NARSOL / ACSOL Phone Meeting March 29

NARSOL and ACSOL will once again join forces for a special Action News Alert phone meeting on the afternoon of Sunday, March 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. Pacific Time, 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time.

A week ago, NARSOL issued a press release calling for all in-person verification checks of registrants to be suspended during the Coronavirus health crisis. On its blog, NARSOL is providing daily updates of where this is being done and where in-person visits are still required.

During the phone meeting, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci will provide updates regarding lawsuits in California that challenge in-person registration during the COVID-19 pandemic.  This type of registration puts registrants, their families and the public at increased risk of infection. We hope with this call to identify states where this in-person registration is still being required and to encourage others to seek attorneys willing to file similar suits.

In addition, Larry Neely of NARSOL will provide an update on the status of that organization’s national conference.  Although not required, we ask that you register your intention to attend so we will have an idea of how many callers to expect.

The phone number is 605 313-5169, followed by 957605#. You may call in directly with a telephone or, if you have a speaker and microphone or a headset with a mic, you may access the call through your computer by going to and following the on-screen directions for inputting the number and the code.

We also are going to live stream the call on You Tube. There won’t be any video, just an audio stream, so you can try this if you’d rather not call in. You can use your Roku or ChromeCast and have the call played over your TV.

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@ Janice: I like your idea of wearing a painter’s “bunny suit” to go in and register if one has to do so in person. Maybe write these words on it:
“Do you have COVID-19 ?”
“Do I ??”
“⬅️ Do they ?? ➡️”
“Asymptomatic ???”


Well Janice I would probably have tosay that also.While we all have ordeals and even things don’t seem to be in sync with characteristics of behavior we can all try to understand this delimna. Yes even my grandmother has a little ordeal with her son.
The words she wrote to the Governor at that time were direct and Its suprising also. She flat out out and told the Governor You will reap what you sow but for the sex offenser it seems government doesn’t have any compassion today or to help a mother reclaim her boy or girl from much hardship that a lot of this sudo-type justice holds today.

Oh and Janice I have a friend that watches the View every morning maybe one could go on that program and discuss some hardships about these issues as that would be an eye opener for all today. Nothing wrong with being constructive.

Yeah still have to take any face protection off for their pic requirement.
Janice, that is very interesting that it is not in 290 statute to require in-person reporting ans it is an abuse of discretion to force people into in-person reporting when like you stated, legislature was very specific when in-person reporting is actually required.
I really hope even after this pandemic that is pursued further. Does is state it is at the discretion of the registering agency to determine how they get the annual information?
Really curious as this is going be included in my state suit when I file it.

Lot of Karma happening here maybe huh?
Society wants to be ignorant or just plain malicious to individuals and continue to punish and torture so many people bound to be Karma happening. Hate to say it, but I warned everyone that Karma is a fickle lady for sure. Cannot go around torturing people not only here but around the world with this registry and not expect something to happen. Even if there is no direct connection, it could very well be collective Karma….

May I ask you and all the others a question. What would do and say if all this was stopped or how would you deal with this dilemma. What would you say to those advocacy organizations that are fighting for the sex registry to end now. How would you deal with the crisis if it was on your shoulders. Would that be some good feedback Q and A feedback or should we go with name, rank and serial number.

I wonder if a judge ever ask that ethical question or who’s on trial today in all this kayo’s plus many more ordels today? Could you cope with that or what would be your challenge from this threat that is going on today. If that questions a hard answer than maybe the whole world is an offender in one way or another.

While I know that sounds like a strange question to ask We all seem to seek some relief. A person on the NARSOL chat site said in his comment that there are too many facts to sort out. Some of you would rather travel however way you get their, some would rather tell the government to shove it, and some really are so petrified that they wouldnt’ know what to do.

Maybe mother nature is telling the whole world to slow down or do family crisis’s come up in life. Sure you all that are married want to be able to be with your son’s or daughters, play ball with them, go to parks or say the National Parks, spend the evening or afternoon with the family, etc. Nobody like’s to tell a PO their travel arrangements or other factors about family life or even what medicines one takes. Yes it presents a hardship on all. Paying taxes are bad enough.

Should we all go back to the minutemen days in the civil war or some Women’s sufferage movement or the me-to movement today or straddle alone without representation in this information age of overkill. Maybe its time for a women president (guys don’t hit me on that one). Sure we all have our knocks and pings today.

When I first got involved and listen to one of Janices second chance video’s one has to believe in second chances. I think I even called Janice on the phone at that time and she sounded confident in many ways. See one has to be confident. One can lose a lot of sleep worrying about the cost of a stimilus packet today. Myself I have wanted to seek a way out but ran into road blocks many times but at many times their are positive results if one takes the stepts to improve.. Isn’t that what a conference is all about steps to improve and help a cause out. If all else fails take a tip from a from this person I met along the way and check out this link. Might just open some eyes.