IN: Jackson County to begin charging sex offenders for registry

[ – 4/22/19]

For years, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office has been behind the times when it comes to its sex offender registry.

But it will now move ahead and collect some extra money in the process.

Indiana law allows for sheriff’s offices to collect a fee from convicted sex offenders in order to maintain the sex offender registry. But, for years, Jackson County did collect any fee.

Beginning in June, the JCSO will begin collecting $50 a year from sex offenders for the registry and $5 every time an offender changes an address.

“Right now, we have 75 active sex offenders in Jackson County,” Lt. Adam Nicholson said. “About 75-80 percent where we would consider them sexually violent predators.”

Nicholson said he didn’t realize it was even a possibility until he began reviewing Indiana law regarding sex offender registries and called surrounding counties about implementing a fee.

“Most of our surrounding counties are charging the maximum $50,” he said. “There’s a lot of upkeep that goes into making sure we’re aware of what these guys are up to, where they’re living.”

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“Right now, we have 75 active sex offenders in Jackson County,” Lt. Adam Nicholson said. “About 75-80 percent where we would consider them sexually violent predators.”

So 75 to 80% of his registrants are SVPs? Wow. That sort of flys in the face of all known legitimate statistics. Looks like a money grab to me. Newspapers shouldn’t print this sort of quote without mentioning the facts, or at the least that it is his opinion.

Just one more road block to being able to successfully integrate. It is so difficult to get back on your feet financially after incarceration, so this is one way to be sure it is a little more difficult. After I got out after 5 years for a non-contact offense which I lost my job, my vehicle, most all my possessions, my career, and an attorney took most of my savings, I was slapped with a $5,000 fine on top of my incarceration. Had I not had family to help me I would certainly be on the streets or probably back incarcerated for some petty technical violation like sleeping under an bridge too close to a daycare. If I had had an additional fee like this I think I would have given up. Maybe that is the idea!

“behind the times.” LMAO.. News flash: Megan’s Law IS behind the times! It’s a product of ’90s hysteria and fear mongering. We’re still scapegoated 25 years later.

Just give me one of those indigent forms to fill out, Mr. Pig.

This county uses for its public registry, and I’m certain that there are more than sufficient federal and state grants given to the SD to cover those costs. Probably more than plenty left over to cover the 20 hours per week of this clown’s precious time, as though he wouldn’t get paid otherwise.

It’s a shakedown. Period.

“BROWNSTOWN, Ind. (WDRB) — For years, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office has been behind the times when it comes to its sex offender registry.
But it will now move ahead and collect some extra money in the process.”

Forgive me if I am wrong but to me this seems to be a form of a fine. A fine is punishment, it would seem that now the states that charge for registration are adding more punishment to the crime. The government claims that the registry is not punishment but it is civil.


fine noun (1)
a : a sum imposed as punishment for an offense
b : a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party in a civil action


The Law Dictionary
Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.
v. To impose a pecuniary punishment or mulct. To sentence a person convictedof an offense to pay a penalty in money. Goodman v. Durant B. & L. Ass’n, 71Miss. 310. 14 South. 146; State v. Belle, 92 Iowa, 258, 00 N. W. 525.

First, 75 “active” sex offenders. Really. Talk about spin. Active as in these guys are roaming your neighborhood right now looking for children.

Second, 75 x $50 is $3750. Really. Less than $4000 is going to make or break your department. This is nothing more than punishment and shaming. I truly feel sorry for any registrant who has to live in that community

I would NOT pay. I guess I would be arrested. They would try to ruin my credit? LOL hahaha

“Right now, we have 75 active sex offenders in Jackson County,” Lt. Adam Nicholson said. “About 75-80 percent where we would consider them sexually violent predators.”
“There’s a lot of upkeep that goes into making sure we’re aware of what these guys are up to, where they’re living.”
Pure B#llsh#t!
#1: If LEOs know of 75 existing, ongoing sex offenses (after all, wouldn’t “active sex offenders” be “actively” committing sex offenses), shouldn’t the LEOs do something about it??
#2: 80% of the 75 people on the Podunk County registry (i.e., 60 registrants) are “sexually violent predators”?? Wow, way to justify you job, Bozo! Seriously, only 15 Registrants in County Podunk are NOT “sexually violent predators” – all the others are extremely high risk??
(I guess they entirely fail to teach critical thinking in Indiana so lawmakers just accept whatever a guy in uniform serves up to them! Sad.)