NE: Fairbanks Atty: No intent to kill during initial encounter with Condoluci

[ – 6/2/20]

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — — The attorney for James Fairbanks says there’s a lot more to him allegedly murdering a twice convicted sex offender.

Fairbanks, 43, is being held without bond at the Douglas County Jail on 1st Degree Murder in the death of Mattieo Condoluci. He was found dead inside his home on May 16.

His attorney, Steve Lefler, says he can’t give specifics, but say when Fairbanks first encountered Condoluci he didn’t intend to kill him.

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Intended to or not, he had ZERO business confronting the man if he was on his own property, minding his own business. He deserves a lengthy sentence. No matter the intentions, he is still a murderer!

Dylann Roof didn’t (initially) plan to kill those black people in that Charleston church, either.

This is indicative of the pathological hate associated with extremism. Their preemptive actions are justified in their delusional minds thinking the outcome will give them “hero” status.

Very curious to find out what his intent was if it wasn’t to kill him. I highly doubt he stopped by to have a few beers and things “got out of hand”.

What the attorney is really saying, “he was only sex offender, what is the big deal”.

Nah the gun ended up in his hands; mysteriously his address was given out and his emailed confession was hacked. Sounds logical to a dipstick

Ah, self defense. Of course, he went onto someone’s private property with no witnesses and “ended up” having to defend himself which lead to the other person’s “unfortunate” death.

But George Floyd’s situation was intentional…because video exists and people want to use it to politicize and mobilize.

Which one is which? Seems like facts can be manipulated just as well as the absense of facts.

This excerpt from the article is disheartening:
“We have a pretty good defense to this particular charge, not just the Mr. Condoluci was a bad guy so he should die. That isn’t going to be our defense,” Lefler explained.

Atty Lefler has already painted Mr. Condoluci a “bad guy”. I hope this quote gets used in the courts for this case as well as future collateral cases that the registry defaults anyone on it is still “a bad guy”.

This attorney knows his client just needs 1 jury member to have doubts, or an axe to grind.
Hey! OJ Walked.

While all these comments on this article are good and does show some form of good merit in many ways. I strongly believe Vicki Henry made the best statement in her interview with the TV station.

We can all talk about two wrongs don’t make a right but what is two wrongs and what is two rights. Is it marying the wrong person, honosexuality, or killing anything such as one’s mind or searing one’s conscious. I’m sure one would have varied views on that one or who spits on who today. Or one can be over wise.

How about a bible example in First Samuel Chapter 24 and yes that should give a good example of two wrongs don’t make a right. Sure I believe in being fair just as much as the next person in much of this registry ordeal but remember two wrongs dont’ make a right.

So are these the days of unrest. You have the sex offender, this killing of this terrible way of this black person, not to mention the abortion, the gay rights, women’s rights, and other sorts of issues today. Maybe we all should go back to telligraph or semiphore.