ND: Jamestown attracts disproportionate number of sex offenders

A disproportionate number of registered sex offenders live in Jamestown compared to other cities in the state, according to Scott Edinger, Jamestown chief of police. Full Article

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So damn what…they can live where they want !!
If it is, what real proof they are a danger or problem !
What difference does it make compared to the price of tea in China !!
If someone is bullied into a corner, don’t be surprised if crazy, or bad things happen !!

Wow. Super-stringent supervision, even for those off paper, and yet all they ever get are stupid status offenses if anything. A bigger question is, why the monthly visits to those not on parole or probation?

Thinking the reporter started out wanting to write that Jamestown was the most dangerous place on earth but had a hard time finding facts to support it.

“The Jamestown Police Department has a more strenuous protocol for tracking registered sex offenders than required under state law, according to Lt. John Gletne”

Sounds like someone needs to file a suit against them. Sounds like registrants living there are still in custody, rather than free citizens. Unless the reporter didn’t get it right, being off paper in Jamestown doesn’t seem much different than being on parole or probation.

“Very few revocations are sex related,” he said, referring to the number of sex offenders who have had their probation revoked. “It is not uncommon to see revocations on other issues.”

Very few? I wonder if that number is zero???

Sounds like a certain LEO needs to find a less strenuous career.

Preferably one that doesn’t rely on outdated and dangerous assumptions..

Imagine a “team” of about 1-5,000 RCs with little to lose – move to Jamestown, update email addresses on a weekly basis, change phone numbers, “hire” each other so update employment on a constant basis.

“ ‘You could see more (registered sex offenders) in Jamestown because more landlords are willing to rent to registered offenders,’ said Eric Hassebrock, sex offender specialist and probation officer for the North Dakota Department of Corrections of Rehabilitation in Jamestown.”

So, what exactly is the issue?

Slow down Chief, 86 out of a city of 15,000+ people. That’s a lot of work (which for you math people on this forum, the article number is wrong. It is 0.0056 or 0.56% using the data shown and 2017 pop data, not 5.7%. Yes, just a tick over 1/2 of 1%. Its a factor of ten off, but hey, never said journalists were math majors or confirming source data.).

On avg, three contacts per day over one (1) 30 day month. How do you manage between that, donuts, and makings sure folks from I-94 are not doing anything wrong? With 29 officers of which we know you have the Lt being dedicated to it and probably dole our the daily assignments among your staff, I can imagine you are highly stressed with bison roaming around, cattle crossing the streets, and tumbleweeds blowing through town.

Suck it buttercup, you are paid with taxpayer money to do this. Of course, if this is too much, you can do the bicycle license work I see on your website.

The 5.6% is a ratio of Jamestown to rest of state.
The Journalist is using city-data.com and extrapolating this very important info.
I agree with Dustin that reporter started with the theory that increasing sex offenders cause increasing crime.
It does appear that all crime is rising in this little town. Guess there was no tie to people on the registry.
This article is the result. I think the important info is that landlords are willing to rent to registered offenders.
Thank god sex sells or this would have been a waste of the 3 hours of time spent on the article.

It’s those web sites like that makes our existence trying. Homefacts, citydata, Patch etc. Would make a great class action.
of the 1,000,000 registrants, think of our damages. The real estate angle is very interesting. We can really de-value a neighborhood. I wonder if anyone bought a de-valued area and than pushed through legislation for proximity restrictions, than made a killing on re-sale. … (a challenge to Will Allen to make some $ off this).