WY: Bill Changing Sex Offender Access to School Grounds Passes Wyoming House

The Wyoming House of Representatives passed a bill on third reading on a vote of 33-26 during their Monday, Feb. 24 floor session which would modify rules pertaining to registered sex offenders’ access to schools. Full Article



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Uh that seems pointless and would logically be covered by already existing laws. I imagine it’s not exactly legal in any state to just loiter around a school. If someone does not have a legitimate reason for being somewhere I’m fairly sure they could face legal consequences for being there.

I find it difficult to fathom how a group of people with little to no knowledge of another person, other than a tainted branding, can make trivial decisions affecting not only the registrant’s life, but the lives of their families. I personally would have no problem following these people, putting a severe ass beating on them, and leaving them to think about what decisions they made put them in this condition.

Well if needle dick law makers never came up with a Registry in the first place there wouldn’t be such fear and panic in the effing communities like there is today.
The only threat here are policy makers. May God deal with them swiftly.
97% of your sex offender pawns do not reoffend……shake a different Tree or Beat a different fucking horse already 😡😡😡

Oh, man… In the 10 years that he’s been trying to pass this kind of bill there must have a been a ton of horrible things that happened! Right? Right? Bueller? Bueller?

No sex offenders permitted on school property except for certain reasons according to LAW!! For what reasons?

Gee, let me see what a threat sex offenders really are to the safety of school students on school grounds – how many times has a registrant (sex offender) been found trying to sexually abuse a student at a school? – Now, let me count how many times (non sex offender registrants) “school teachers” have been “CHARGED” with sexually abusing a student right on school grounds or elsewhere.

Maybe they should ban all school teachers from being on school property just in case also!!

Yup the above makes no sense but neither do these stupid laws. I am sure that many registrants will make it a point to go to a school just to sexually abuse a student – sarcasm here people!! And making a law to keep sex offenders at least 1,000 from a school will definitely make a difference in a situation that is not a situation.

How doesn’t any of this minimize risk or mitigate liability? It doesn’t.

Again, it’s the fear-inducing label that’s exploiting false and unwarranted concern.

All these laws stem from mothers that should have been charged with gross and contributory negligence, but we’re scapegoated instead for profit and political ambition.

Wyoming is an overpriced redneck culturaless wasteland. If I was on the registry there, I would jump in my pickup and head out of that state