NC: Central Prison on lockdown after inmates beat convicted sex offender to death

Source: 9/9/22

Local News
Central Prison on lockdown after inmates beat convicted sex offender to death
Central Prison,
sex offender
Posted September 9, 2022 2:37 p.m. EDT
Updated September 9, 2022 5:16 p.m. EDT

 Raleigh, N.C. — An inmate at Central Prison in Raleigh died after being assaulted with a weapon on Friday.

Ronald Rhodes was beaten by other inmates on Friday morning in the recreation yard, according to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.

The prison has been placed on lockdown as State Capitol Police investigate.

Rhodes was pronounced dead at 10:32 a.m. An exact cause of death has not been released.

Rhodes was housed in the prison as a safekeeper at the request of Wake County. A safekeeper is generally an offender who is housed at a state prison before their trial.

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So, he was murdered as a Registered citizen but had not actually been convicted of anything and thus only an accused Sex Offender. Nice, smear the dead to gin sympathy for the killer(s).

Going to prison with a sex offender Jacket is scary as Hell.
In riverside county jail sex offenders wear Blue bands and General population were white, The Riverside County Sheriff refers to sex offenders as dodger fans, because of the color blue, while they’re booking you, They’ll say stuff like we gotta another Dodgers fan, and all the inmates know what that means.
CO’s in prison are criminals too, work for the prison gangs A lot of them get tattoos like the guys in prison.
I guess when you’re around a certain kind of people for so long you start to pick up on some of their traits even if they are criminals.

No trial yet. Innocent until proven guilty. So an innocent man was killed. So what crime is worse, killing an innocent man alleged to have committed a sexual crime or actual murder by a mob of people?

Actually this was my concern and I was stressed before my sentencing. Shortly after arrested, I purchased life insurance to be sure my children would be taken care of in case I was sent to prison and murdered for a non-contact, non-victim crime. I also gave family members power of attorney over all my affairs and completed my will.

Luckily I was given the maximum sentence possible in Texas without going to prison and then the judge later dismissed the charge.

And the “investigation” will reveal that the prison staff had nothing to do with this man’s death and did everything that could be reasonably expected of them to prevent it. Valiant efforts to find the person(s) who actually killed the man will come up fruitless and the whole thing will be written off as another case where inmates will be inmates.

The first step of an honest, sensible investigation would be to ask the Wake County sheriff why he was housed in the prison for “safekeeping” in the first place. Are he and his staff that incompetent that they couldn’t sequester him in the county jail for “safekeeping”? If so, why not a neighboring county jail instead of a state prison? And please don’t say budget – the last thing any government office wants is to finish any given year at or under budget.

This guy was certainly no angel if half of the press releases written about him were true (and half would be about right by modern media standards). I have a hard time believing that the authorities in Wake County and this particular prison didn’t set this scenario up with this exact outcome in mind.

Prayers in the air for this “Person” and his loved ones , guilty or not it’s plain to see that the real dangers are the registry thugs and the murder message they send out making heros out of people that use the “stigma” to cloak their own murderous thirst for immorality , while the whole time claiming sainthood

I wonder if some of these supposed random attacks on men jailed for sex crimes are hits paid for by family of the alleged victims outside the prison. In the few cases I’ve read about where a man is beaten by one or more men in prison, the men doing it don’t have any history of “vigilante” violence, and the deceased has multiple, potentially high-profile victims. If you’re a drug addict with a long prison stretch ahead of you, this could be a good way to earn money and the investigators might accept your explanation that you killed someone over being “outraged by the heinous nature of their crime” instead of determining if they had a financial motive.

To the family and loved ones of Mr. Rhodes, my sincerest condolences for this tragic and brutal loss. I feel for you and the pain you must be feeling, even if the Nation does not. Know there are those that do care, and that I am one.

Once again the irrational hatred for people branded with this Scarlett Letter has created yet another instance of criminal behavior. It’s almost as if this is the only thing this system actually does. Get us harassed, ostracized, threatened and attacked while creating no proven benefits of any kind ever. Makes one wonder what the real goals of this system actually are?

Preventing new crime? It has never been shown to do that, create it, but not prevent it.

I went looking for his charge that had him waiting for trial and it was this:

Rhodes was being held the prison as a pretrial detainee at the request of Wake County authorities, the newspaper reported Charges filed against Rhodes in Wake County included simple assault and felony solicitation to commit human trafficking.


Soliciting to commit human trafficking? Is that trying to hire a prostitute?

Anyhow, curious if news about Rhodes in County jail was a 35-year old did something to a 12-year old, which is why he was in county? Most in jail don’t care about detail such as it’s two minors doing something, but he was he was older one at 16 years old.

This is just terrible news to read anyone getting murdered. Again, I hope ACSOL is logging all of these atrocities and how even the prison systems treat registrants as second-class citizens to not have a right to be protected.