CA Governor Extends Encouragement to Stop In-Person Registration


California Governor Gavin Newsom has extended the provisions of an Executive Order that encourages local law enforcement organizations to forego in-person registration.  The original Order, issued on May 8, included a waiver from obtaining individuals’ fingerprints and photographs for a period of 60 days.

The Governor’s revised Order was issued quietly on June 30 without a press release.  According to the revised Order, the provisions in the original Order are extended until the revised order is “modified or rescinded, or until the State of Emergency is terminated, whichever occurs sooner.”

“We thank Governor Newsom for continuing to encourage local law enforcement to stop registering individuals in person,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “Anyone required to provide fingerprints or a photograph should contact ACSOL for further information.”

The number of the original Executive Order is N-63-20 and the provision regarding registrants can be found in paragraph 15.  The number of the revised Executive Order is N-71-20 and the provision regarding registrants can be found in paragraph 36.


20200630 – N-71-20 Gov’s Order Extending Remote Registration Authorization

20200508 – N-63-20 Gov’s Order Authorizing Remote Registration


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I called Registration this week to schedule my annual appointment (Aug. 1 birthday). The local office stated that it would be via phone and that I could call in anytime during their business hours. To guarantee that no accidents occur that might leave me with an unintended failure to register,I asked to tape the conversation. The officer told me that depending who I speak to, they might not agree. I then asked if I could receive emailed confirmation of registration. He agreed to that. So, to protect yourself if you register by phone, get your proof! Ask for an emailed confirmation at the very least. Stay safe and healthy!

Grow some balls and make this mandatory and not a suggestion and encouragement.

Oakland CA has me scheduled for in-person July 22

Nope. In-person visit until i get it in writing ahead of time. I’ve got one year of registration left and with any luck coming off the registry so there is no way in hell i will let fate be in the hands of anyone other than myself.

I keep wondering why I am bending over backwards to follow rules for a society that could care less if I am shot for being a registrant. Why I am I bothering to sweat out if I miss a registration date. Or if I go somewhere and don’t tell them I am a horrible offender. Fuck them.
When all this started I thought if I obeyed every little thing, it would get better. But it doesn’t and it won’t. I could save a bus load of children from a fire, and headlines would read, “children grabbed by sex offender while trying to flee disaster.”

@Nicholas, well said. Everything they set is a trap.

Both Anaheim and Diamond Bar made me register in person. They didn’t get the memo. (June 15 birthday)

Governor Linguine stop being raw when it comes to registration and actually force ending in person registration. Your behind might get cooked, but at least your linguine would be al dente!!

Another words stop being a spineless politician and do the right thing even if it’s unpopular!!

Just did my registration by phone. If you live in west Los Angeles, and register at the West Traffic office on Venice Blvd, you can call 213-473-0404 on Tues between 7 am and 11 am and on Thurs between 7 am and 3 pm. You give them your information (name, address, phone, last 4 of SS#) . You can opt to have the papers sent to you by mail or email.
I went for email. The officer sent a test email to which I responded and then he sent the paperwork. Ensures he does not send it to the wrong person. They tell you that if they find a cure, or a vaccine and can reopen the station to the public, they will contact everyone registered by phone and have them come in person to do the prints, signing, and photo.

Any more updates about this?

We closed the state down again, but it’s not a state-wide policy to stop in-person re-registration. I want to emphasize the word “re-registration” because we are not registering for the first time.

Well Mendocino County didn’t get the memo either. I called into the Sheriff’s Dept to verify procedure for registering. As I was aware certain county agencies were no longer doing face-to-face business. I was informed that the office was open. And my paperwork would be waiting for me to sign, when I arrived.

When I arrived at the designated time. I saw a sign that the office was closed. But a Deputy talked to me through the mail slot in the door. He advised the person in charge was running late. And to either wait or come back.

I opted to wait.

Another registrant showed up, who was also told that they were open for business.

A young lady showed up and asked our business. We advised we were there for annual registration. She collected our state ID’s and registration cards. Then proceeded into the office. Leaving us outside.

After a period of time, a third gentleman appeared. But wasn’t a registrant – to my understanding of his inquiry.

The young lady returned with our ID’s and paperwork to be filled out. Signed, dated, initialed and thumb print.
We had to knock on the door and wait for them to come collect our forms. They also collected a photograph, before releasing us.

They had a pop up canopy over the picnic table outside their door with pens and ink pads on it.

I just listened to the April Phone meeting, and a caller was asking if they do the Registration via phone if they are required to come in for fingerprinting and photo at a later time. IF Gov Newsom’s Executive Order N-63-20, RE: Sex Offender Registration is still in effect, it states that “Please fingerprint and photograph the registrant at their next registration event as required under the Act following the expiration of Executive Order N-63-20”.