General Comments Oct 2021

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Another example of how registries keep the public safe and prevents those on the list from committing future sexual assaults. The guy was released from prison only 5 months ago after being sentenced to 15-30 years for 2 counts of first degree CSC involving a weapon.
A**hats like this is why those of us who want to live a normal life have to suffer from more and more restrictions.

Actually Will is right on that issue. Do you think I could work for Park services again. Work in National Parks. Yes even thou I took some criminal courses in college at a community I also took travel and tourism at a business college. Sure this registry holds a lot of loops for many but can one say government plays fair with many that are involved in this ordeal.

Its almost like rank promotion with many of these LEO’s in many area’s of the States for this type of branded Justice.

One things for sure… you either have justice or injustice. One is either branded or unbranded. I just got a message from ACLU of Texas Advocates. I’m sure many have heard about their victory to help block much of this unjust constitutional measure from getting passed.

I’m sure that Janice and her team can give us more information this. Being on this registry is bad enough for folks that got involved in all this or were FTR.. forced to register in some means and fashion. Doesn’t everything have their weaknesses even this constitutional law. I’m in my mid 60 and this registry is a nightmare to many even out in your area I’m sure. Sure we can all pat ourselves on the back as one good degree of justice is another degree of true justice for all.

🤔 I guess the DOJ now has a new name for us: “Sex Felons” 🙄🙄🙄😒

Department of Justice: Monroe Prior Sex Felon Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison.

Last edited 3 years ago by David⚜️

This is disturbing:

“**** was tried as an adult since he was 20 years old when the girls came forward in April of 2016.
According to the release the girls’ parents didn’t want the girls to testify, but they wanted **** to have a chance to receive rehabilitation since he was 14-16 when the abuse occurred.”

Sex offender sentenced to two consecutive life terms.

Maybe the old saying needs to be updated to “Justice delayed is punishment enhanced.” 🤔

Actually Janice is right and are others also. Yes many times one can label someone wrong.. even my little alcoholism was labeled wrong although I was treated with respect even in jail way back when.

Even the jailer at one time ask my dad to help him and his son with their gas station business and look at their books and do some tax returns for his little gas station business. I hate to say it but I was put in the”swet box” as they called it at one for being upset at being in jail. . Some of the guys in jail stressed to me I didn’t want to get to a pruneytown level as I grew up in a coal mining area and yes their were many levels of status families from poor, medium to standard. Course those are levels of family ecomony.

Huntington WV or the Tri-state area was different. Course its the home of a University and things are very different in a college town as compared to a small town. This registry as I see is disrprespecting many in many states via some internet machine. Course sex or sexual behavior has always been around…….But stick with the bible and those without sin cast the first stone . And yes challenges are good to stand up for another if one is in a position to do so.

Now nothing wrong with Appalachian or other states but government needs to be refreshed in many ways. Here’s something that will scare you.. I have a big thick.. red book… that one has to study when taking a criminal course…. I’m sure janice and her team know’s what that big thick red book is and the many court cases within one has to study with questions and answers for review.

Yes I hope just like you all that much all of this registry goes away as it is disrespectful in this deceptive manner for true justice.

Has anybody noticed that under tier 1 it says misdemeanor sexual battery 243.4 and also felony sexual battery 243.4 B. Both appear to be tier 1. I wonder if the 243.4 B will be on Megan’s law in January 2022? Kind of weird huh? feedback is welcome

Florida: “Inmate Jimmy Carruthers Gets Life in Prison for Killing Sex Offender Cellmate

The murdered man was incarcerated for FTR. Is this appropriate or reasonable – that a “civil regulatory” FTR is punished by incarcerating someone and putting him at great risk of being murdered?? 😡

Had my conviction dismissed years ago with an 1203.4, though I wasn’t present at the hearing my lawyer said the original District Attorney in my case Deena Bennett showed up in support of the DA representing the state, After going back and forth for minute the judge ended up haveing the final say and granted it.
My lawyer said Deena Bennett told them, it doesn’t matter A 1203.4 won’t relieve him of his lifetime 290 registration here in California.
That was before SB384 was passed
I bet she’s somewhere all mad at the possibility of me going free, every case she prosecuted on her way to the top she won and everyone she convicted all did hard time in prison.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she popped up during my petition hearing next year on my birthday because for the last 22 years every time I had an issue in riverside county Superior court she would show up representing the state.
Another thing my lawyer showed me that was strange about my case was my conviction date posted on Megan’s law was wrong it said 2003 instead of 2000, my lawyer said he believes Deena had something to do with it but we couldn’t prove that it wasn’t a DOJ mistake.


Last edited 3 years ago by AERO1

I know this is probably wrong to feel this way but…… I get a certain amount of satisfaction watching America eat itself. Every time I read about some high profile yutz getting “canceled”, I think to myself now you get a partial view of our reality

Oh look:

SCOTUS famously indicated that Corporations are people.
Now, animals are people.
Soon, planet Earth will be a person.

But, alas, Registrants remain non–people. 🤨

Last edited 3 years ago by David⚜️

Treatment of PTSD with MDMA?

At the recent ACSOL conference, a study reported that many SO’s have PTSD, some quite severe.

A recent study, published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine, showed the significant results of a phase 3 study using MDMA (street name “Moly”) for people with severe PTSD. This follows other studies, and a popular book by Michael Pollan (“How to Change Your Mind”) on the use of psychedelics to treat PTSD and other related disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.). The treatments appear very effective, when administered carefully under supervision. They seem to do a better job than anti-depressants, with fewer side-effects.

I’m curious if anyone in this group has experience with these drugs as a treatment for PTSD. I’d be interested in hearing your experience or thoughts on the matter. For privacy, I’m available to discuss off-line as well.


Dave A.

Phase 3 Trial Results:

Book, “How to Change Your Mind:

Last edited 3 years ago by David⚜️

“Hendersonville Police crack down on sex offenders as Halloween approaches”

[Henderson Police] Commander Ryan: “If they can’t control their compulsions, to whatever it is they desire, we are not just dealing with crime, we are dealing with evil, and we will put our foot down on that, and we will do whatever we need to do to make that happen.”

Crack down on them doing what?? Going to their jobs?? Living in their homes?? Paying their taxes and living a regular law-abiding community members??

So Henderson cops are harrassing them for no reason. Is that the real story here?? #LEO-News-Whores 😒

Last edited 3 years ago by David⚜️

There is a radio station in Albuquerque and a 2nd one somewhere in New Mexico that makes public people who have been arrested.

Not people who have been found guilty of a crime, but people who have been arrested.

Guilty until proven innocent is the practice of these radio stations and ruining lives of people who have been arrested but not found guilty of committing a crime.

The article in the link below may make you sick to your stomach no matter your skin color and may put thoughts in some of your heads of wanting to eliminate some LEs and judges as some LEs and judges are a cancer on society and to civil rights. Of course the LEs and the judge in the article who are a cancer on society and to civil rights received only a slap on the wrist and still are in power with the exception of one who retired.

I heard this story on the radio not too long ago and happened to run across the related attached article. When it states “children” in the link below, the author really means children as young as 7-10 years old. And note in the article the failures which allowed the years of arresting and jailing including solitary confinement of children as young as 7, mostly minority children, even for non-existent crimes, include a state government and its agencies.

Part of me never wants to see minors (and adults) on the registry. Another part of me wants to put every minor across the country on the registry that can be put on the registry so that the public will become outraged at having minors as members of the “Price Club”.

And at that point, maybe politicians will start agreeing to eliminate the registry for minors. Then in my opinion, I think that makes it easier to fight in court to vastly restrict the registry for adults.

I do remember not too long ago there was the story about the students having sex in school and filming. In all such situations, make all minors including those who watched, did not intervene to stop or viewed photos/videos be “Price Club” members. If children are caught playing doctor, put them on the list too. And don’t forget to put the parents on the list who take photos of their naked kids in the bathtub. Maybe then the public will become outraged at the bullsh_t.

I just listened to Janice’s Oct. conference call and am seeking some clarification regarding her statement that 311.11a is a wobbler. Apparently there is some confusion about this because I am hearing that in CA after 2015 it is NOT a wobbler, but is a straight felony and that is why anyone with cp (just images, no violent offense or hands on offense) is stuck in Tier 3. I have a friend who was convicted in 2018 under 311.11a and was given 5 years probation and did 4 months in county jail (sentenced to six months). He was shocked to see that he had been assigned Tier 3, as was his public defender. If Janice could clarify this issue it would be helpful. She stated that she got reduction for two of her clients because 311.11a is a wobbler, but were her clients from pre-2015? If post 2015, would she have been successful with this? Thanks for further info or if there’s hope at this present time for post 2015 cases to get reduced to Tier 1.

Not surprised by LEs’ lack of common sense and willful distrust of facts and distrust of any kind of science no matter the issue or topic.

Covid-19 has become the leading cause of death among police officers in the US. Since the start of the pandemic, 476 police officers have died from the coronavirus; about five times the number of deaths from gunfire in the same period. Despite these figures, many police officers have resisted the guidance of public health experts touting the importance of masks and Covid-19 vaccines.

Yeah for idiot LEs! More power to Covid! Keep eliminating all the bad LEs!!!…

As one can tell, I possess no love for LEs, especially after it was overheard the local police department were planning to plant drugs in my car and plant my DNA in the local parks and schools after the either the Mayor or the City Administrator directed the chief of police for some officers to break into my house and steal multiple items with my DNA. All that did happen and my house was vandalized and I was out @ $1,000 due to damage and/or stolen items. (I got my $1,000 back later from a developer in bed with the mayor who was receiving bribes.)

When I went to the FBI they wanted to know all the details and why the local police would do all this. I never supplied that info to the FBI – I just used the FBI visit to scare the crap out of the local city council and the chief of police and I never had any more issues with the city or the police.

Right to privacy sacrosanct, says Supreme Court

Can’t figure out which side of their mouth they’re talking out of.

Isn’t the “Compelling and necessary” referenced on a national level?

Ex-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Charged With Misdemeanor Sex Crime
Plea deal in the works? Preferential treatment?

SB 384 is changing who qualifies for an exclusion from the Megan’s Law website. I am concerned that I will be added to the site after being excluded for PC 288(a)(b)1. I qualify to terminate my registration in March, 2022, and it would be a shame to be publicly posted just months before I can be relieved. (I am Tier I)

I cannot find any clear answers in all the legal mumbo-jumbo, regarding who is in and who is out. All I can find is the oft-cited provision that if you did something with a family member, which does not include certain acts, you may still be excluded. That does not apply to me, and it is pretty narrow and specific. So, I am anxious to know what happens in my case, which did not involve a family member.

This does seem a little unfair to people born before July 1. True, the group is small, but the impacts to them could be substantial. Does anyone know who will/will not be getting that dreaded letter in a month or so?

Last edited 3 years ago by Exclusion

All of you all I have to aplaud you. At times we all have a hectic weeks. I findly got my covid shot after my sister keep bugging me. Sure we all have our ups and downs’ with this registry or should we all join a nudist colony. Understand is what we are all looking for understanding in this registry.
While this registry has its ups and downs, even this leg monitoring is a bit flaky and many times the stigma can get to one but those going thru this don’t worry, Much of this registry is a breakdown in ethics and human behavior irrationality… So do Cops do it? Now they are into kids or teens playing locker room antics. Hey if I did some antic I got suspended for 3 days. After the third of forth suspension they can either suspend one from school or kick one out for the rest of the year.
We did have one episode of a person bringing a gun to school and that was rare in the early 70’s.About that time women started wearing skirts short things of that nature. Today much of this registry is an endangerment to even government law whether its a he said or she said ordeal of an internet related enticement or a blackmail scheme.

Another bad LE story. But I instead blame the STUPID people who kept putting the LE back in office. Thank God eventually the LE was finally voted out of office.

As everyone knows, Joe Arpiao, a sheriff in AZ was convicted of a crime, received a presidential pardon, has already cost the taxpayers of AZ $278 million dollars for his violations of civil rights, has caused more than 6,000 federal lawsuits to be filed (and that does not counting state filed lawsuits) and will cost the taxpayers even more money when the remaining lawsuits are settled, is now on the ballot for mayor.

If he is elected mayor, then that just shows how STUPID the voters are in that municipality and those citizens will get what they deserve for being STUPID – that is higher taxes to pay for the idiot decisions by Arpiao.

I believe no matter at what level of government across this country, if an elected or appointed politician wastes taxpayer money due to violation of some regulation, that that politician should be on the hook to pay, not the taxpayers. That person would have made the decision to violate regulations, not the taxpayers so why should the taxpayers be penalized?

And I believe that person should be automatically and permanently barred forever for holding any government position in any capacity even if a clerical position.

These people are suppose to be servants of the public and are suppose to do what is in the best interest of the public. Wasting taxpayer money is not in the best interest of the public.

So based upon the last paragraph, every government person involved with SORNA need to immediately lose their jobs and be personally liable to all registrants who have been harmed due to their actions of implementing SORNA because they wasted and are wasting taxpayer dollars.

How many people here have stated numerous times that those bashing others of being child molesters or pedophiles are doing so to hide what is in their own closet?

“A QAnon influencer who accused Democrats of being pedophiles turned out to be a convicted child molester.”

I never have understood the psychology of those with skeletons accusing others of having those same skeletons. I always though that if one had skeletons, one would just keep quiet and out of the spotlight and stay under the radar. I do not understand human behavior.