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Not sure all of our efforts are needed anymore. The virus may make our struggle to right the wrong of the registry moot. I’ve been reading tin foil hat wearing survivalist manifestos. If they are even 10% correct society as we’ve known it may be gone. The economy will theoretically be several years until it becomes as robust as it was. Unfortunately the amount of time in theory it would take to rebuild would gut the architecture needed for it to grow. People need to work and eat. That requires cash. In order for the government to continue providing cash to people and businesses, they will need to print a ton of money. That will further degrade the value of the dollar. Folks, I dont mean to sound like a doomsayer, but I do believe we should prepare ourselves for the worse. I’ve always had a touch of prepper in me. I just never seriously considered I would ever need it.
Janice you and your team have came a long way since you started all this alliance back in 2011. At first I didn’t even want to come on here with all the ranting and if I can be blunt it sent negative vibes to me with all this issue. Although it was challenging, but this virus issue and what’s happening today is a changing factor in this whole ordeal of Justice for all. Maybe every picture does tell a story but one still has to have faith. Course one can’t blame mother nature. I believe many are getting the picture and Will you have a few more pages on your report to go j/kidding
In one of the video’s on here, Chance had a viewpoint to share about repentance. Yes people should take note of that or is government a broken system looking for redemption., or is it hidden behind a false pseudo mask, or have some Governors served jail time? So what is a pay to play type of policy today in all this clock work orange saga. Are a lot of governments flawed and broken in this registry system of punishment as some might say.
Yes governments are a flawed and broken system or should we all just give up. Janice and her team are fighting for all to make things right to strive to bring change for some with this civil justice for all. So who is setting some precedent today. Is government an authority or an identity? So today are people defined as a sex offender or is one discriminated against, or some boogyman as some said on here. I wonder what wicca witch someone is smoking today and yes we still we all talk about this witch hunt that really needs to stop, as its a type of pre-judging.
All one can say is this registry is a bit off the wall holding people back from a loving family or a job security opportunity or any number of liberty’s. So who cusses government out today or should one go that far, or who goes with taxes that are more than an update to make their dicisions seem right. It would boggle the mind. Should some let the registry ride as it is or stand up to it or should we all just set back and say nothing. I’m sure Chance and Janice and their work can answer many of these questions for all. She and her team didn’t get involved for nothing . So one always has to hope this registry will end in many ways or be changed or cast down in many ways. So going back to the beginning is Goverment a labrotory for faith expression or some road trip of some cardnal knowledge bug a boo.
The fact In many places they have practically discontinued registration due to the epidemic (other than a phone call) shows in person registration is not needed. There are no mass rapes and molestation taking place as idiots assume could happen without a registry, but burglary has gone up. Maybe they should use it for that instead!!!!???
I am curious. are we, as r.s.o., allowed to wear masks? seems to me i remember a man was charged for growing a beard and the state claimed he was trying to hide his ID to contact children or some such. So if we put on a mask does that not open us up to a felony charge? Honestly if it is a felony charge for me or i spread the virus to 100 thousand people and 3% of them die – i will go with no mask. Fuck the general population. In fact i hope on top of hope that i could do something like that but the odds are rather against the idea. But, I am still not going to put on a mask for anyone’s safety as i could be charged with a felony.
This has been mentioned recently at the main office website but for another look at the NY situation during this time and releasing inmates including those convicted of a sex related crime:
Now, I say track’em at this time for real statistic gathering efforts then come back with your sky is falling mantra. Scare tactics…
@My Say
What state are you in? I don’t see how wearing a mask would violate anything. I don’t believe that when restrictions were placed on Registrants that they had pandemic in mind generally speaking. Besides as you can can see on these past articles that there has been some rollback or modifications by LEA on registration requirements.
And I don’t recommend you go without a mask whenever you go out. It is also your health too and whatever loved ones you have that are at risk. We can’t selectively control who to infect. That is impossible. And wrong.
@ TS who know’s whats fair today when one is hurded into a court of law and this person gets prison time and this person gets less prison time or probation or either wants to go to trial with his ordeal to seek justice. Now one isn’t suppose to be around kids as its for public safety. Seems like they drum that into one’s head to many times. One can just imagine how it is out in CA with this type of ordeal. In and out like cattle and its not right and Janice and her team know that.
I’m sure we all hope groups and indivudials stand up to all this around the nation as this ordeal in many ways is a mockery of justice of a human kind. One can understand theif, murder, fraud, arson, even being cruel to animals but this registry is like a warped scope’s monkey trial in many ways. Advocacy groups & organizations are good in many ways.
Being around kids wasn’t a problem. One would think its the big kids today.
Sure, One of my hobbies use to be a magic and yes I have did show’s for parties, groups, churches and things of that naure, but it is hard to reach kids today or should I say teenagers. Its even harder to understand governments understanding, so to be honest the sex offender or the one doing the offending is either left out in the cold or where is the sympathy or true justice in this court of inquiry. I guess one wants to know how many sleeping pills some take in a night or if they sleep with a black light on.
One can’t even go to church without a chaperone and sometimes even that chaperone will let one down. So theirs many flaws in this sex registry ordeal.
Interesting question about the legality of a sex offender wearing a mask.
I did a little research, and surprisingly the problem may apply to more than just sex offenders. I found this site, and while the data is from 2015 it appears to be generally accurate.
There are many exceptions made in these statutes, but not all of them include an exemption for medical or safety purposes. However, I suspect that the current crisis would require a leniency. Not sure if that leniency would apply to sex offenders though, so do your homework. There are also a few that make special rules for sex offenders, usually around holidays like Halloween though.
Anyone still on supervision should probably run this by their supervising agent. No point in getting hung up on something like a mask trying to keep from becoming a covid-19 statistic.
$EX Offender Registries, and their adjunct, idiotic harassment “laws”, are the weapons of anti-American harassers/terrorists who cannot mind their own business or leave other families alone. They will use them to harm you, your spouse, and your children. Neutralize their weapons. Ensure their Registries are worthless and counterproductive, as they naturally are. But then ensure that they are much, much worse. Registries will not exist in peace and there will be the highest level of harm and damage possible.
If I were invisible, I could end the Registries in America, all by myself, within one to two years. Moral, informed Americans do not support Registries. They are an effectively invisible, huge, and widely distributed army. That army must wage war. Please share this text and ideas and advance the invisible army.
I AM SCHEDULED TO REGISTER in-person on the 16th of this month @7am. Is Van Nuys 290 department going to ask us to still show up in person? I feel like even if we were to call to register, it still makes me feel like it isn’t enough and eventually a lot of us will be violated even if his situation isn’t are fault?
Any thoughts/suggestions?
@ all. You know I made a statement on here about “What has God Wrought” and many times I’m sure one could never understand that pharse. Seems this whole virus is effecting everyone or is it a sign to let the world know that its time to get hack to values., truth and true understanding. If the maker can wipe out a nation with a two edged sword we are the one’s that should take warning, even governments all over.
The creator can confound a nation as this nation doesn’t belong to us does it. People on here seem to be worrying about a label, how it stigmatizes others, if the law is going to violate someone, or if they should wear a black or white mask to the grocery story during this epic.
So were is faith today in their creator, or who plays the cult harlot today in this government crisis. Is this crisis effecting kids today, the adults today, those that protest about who invented the light bulb or is it an act of nature that is long overdue. And here we all are sitting around trying to understand all this when government try’s to put 2 and 2 together to come out as 7.
So does government backstab the people today? Is government just as confused? or does government learn from their mistakes. I wonder who has an intelligent quotient. I will be the first one to tell you that I don’t have any quotient or does even the government have a form of intelligent quotient or just maybe we are all superior to others or where is reasoning as we are are doing on here. One doesn’t even know how to get out of the rain today or a flood.
Their are many keys to the kingdom and many times its right under our nose, or is all this a type of a dam bursting on a grand scale.Just he thankful for what you have. Justice will take care of itself. Janice I’m glad your still plugging in their for many and wish your team the best.
I want to move to another country and unregister with the local police. Has anyone in this forum gone through this process? Is there anything in the Penal Code that addresses this situation. Where I am heading there is no registration.
Hopefully people wake up to the other pandemic that’s also been spreading behind the scenes:—-aaron-bock/article_02d2b42c-3f71-5bf8-946a-b90282410126.html
@ Berdoo. Penal code? Is that like some modern form of Penal colony thats disguised under a prideful money system. I wonder like some use to say the rich get richer and the dumb get dumber or where is justice when one’s son or daughter is in jailed with no way out all because they had some type of porno on their computer device. All because the penal cold says they dont’ bear the sword in vain or are at liberty to do what they want to do.
Some people say that history repeats itself today or would one find a sex offender in some Cosmopolitian Magazine today or who is taming the shrew today. Maybe we should all go back to the Marks brothers for the 24 thousand dollar question and find the answer.
This is for Janice and Chance:
Do either one of you have a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account? I would like to post on the Govenor Gabins page about 290 in person registration as it relates to the spread of Covid-19. I hear the guy everyday talk about stay home and do your part to flatten the curve. However, I do not have an account with any of the above platforms. I do not feel comfortable posting on such public forums. This site is my only public forum. Janice and Chance, thank you for all you do.
I am Registering April 8th in San Dimas. It Isn’t ideal but I will wear gloves and a mask. Hopefully the detective won’t get 6 inches from my face to take a picture like he did in 2019. All I can do is try to stay 6 feet away, sign the paperwork and go home to wash my hands vigorously.
Are miracles possible?? Cardinal Pell’s conviction is unanimously overturned!
‘Pell’s lawyer Bret Walker told the High Court that all that the prosecution had to do at his trial and appeals court hearing was to prove that Pell being left alone while robed or not talking with congregants after Mass was “possible” to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
“That … is a grotesque version of the reversal of onus of proof, if all the Crown has to do is to prove the possibility of something,” (Chief Judge) Walker said.‘
Well ain’t that the truth. And yet, thousands are convicted —or tricked into pleading— on similar flimsy grounds all the time.
Actually all things are possible with God. One Wonders who said “Within these covers of the bible are the answers to for all problems man face. This marsey’s law has some understanding to it and one should understand the merits of it. Even the reasoning makes since if one applies the truth to all this ordeal that the offender goes thru. Basically many and much of this is just as unjust as going to court in front of the unjust.
Sure people dont’ want to take the time to understand the language of this issue. So who is screwing in this type of screwtape letter of subtle subtlety law or are legislators way off base with their language today vs true principal. None of this sex computer stuff should of ever came about while physical violence has always been downhill or uphill struggle thru all ages. Much of this registry is wrong and many other factors of law are wrong in enslaving others.
And actually Ronald Regan said that about all problems man faces.
We’ve discussed this case out of Kansas here before and it didn’t go the way of the people and people forced to register sadly by SCOTUS. A person forced to register could be stopped going by a school just because is how I read this: Supreme Court upholds controversial traffic stop by police (
Update on the Registry Fee Challenge in Utah.
The Judge Granted the State’s Motion to dismiss the First Cause of Action regarding the money seized in 2013 to pay for registry fees (about ~$513.00). The 2019 claims still stand.
The ruling surrounded equitable and statutory tolling, and the Utah Governmental Immunity Act. Throughout all of the administrative hearings, nor in any notice provided by the state have they indicated adherence to the Utah Governmental Immunity Act (USIA). However, the judged ruled that I failed to send Notice of Claim to the correct person at the Office of State Debt Collection prior to filling suit and that the time to do so has passed, it also states that you cannot file suit until 60-days after you file a Notice of Claim.
Specifically, the section of Utah Code regarding administrative hearings doesn’t list any requirement to adhere to the Notice of Claim requirements of the UGIA, it only states that I need to exhaust all administrative remedies prior to filing suit and must do so within 30 days. Even though the filing timelines are different between the two statues and the administrative code does not require adherence to the UGIA, the judge ruled the UGIA still applies.
On the matter of equitable tolling, the judge recognized that the state’s refusal to schedule a hearing in 2013 was in violation of the statue – it was wrong. However, he also ruled that the state’s inaction is not an exceptional circumstance for equitable tolling.
So, the state refused to follow the law and schedule a hearing, which prevented me from exhausting administrative remedies until 2019. Which they got away with, because it does rise to “exceptional circumstances” justifying equitable tolling. The judge stated I should have filed a Writ of Mandamus to force the hearing.
I am unsure that I can pursue the case after such a ruling as the state will likely now say my constitutional challenges are also outside the statue of limitations.
Law enforcment are suppose to be protecting teenagers., Would it not seem reasonable & logical for them to do there enforcing in chat rooms that cater to teenagers instead of “adult chat rooms” . So who is putting who in jeapordy. Who is doing evil when they ask.. do you have any more pictures which is an open end quesrion but some send forget that it is the sex inducement they are pressing for. I’m sure you all have texted about all this in the past.
Myself I told them stright up via the chat .. oh you mean nude pictures” that shut them up right quick so they used another method. I even took a milk shake to the encounter and ask the detective what was the milk shake all about and they said its all part of the game. Sure I forgave them but actually they are the ones that planted the seed. Still justice has to be served so we all should step up in much of this confusion. Janice and her team know that all of this ordeal in many ways is not right anyone that law enforcement is so devilish in all their pride
Call it an erk or jerk tactic that is as vain or some two faces devilish encounter. Bank robery is a bit more understanding then this ordeal which is a bit more one sided justice for liberty for all, or what is freedom all about. Didn’t we all fight a battle for freedom at one time and now look at justice today. Seems nobody can figure it out. So everyone sits in their homes till government is sure that this contrivirus is safe to walk out on the streets and go back to work. Its a bit lame if you would ask me but than thats just my viewpoint.
Starting at 12am on April 8th it will be mandatory to wear a face mask in San Bernardino county California when leaving home. Violating the order can result in a 1000 dollar fine and/or 90 days imprisonment.
Got to love when policies like this come out without proper public notice
Ok so enough is enough. So what could be the answer to all this registry reality miscarriage. Should we blame it on spouse neglect, or should we blame it on computer abuse, police authorities abuse, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, or ourselves. Maybe we could blame the registry on lack of liberty and justice for all or even some strange pandermic that is dividing the nation and leaving destruction or deaths in its way. Maybe we could all blame it on porno today.
Can we all blame voting choices such as ?? or where is the character history in all this. One wonders if one can get a witness in this callous sex registry result today, or is plain justice still blind today. So were is the key to this riddle of man’s understanding or should we stand up in court and shout guilty as charged or should we all go out and get a jury of our peers to put a stop to all and much of this registry.
One wonders do these law enforcement do the same as the one’s they are inducing these ordeals on. Are they playing fair in this dungons and dragon’s episode if one would like to conquer that one or are we all losers in this on going fight for justice. Sure we have even heard of 8 and 10 year olds on the registry. male and females, adults even in their senior years so were is carnal knowledge today or is it in some pulp magazine today.
What about a solution such as three stricks and your out for computer missuse. Didn’t they clean up some of the books from libertries forbidden for kids to read or is their still a black light district in a hometown today were a lot of judges and important men go, or just maybe how far does one’s biblical understanding go in America today.
Coalinga State Hospital (California civil commitment facility) update: I spoke with Mike St. Martin, spokesperson for the “Hosprisoners” at Coalinga, earlier today, and he reports that, so far, no one out of the thousand or so patient/inmates there have contracted the Covid-19 virus. That is very fortunate as the conditions there are much like those in prison, with high-density confinement being literally unescapable. Masks are neither available to Hosprisoners nor are they generally worn by staff. However, the administration is considering Hosprisoners’ offer to sew masks both for themselves as well as for patients at other state hospitals. There is, of course, nothing else to do there.
Isn’t it a bit funny how a little letter in the alphabet can change the whole meaning of a word to mean something else. Sure my grammer and spelling is off a bit and at times or do we all forget what a dictionary is all. Is this a true democracy or a republician nation, I’m sure we all even wonder that also.
Even a court of law can forget about many things also even about tresspasses against another. Yes we all need justice back in America again or are we all prisoners trampled upon in many ways.
Have you all heard about the new idea about digital certificates or “tracking mechanisms” that they want to provide for Corona Virus patients?
Perhaps this could be some day compatible for Registrants?
This way Registrant information wouldn’t be public and therefore causing such hardship for RSO’s.