CA: Police: Men Mistook Homeless Man for Sex Offender, Beat Him to Death

[ – 9/2/19]

MODESTO — Police in Modesto say two men beat a homeless man to death with their bare hands after mistaking him for a sex offender.

Those who knew him say 63-year-old Jace Decker was often found sitting on a bench in Garrison Park.

“He minded his own business for the most part. He just was going through his own life struggles and different adversities,” friend Donnie Bibbs said.

Acquaintances say Decker was a husband with a broken heart.

“Pretty decent life and everything and, now, I think he was more so just hurt over losing his wife,” Bibbs said. “He just never really bounced back from that.”

Decker was attacked on Aug. 10, and died a few weeks later.

Read the horrific story


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So we know that there are persons who get the information from the registry and then go and hurt that person deliberately. Why not sue the government then as that could be proven it would not have happened if not for the registry? I know this happens all the time and no law suit, but why?

These are depressing. There are more than a few of us here who made deals and signed “contracts”/agreements with the court. Advocates and politicians, with the stroke of a pen, wiped those agreements away just as arbitrarily as these lives were taken. “We” get to do the same in 2021; The rules/laws change, yes But will that change the mindset? Somehow I just don’t think so.

The one thing I am absolutely certain of, as Don Ameche said in an old movie… Things Change.

“Know the facts before you just step into the situation and try to handle,” Christopher Brown, who knew Decker, told FOX40. ”
So if you know someone is an SO it’s ok to beat them to death?
Utterly disgusting.

The judges, DAs/Prosecutors and lawmakers who pushed for these laws should ALL have to pay restitution for the REAL harm they’ve caused with the sex offender hysteria. They are ALL implicit in this man’s death.

This murder happened blocks away from my house.

The article says the murderers thought the victim was a sex offender. I assume that means they thought he was a registrant, which means they looked at the public hit list–I mean Megan’s public registry.

If they were clicking around my neighberhood Megan’s map they must have seen me.

Does that mean they were targeting me because the victim might have looked like me? After all, they thought SOMEONE in my neighberhood looked enough like him to want to kill him.

Since one of them is still on the run, does that mean he is looking for me even now?

I try not to be paranoid, but I left a message with the Modesto police registry department and asked them to call me back. I have some questions for them.

Very bad outcomes from the poor leadership choices outlayed in 1994OMNIBUS. The only winners here are the yellow free press who capitalize on every story that includes the words sex offender. Violence among the people is growing and it perpetuates via electronic infrastructure and database infrastructure. Why would a people act constitutionally when their leadership clearly does not.

The government and their political machine are solely responsible feeding society that anyone that are or perceived to be a sex offender is free game to kill. If a manufacture knowingly produce something that is false and it harm, they often are held liable. Why, can we that are harmed by these falsely base laws sued every state and federal governmental bodies and the politicians for every penny?

Apparently, being on the registry and homeless makes it okay to kill a human being. No crime was committed to justify this attack even if this guy were a registrant. The registry should be abolished. Im disgusted with society to think that somebody believes they can commit an act that will right all the wrongs and somehow bring back any presumed innocence that was taken from a victim. Thanks to the ”label” a man’s innocence and life was taken away. And people dare say the sex offender registry protects the public? It should be renamed as the ”Death warrant registry”.

I had a person that lived near that knew I was a RSO. They were arrested and sent back to jail. They had known gang ties.
This story makes me wonder if I should carry protection dispite my CP felony. The police are worthless in this environment and we are on our own with little chance of help. I would rather take one with me than go down without a fight.
Janice might be able to get the city off our backs for housing, but as far as living a safe life, we will never have that. I felt safer in Afghanistan outside the wire than I do now. At least there you could defend yourself. This feels like walking through the jungle at night with a hunk of raw meat tied around your neck.

Wow this is terrible thing to happen to anyone. I’ve read about this type of stuff along time ago and sad part is, that cop who told well I’ve never heard of that happening here but ive read about it in other place which means he’s aware unless he thinks that some crime happens there but not here, wow, but i carry the legal size knife of 4″ blade by Winchester & i have a steel bar hidden in one place another object hidden in another an so on but only i know, my family (wife & kid) knows some where some of these defence objects are. Plus that cop didnt say you can’t have a sword or machete. When on probation my po said i cant have them on probation but when im off probation ( which i am) you can have them, oh and i do, i dont live parinoid i live safe and God forbid if im killed then God called me home & no not that i want to die. Just like the cop said just be aware of your surroundings.