KS: Criminal justice panel hashes out potential changes to Kansas offender registry

TOPEKA — Criminal justice advocates, experts and law enforcement are debating potential changes to the Kansas drug and sex offender registry, including whether registries should be made public and an exit mechanism for some offenders.

Of primary concern for the Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission Subcommittee on Proportionality and Sentencing is whether drug offenders should be included on a public registry or if that information should be available only to law enforcement. Under Kansas law, those with a drug conviction are required to register on the same public list as more than 10,000 convicted sex offenders.

As of March 1, 2021, the Kansas Public Offender Registry contained the names and addresses of 5,777 drug offenders. The full registry, which includes other offenders, is approaching 1% of the state population, leading many critics to argue the list has become bloated.

“I don’t think it should, especially the drug side, keep somebody from getting a decent job if you don’t have a job. That’s just plain common sense,” said former Marysville Police Chief Todd Ackerman. He said information put together by the Council of State Governments indicated requiring an offender to register for the list did not reduce recidivism.

Ackerman oversees the subcommittee, which met Thursday to prepare a report for the full commission to discuss. Any final recommendations to the Legislature on the public registry will be determined when the commission approves a full report.

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There is so much wrong with this article. They keep saying, it is not punishment, yet when it comes to the drug offenses, they are saying “I don’t think it should, especially the drug side, keep somebody from getting a decent job if you don’t have a job. That’s just plain common sense,” really? Secondly, they say that the penalty for failing to register is much too strong, depending on the severity of the offense committed. Why would there be a penalty at all if the registry is not punishment? Some serve time for FTR longer than what they served for the original offense.

Typical…can’t have the drug dealers on the same list as the “sex offenders”. Can’t have a public list for drug dealers. The list is keeping drug dealers from finding jobs.

I’m frankly impressed they’re talking about this at all, and even considering providing a way off the registry for good behavior.

Panel members said changes to the sexual offender section of the registry required more nuance”. Jonathan Ogletree, chair of the Prison Review Board for the Kansas Department of Corrections, argued this information was of import to the public.
“People want to know about that…””

They must give the public their pound of flesh, lest they not be re-elected, re-appointed, re-hired, etc. Surely the fact that “people want to know about that” is far more important than allowing registered citizens to re-integrate back into society, free of stigma, etc., thus lowering the likelihood of recidivism / re-offending.

Given the amount of paranoia surrounding the topic of sex predator and sex offenders I’d say some are over using the hash a bit too often. Just sayin.

I am glad someone besides me; recently called on people to use common sense, when it comes to the law. If you deny your conscience; you at least can use common sense.

Point being database registration scheme is an ever expanding tact of the people.
Soon mostly will be required by law for one pseudo cause or another to maintain the machine collective, and by default rendering humans subservient to the machines needs. We may have to spend more to maintain the database than it’s worth.

If the consequences forever follow a person than it’s time to admit the overkill and end this non civil regulation. Nobody should be in prison because they forgot to notify the government what color boxer shorts they had on or if they were going commando. If people aren’t currently committing crimes than leave them alone. If a victim is paranoid about a person who violated them it’s not the government’s job to protect them, it’s theirs to seek treatment. Just like those who have offended might have triggers and find ways to cope.

The California Governor is very close friends with Vice President Kamala Harris, he’s also related to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, So when it comes to getting Washington’s attention people forced to register in California already has 1 foot in the door.
Currently California has over 104.000 registrants, theres no way in Hell the DOJ can control that many people that’s why law enforcement agencies go out of their way to keep registrant’s separated and isolated from each outher out of fear of them organizing and creating communitys and support groups all across the nation.
To all the people in California who are on the registry for life all I can say is .. “I RATHER DIE ON MY FEET THAN LIVE ON MY KNEES”

Good luck

Last edited 3 years ago by AERO1

It is not meant to be punishment by design but in reality, it is punishment (as seen in the dissent). Judges play both sides of the field here when it suits them with sticking to the legal intent of something or the reality side of things. When that happens, justice does not occur in the end, sadly. RBG is rolling over in her grave.

He said information put together by the Council of State Governments indicated requiring an offender to register for the list did not reduce recidivism.

Does anyone know where to find this information referenced? I’ve been to their site byt I don’t see any way to search for a topic or anything. It would seem to be a golden nugget to use in any court challenge if the State Governments themselves know the registry is useless in regards to recidivism. (To be fair, SCOTUS only ever approved it as an awareness and preventive measure for citizens, not as a recidivism-reduction tool.)

Can somebody with strong knowledge of the Kansas sex offender registration laws assist me? I live in Illinois but am considering moving to Kansas and need to urgently find out if I would be required to register. I was convicted in IL in 1991 and long before the 1993 and 1994 KS registration act was passed. I have not registered in IL since 2006.

Here’s what the Kansas Bureau of Investigations told me. “You would need to register so we can compare the Illinois conviction to our Kansas statutes. Each state has different requirements regarding registration and we can’t say till we review the actual court document”.

Really KBI? You want me to register in KS to find out of I need to register in KS??? What a frickin joke!!! Registering in KS this year would then force me to register for the rest of my life in any other state I move too. I’m tryin to stay off the registry…Not get back on it.

Hi everyone. I’m new to this site and found it while trying to research registration laws in various states. I’m trying to get some opinions as to whether I’m required to register if I move from IL to KS with a 30 year old conviction. Is this the appropriate place for me to place my question and conviction details? I honestly cannot afford an attorney right now but I definitely will should I decide to make this move to KS next year. Thanks for reading.