ACSOL received today the first report that the U.S. State Department has notified a registrant by email that his passport has been revoked. The email included as an attachment a formal letter from the department. The email and letter were sent to the registrant on August 26, 2020, more than six months after his last trip overseas to a country where he was allowed to enter.
According to the department’s message, the registrant was notified that his passport was revoked by email “due to current health and safety measures.” All previous reports that registrants passports had been revoked were in the form of a letter sent to registrants by certified U.S. mail.
“The information sent in the State Department’s email is very similar to information sent previously by certified mail,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “The bottom line is that the registrant’s passport was already revoked and must be returned to the State Department in order to apply for a new passport.”
The newly issued passport is expected to contain a “unique identifier” that reveals that the registrant has been convicted of a sex offense involving a minor. The “unique identifier” does not specify whether the offense involved physical contact or when the conviction occurred. According to the department’s message, the registrant can obtain a passport without a “unique identifier” after the Angel Watch Center certifies to the Department of State that he is no longer a covered sex offender as defined by federal law.
Any ideas how this treats people who have had their record expunged or similar such as CA’s 1203.4?
Sounds like More Continual Punishment and denies constitutional Bill of (Human) Rights and upcoming I ng Fed Court r u ling of Appeals for FEDS, hmmm
Voting and political positions open game again…anything to do with all these? – push the RC’s/in their.mind unreg S.O.’s into the ground.
Hang i n there all!
So an E-mail can notify us of a passport revocation… maybe soon we can all register by E-mail.
(in Wi. we can by US mail)
There is an hysteria within this country over the phrase “sex offender” that is beyond my comprehension. Research has shown that there are hundreds of thousands of registrants in this country that are leading lives as law-abiding citizens, with the recidivism rate (committing another sex crime) being in the single digits when all people on the state registries are taken collectively. This is after being caught and serving time in prison.
Why is this unreasonable fear existing? One reason it that is has become a money maker for some: federal monies received for sting/entrapment operations where there are no real victims and for every name listed on the state registries. In Florida, OPPAGA found that the Florida registry has around 73,000 – 74,000 names when in fact there are actually only 28,000 live bodies. Florida keeps on the names of registrants who might visit Florida for 3 days and then never return to Florida, people who have absconded or deported, people who have died. These names stay on for life and Florida received federal money for all 73,000 – 74,000 people, which is over twice the actual number of registrants living in Florida.
Additionally, many in government have very little knowledge of research and do not use data-driven policies. It is all about getting re-elected.
Many of these problems could be dealt with if all states used Risk Assessments based on research-based assessment tools and not on the offense.
I traveled over a year ago to Europe and should have been revoked but never was. It seems like pick and choose.
Here’s a simple question that requires a simple answer, please.
Next month, thousands of CA residents are about to be removed from the state’s registry. Once relieved of requirement to register, will these registrants’ passports still be marked?
A second, more complicated question, how long before the removal from the registry “percolates” through the system so the passport applicant does not get a marked passport.
Thank you!
My passport was revoked just before COVID started. HAS ANYONE APPEALED A REVOCATION? I plan to apply for a passport soon. When I do, I plan to appeal, including in my application convincing psychological evaluations, documents, testimonials, the fact that I am 75 years old with a hands off crime that happened in 2006 without any crimes since then… along with other facts that will show I am not a threat. Since I have never read on these pages that a person has made an appeal, I thought … why not try!!! Again… has anyone appealed their revocation?