CA: ______ Isn’t A Sex Offender. But He’s Still on the Registry For Life

[ – 5/13/19]

California’s expansive registry law forces people to pay for crimes they didn’t personally commit.

Search for _____ California’s online database of registered sex offenders and you’ll see a snapshot of his offenses. You’ll learn that he was convicted of “rape in concert with force or violence” and “assault with intent to commit a specified sex offense.” You’ll also see his photo, his home address, and his birthdate, showing that he’s now 38.

But you won’t learn that ___was labeled a sex offender for an assault that someone else committed. Or that ___was 16 at the time, a recent Chinese immigrant who spoke little English. And there’s no mention of the good that he has done for his community since his release on parole in 2017. To the California Department of Justice, which publishes the database, Liu is just another one of the state’s 106,000 registered sex offenders, someone the public should fear and be warned of.

The restrictions and stigma of the sex offender label are “suffocating,” ___ told The Appeal. “People just assume I’m a monster.” On some days, he said, “I wake up in the morning and I look at this [GPS monitor] on my ankle, and it just sends a chill through my body that the system is doing this to me.”

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Mr. anonymous is not alone as we all know DNA exoneration cases are occurring at an increasing rate. A fair trial can be hard to get because we’ve elected too many former prosecutors, who’ve in turn altered the bar to conviction to the point where actual evidence is not needed.

“I think it is unfair, I think it is wrong”. Judge LaDoris Cordell, Superior Court of California. (retired)

Critics of California’s sex offender registry include the Superior Court judge who imposed Liu’s prison sentence in 1999. Now retired, Judge LaDoris Cordell recently told The Appeal that she was powerless to avoid the registration requirement for Liu but thinks it’s inappropriate in his case. “I have very strong feelings about this lifetime registration as a sex offender,” she said. “I think it violates the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. I think it’s cruel and unusual punishment as it applies to juveniles. If you label a juvenile with lifetime registration, I think it is unfair, I think it is wrong. I think that the law should be changed.”

I knew Judge Cordell when she was an active judge. She was a very smart and fair judge that was respected by all. She is well known and would make a great ally for our constitutional rights. We could really use her as a CA state legislator.

Wow, I think he got off lucky? He kept giving excuses for breaking into a home with a pregnant woman who was assaulted? If I where the husband, I would want to kill these guys. Let’s see, the break into a home, point a gun at women, force a pregnant woman to perform sexual acts on them and then rob them? I don’t think that’s fair. I also don’t think registering for an expunged misdemeanor battery with summary probation is fair as well. This guy had the opportunity to come to this country and live a better life. Why wasn’t he deported?

The 1st question I have is, how do you know the guy is innocent? 2. Will Allen: your comment regarding sex is disturbing. This clearly conveys how negligent you are when it comes to this topic (sex trafficking/slavery/minors/drug addiction). You don’t want the government to participate, but this would clearly be mandated! Disturbing!
3. Joe, are you on here for stalking? It’s pretty sad that people aren’t allowed to give opinions! Wow

I’m entitled to express my views and feelings! It’s intriguing to see how everyone on this site likes to portray themselves as victims, to avoid taking accountability for their actions. It’s the blame game. Poor me! He must be innocent. This guy did some serious time? Is that my fault? We have people on the registry who didn’t do a day in jail? We also have people who believe sexual slavery should exist (legalize prostitution) and we should legalize all drugs? Boy oh boy. I guess giving your opinion (aren’t you the hypocrites rooting for a lawless USA) makes people harassers? You guys couldn’t argue anything! Best of luck and get a life!