Is Sex Offender Sentencing Getting Harsher?

Source: 9/14/21

Sex crimes are taken very seriously by the state. Despite the harsh punishments that are attached to these crimes, they do nothing to deter the situation. In fact, in the past few years, sex offenders are some of the most harshly punished criminals in the country.

However, the punishment doesn’t always fit the crime. Instead of focusing on the harm that was caused, sex crime penalties are focused on deterring repeat offenses instead of actually fitting the crime committed.

How Sex Offenders are Prosecuted

Recent political discussions have seen arguments for reduced sentencing when it comes to firearm or drug possession. However, the top sex crime attorneys would agree that sex offender laws continue to become more severe.

For example, Megan’s Law was passed in 1996 and requires sex offenders to be put on a registry for the rest of their lives. The problem with the registry is that it doesn’t differentiate between different sexual crimes.

The Problem With the Sex Offender Registry

A person who urinates in public and another person who is a rapist are both placed on the sex offender registry, despite the fact that their crimes have very different implications. Another problem is that being on the registry severely limits a person’s ability to seek employment, be able to travel, use the Internet, or find housing. This often leaves those on the sex offender registry without jobs or homes, forcing them to live on the street.

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The answer would have to be Yes to this harshness. I never knew the statistics of texting via a computer vs the actual physical aspects but like it says in the bible those without sin cast the first stone. So were is the harshness or even the rationalization. Pretending is offending?

Sure with this internet type stuff things can get pretty sticky. Passing judgment on the unsuspected is a bit unorthodox if one should say. It show’s how greedy government can be when the scales aren’t balanced fairly. Sure punishments can be harsh and even with these types of troubles it can produce more unbalance to the individual caught up in these cruel types of opportunities.

Court systems today should balance things better. Sure they didn’t have computers back when I grew up. Today a computer or I-phone is common place and authorities seem to be doing justice when “They” themselves are and can be doing more harm to those involved in this irrational justice system. Punitive justice.. whats that? or is immoral justice going along with the system of a Jezebel scheme. And they say the punishment must or should fit the crime. Guess the crime would be over use of the tongue in a rebellious/ blasphemous way.

The question is, how far are you willing to go

Good luck

Resorting to facts:
Wis code assigned max 20yrs. incarceration upon class B felony conviction per count 1978- 1993. Today the same case (941.01) is 60yrs per count.
So yes the people are increasing the punishment.