NY: Catalfamo: End in-person college instruction for sex offenders

Source: poststar.com 9/20/22

Dave Catalfamo, Republican candidate for state Assembly District 113, pledged on Tuesday that he would introduce legislation that would bar registered sex offenders from taking classes on college campuses.

The pledge is inspired by a SUNY Adirondack student, Destiny Rose, who began a petition to remove a registered sex offender, Timothy ___, 50, of Glens Falls, from campus, and switch him to virtual learning.

Catalfamo said a story in Tuesday’s Post-Star is what prompted his pledge.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the petition had 1,001 signatures.

___ was convicted of second-degree sodomy in 1997 involving three male victims, ages 12, 13 and 15, according to the New York State Sex Offender Registry.

Rose and other students first became aware that ___ would be attending the college in the fall when the college administration sent out an email on Sept. 8 — an action that is required by law.

“It is outrageous that the state is allowing a convicted sex offender to wander freely through a campus filled with young people and minors who fit the profile of his victims,” Catalfamo said in a news release.

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New York residents, are you going to let this hater and jerk Catalfamo pass yet MORE restrictions on you without a fight?

SHOW UP, STAND UP, AND SPEAK UP or live with the persecution.

Search for bills in your state

When you see an evil bill, start writing and calling, and show up to the hearings.

No people group ever got civil rights and justice by sitting at home and hoping someone else would fight. Read your history about gay and other minorities gained civil rights.

Somebody please snatch her head bald. Is it “outrageous” that he “walks freely?” Another attempt to ban..humm this time from campus. How many that young are on college campuses anyway?
So clearly the reporting to campus officials he did in following state law was then used to impose affirmative restraint. So the necessity for reporting is based on the intent to impose physical nonpresence.
Perhaps those who cry outrageously should be banned from campus.
This would be a good time to review Judge Mastch writings about campus sexual assault accusations & due process.

Politics attracts the worst of the worst “people”. Republican candidate Dave Catalfamo is walking garbage and can’t be gone from Earth soon enough.

Folks – garbage like Dave Catalfamo LOVE big government. They think there cannot be too many laws or too much government. Vote to keep garbage out of politics. Let’s defund government and law enforcement.

First of all, I want to say that I absolutely do NOT support any kind of legislation like this, and I never will. It must be stopped.

At the same time, I want to say to all persons forced to register: If you publish crap declaring yourself as the “High Priest of the International Church of Homosexual Pedophilia”, you are making things worse for the rest of us who made a mistake and are trying to get on with our lives. Stop this crap! If you really consider yourself an actual pedophile (as clinically defined), then GET SOME HELP!!!!
And, in the meantime, consider what your future actions and publications might do to the rest of us!!!

“On the sex offender’s Instagram social media page, Philmon described himself as the ‘High Priest of the International Church of Homosexual Pedophilia.”

Well, while I don’t agree with banning sex offenders from campus as a class, if this was on Philmon’s instagram page, it raises some red flags in regard to this individual.

The offense was in 1997! Destiny Rose probably wasn’t even born yet. I am just glad that she will have drug dealers and killers “walk freely” on campus. Hope she feels safe.

More legalized banishment. Once again we have childish people “wishing the “monster” out from under the bed. Sending him of to the enchanted isle of, ” Somewhere Else”. A magical land where it is safe for “the monster” to be. This is apparently the idea? Nowhere else is it ever safe for a PFR to be, so there must be this enchanted magical land that PFRs are banished to? Right? Otherwise you’re just making the PFR into a human hot potato.

The fact that this could work is further proof of, Unequal Protection, denial of privileges and immunities, and the ever expanding cost brought on by lack of privacy and irrecoverable reputation damage. It just never stops! A person cannot build a home for themselves on a foundation of ever shifting sand.

Also, instead of just having security that would make the crimes these people are so concerned about not be possible, they’ll banish the person who may very well be the least likely to commit them? Yes, indeed the PFR could very well be that person. Beyond just the very low recidivism rates, and the general lack of stranger victimization incidents…there is the fact that his history is known to the police and campus security! If someone, especially an adolescent boy, based on his known history, is harmed…who do you think the various kinds of cops are going to want to talk to first is? Jimminy Christmas, as my grandmother was fond of saying, how stupid you gotta be?

The registry being easily disseminated with the internet makes it easily to connect to public square shaming in stocks, which is traditional punishment. 2003 Smith v Doe did not believe the registry would evolve from only victims going to the law enforcement agency and ask for a specific person to a public shaming.

Maybe I just missed the fact that 12, 13, and 15 year olds go to college now? Majoritively speaking of course.,

I tried going to Riverside community college back in 2001 but after the campus cops notified my instructors that I was a sex offender it was just awkward every time I went to class and for some strange reason all my classmates would avoid any interaction with me snd not to mention, being followed around campus every day. I ended up just dropping out

I agree, if he indeed is allowed to have an Instagram account, and if he really calls himself what the article states, then, yes, it is maybe disturbing. However, Catalfamo said he would have the same stance for any registrant. There is the blanket ban for all PFRs again, regardless of the type offense, how old the offense is, or if someone has received an expungement. It needs to be stopped for that reason alone and they need to deal with similar things on a case by case basis only plus add other offenses to that ban if they want to treat everyone the same (which they should). Someone who has killed someone in the past or dealt drugs to minors would be a much greater threat “wandering freely through campus filled with young people and minors”.

“When asked if Catalfamo would have taken a lighter stance on Philmon had he not described himself as such, the candidate replied that his legislation would not make any exceptions for any registered sex offender.”

Well there you go. Can’t make the argument of certain sex offenders making it bad for the rest of us. Because you still have scum politicians like this greaser Catalfamo who think all sex offenders are the same, and they all should be banned from campus.