Sotomayor has constitutional concerns in case of sex offender who couldn’t find housing

Source: 2/23/22 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is expressing “serious constitutional concerns” in the case of a sex offender forced to spend additional time in prison because he couldn’t find housing far enough away from schools in New York City. Sotomayor raised her concerns in a Feb. 22 statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to deny certiorari in the case of Angel ____. Sotomayor said she agreed that Angel’s cert petition doesn’t satisfy the court’s criteria for hearing cases. But she raised questions about the effects of a…

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Sex-Offender Laws Sent a Man to Prison Over a Prayer Livestream

Source: 2/23/22 Jason wasn’t sure what to do. After an alleged sexting incident in 2012 snowballed into a felony conviction in his southern state, he was forced to register as a sex offender and barred from using a computer or smartphone. Over time, the conditions of his probation were reduced to a patchwork of technology-related restrictions: He was allowed to use email, but he was initially not allowed to send text messages. He could use the internet, but he was not allowed to have a social media account, and…

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