our criminal governments are full of liars. Anyone doubt that? Make them pay. Bottom line. They don’t deserve to be in my country.

you have to look at some of these nation s who are DEPENDANT OF US FUNDS,surely they will go what the us government says ie US VIRGIN ISLANDS

I still do not understand why the IML law suit did not go anywhere?

“Sex offenders, or those who have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, are excludable under the Philippine Immigration Act.”

Funny how they only concern themselves with a couple of hundred (visiting) sex offenders and apparently allow thousands of people convicted of moral turpitude to pass freely through their gates.

(IMO) This is not an immigration issue. It is only a visitation and should be addressed by a visa request so that EVERYONE can be scrutinized before entry.

Would US passing out awards for this hurt their cause of “we’re not restricting travel” if sued? How do the two things reconcile themselves since the US obviously wants all RSO to be blocked from traveling abroad?

The Philippine government receives $1.4 million in funding annunally from the State Dept’s anti-trafficking program. The only way to receive this funding is to main a Tier 1 status, our gov’t travels to the Philippines to give training three times a year, they discuss Angel Watch program in all these meetings, the recommendations to maintain Tier 1 status is to follow through on their recommendations one being refusing entry of RSOs. I have family that works in the immigration dept in this country and I hear all the currupt stories. Their own President has openly admitted to sexually assualting an underaged maid. SMH!

I’d be interested to see what the Philippines sex crime rates (both domestic and international) were before and after Angel Watch was implemented.

Do they want a star on their forehead as well?

It’s crap like this that has prevented me from going back there to visit family. I’m sick of this and praying hard for my COR to be granted later this year so I can at least travel in this country without having to constantly worry about local requirements anywhere I go.

I’ve visited PI twice. It’s a very corrupt country. You can pay off police officers and politicians! You could probably bribe customs! FYI: I already have. Prostitution is rampant! School girls commonly go to bars at night to assist with school. It’s nuts. The real deal is this. Who should anyone (ie: myself) be banned from traveling anywhere after paying my debt to society and all of my charges have been dismissed?

See here we go again with something that “MIGHT HAPPEN” its the same as the I MIGHT ROB A BANK… you cant arrest someone for the I MIGHT…

“I commend our officers deployed at our ports of entry for a job well done. Because of your vigilance and alertness, you were able to turn away these sex offenders to protect fellow Filipinos from possible exploitation,” Morente said in a statement.

Same with the LOSER Parole agent I had here in San Diego … ohh you cant do that as something “MIGHT HAPPEN !”

well I guess who really cares to goto a third world country…. (Mexico and Philippines) Good for them at least they wont be getting the american dollar !

Nothing of what countries like the Philippines have done is an accomplishment. The US is using the child sex trafficking and tourism phenomenon as a make believe fear factor to manipulate other countries to do whatever US wants. One day this is all going to change.

While they rejoice for their achievement, people are sentenced and punished for committing no crime. American citizens are discriminated, embarrassed and humiliated, just for mistakes they made and paid their debt to society, not for facts that demonstrate they are going to commit any crime. If there are RSOs traveling abroad to commit sex tourism crimes, they, not all RSOs must be punished for those crimes. Why make everybody pay? The law doesn’t make any child safer if the RSO has turned his life around and is living a healthy and good life. And I can tell there are many, the majority of us who are living not in line with a mistake we have made and regret. The Majority of RSOs are no danger to any minor, despise our mistakes. This law punishes people who are playing by the rules. It is destroying families. There are close to a million of us who are forced to register, and hundred of thousands who were in the registry. Most of us can vote. Besides, we have family and friends, who in most cases support us and see this perpetual punishment as unjust. It is time for us to organize and send a message to politicians who constantly punish those who are doing well. We need to organize and make our voices and votes to be heard.

Oh hey look at the super caring president who loves women at a equality rally calling them bitches. 😂 funny that we can’t get into a country where the president has said that since he was mayor he should have been able to rape the pretty women first.