We spend billions after child sexual abuse happens and nothing to prevent it

For weeks, the nation has been gripped by details surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and his child sex-trafficking operation. An operation uncovered more than a decade ago but badly addressed by prosecutors. Last year we learned that Larry Nasser continued to sexually abuse child athletes for 20 years after the first accusations surfaced against him. Opinion

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How much money is spent on “treatment” for offenders on release from prison?

Seems not to do much

The leadership spent billions on the domestic surveillance infrastructure on the justification of sexual assault – the most common form of domestic terrorism. Theft of one’s children is a parents worst nightmare, even given it is the state itself who takes them away. It was also the sex offender who justified states DOCs to begin putting all convicted persons on the www. States publish many things online today most of which is helpful, while SOR is still in reality a collateral attack. Today it is commonplace to find individual citizens engaged in attacking each or one another via the web. Today those on the list know it was always intended to create a way to re-read encarcerate. They were successful as countless FTR have ensued subsequent to enactment. Honestly, we’re the kids ever going to be protected through the use of database machine without imposing affirmative restraint first upon the registrants – impossible. Billions spent alright, but for political security via domestic electronic surveillance and data collection and analysis. We give grade schoolers ipads while the Chinese kick their butts in math and science scores starting theirs with an abacus. 22.5 T
And 1T annual deficit paid for by future generations. So sad am i.

Public opinion is the real source of decay when it comes to any progress. It impedes a collective progressive mindset and holds us back. Anything sex-related abuse in America, the outcry is always vengeance, hate and retaliation, so prevention falls by the wayside. No matter how sound the logic, emotions will forever override any semblance of preventative goals.

Did anyone see this “Previously convicted sex offenders account for just 5 percent of all new sex crimes.” according to para 6 of the article which sounds much like the data that is currently espoused. We know that is rounded up, but it is NOT “frightening and high”. Wow! It is known this publication is read by those on the Hill proper so maybe someone will look into that up there.

As for the rest of the article, this needs to be incorporated into parenting classes since that is where a majority of the statistics are, e.g. family, etc, for this topic. Once they do that, then they may start to get a hold on this because the rest of the people related entities shown in the article are NOT family, but others who fall into other statistical areas, e.g. coaches, organizational leadership, et al

When was the last time you saw a prosecutor stand before several microphones and wax eloquent about a successful prevention program? That’s right, never! They build their careers (and future political careers) by being tough on crime. Same for LEOs – it’s their moment in the glorious spotlight when they get to perp walk an alleged sex offender. Now why in the world would they wish to support a prevention program that could negatively impact their career-building press conferences?

Another op-ed in another major DC newspaper that talks more for our side than for the other. Chip, chip, chip. Chips coming off the lies and the wall!

Hardly any money is ever spent on the prevention of sexual abuse of children only and mainly because most of society is under the false belief that “once a sex offender always a sex offender” – so the thought is “why spend money on something that can never be fixed or avoided”.

A friend of mine heard a cop in our town refer to the Megan’s List for Penn as “Megan’s ‘Pedophile’ List” – stating everyone on the list is a child-molester. So even law enforcement is spreading the wrong thoughts. So until we start spending money on educating people first spending money in other areas may not be as effective.



Not only LE’s are joining that growing cancer of a list we call the Registry but politicians as well. Former Rebublican Pennsylvania State Senator Mike Folmer has recently been charged with possession of child pornography. And let’s NOT forget Anthony Weiner as he too is signed on to the Registry.

Ironic for Weiner that he use to call LE and complain about sex offenders living too close in his neighborhood.

Welcome to Pariah Land Weiner! And you too Folmer! Time to swallow your own hypocricy!

Maybe after years of putting up with the injustices of the Registry you former politicians will you see what is wrong with our system and maybe use your political skills to make changes.

Now there’s an idea…

Three times between 18 and 20 I attempted to get help for my thoughts. I was rejected all three times. One example is a Catholic free service that was fine seeing me until the second meeting when I said what my issue was at which point they said I was not Catholic and they mainly just see Catholics. 40 years later I have so much information on how to help those who are just seeing an inclination. There are so many ways to help direct the young mind where there’s a risk of doing something stupid or illegal. Learning to practice healthy sexuality is one good way to deal with inappropriate thoughts

The reason billions are spent after an offense (any offense) comes down to money. It is tragically far more profitable to invest in treatment, justice, rehabilitation, recidivism, victim advocacy, tracking, monitoring, parole, home confinement, probation, fines, restitution, supervised release, prisions, jails, courts, investigative teams, law enforcement, and all other things connected to the legal system than actually preventing crime. Effective crime prevention isn’t a function of law enforcement or courts, it’s a social structure that significantly leads people away from ever getting close to being involved with criminal activity in any capacity. Over time it is no longer about stopping something that will happen the next day, week, month, or year, but years and decades away. Take the very beginnings of someone or a group going down a worrisome path and intervene way before anything truly bad occurs.