MI: Judge: State sex offender registry can’t be enforced in pandemic

[detroitnews.com – 4/6/20]

A federal judge is commanding state authorities to stop enforcing rules under the Michigan Sex Offender Registry Act during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to an interim order U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland issued Monday, officials are “preliminarily enjoined from enforcing registration, verification, school zone, and fee violations of (the act) that occurred or may occur from February 14, 2020, until the current crisis has ended, and thereafter until registrants are notified of what duties they have under SORA going forward.”

On Valentine’s Day, Cleland declared the act unconstitutional and urged the state Legislature to move to bring the law into compliance.

Under the February decision offenders would still have had to report to their local law enforcement agency or state police post through mid-May, while orders encompassing Cleland’s ruling were drafted by the parties. After that, unless the state Legislature acts, the Sex Offender Registry Act would no longer be enforceable against those who offended before 2011.

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WTF is the Judge Doing ???? I guess every court case we have won means NOTHING ???? WTF !!!! So i take it the aclu took the ship to the bottom of the ocean with everyone on board ! F%*k this ! I say no one goes in . Let them come get us !! F%*k Em! I am so done with this S*%t !!!

The letter on the MSP website is NOT saying we have to start registering now. Its stating the changes of the new law that took affect today.
My guess, and this is only a guess, is that when we are again required to register, me may be told to go in on our next scheduled month. I don’t see the MSP having 44,000 people all going in on the same day, week or month. They couldn’t handle it.
But I’m in agreement with everyone else. The new law is bullshit and didn’t address the retroactive application of SORA. I could care less about my tier designation being removed. Take me off the damn site because its been 28 years and I was convicted before SORA ever even existed.

@ Josh….. whats really crazy is what he said in the email , So Sad to say this after we already won in a court then get back doored by everyone involved even our own so called team. His own words are so sad,

” Many people are asking about the Judge and has he approved the new law. The Judge does not have to approve a new law. We are still going to try to get him to make a ruling on the new law. If he does not, then we keep fighting. As for if the new law is still Ex post facto, that could go either way because some things have been removed from the old law that we challenged and the ruling that the law was ex post facto, was in our favor because the totality of the SOR law and the tier system. Well, the State has removed the tier system and the State has removed some things, so any Judge could rule that the law is no longer ex post facto. The Judge did not order the State to put people back to what they were prior to 2011. We however feel that is what he was ordering and therefore should order the State to correct that issue. We will be asking for more than that as I understand it, but in the end some Judge at some unknown point will have to rule.”

I thought we were waiting on a ruling in our favor now we wait for more punishment . Beg for what we all deserve FREDOM TO LIVE OUR LIVES AFTER A CONVICTION IS SERVED ! SCREW THEM ALL ! Not be retroactively punished to be added on the hit list forever ! I hope they all pay for the pain they have caused as we have 100 times over because they allow politicians to hand out sentences retroactively years after a sentence has been served.politicans are not jury or judges

Got the letter today they are dirty MOFOERS ! Nothing has really changed still a life sentence for those who offenses were before the registry ever even existed , aND YES MY LETTER SAYS I AM A TEIR 3 , How they can apply a life sentence after a conviction is served is SICK ! So 90% are still on for life, And what happend too reporting in person was not retroactive or couldnt be ?? All this time and this is what we get fock these mofoers ! PS AND YES MY LETTER STILL SAYS LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michigan’s epidemic order was gonna expire Monday and was extended until May 24, 2021.


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