TX: Man jailed on sex offender charges found unresponsive, dies in cell at Bexar County Jail

Source: ktsa.com/ 10/31/22 SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — A 65 year old inmate at the Bexar County Jail found unresponsive in his cell Monday morning has died. It was just after 2 A.M when the inmate was found in his cell by a Deputy conducting face to face checks. Medical staff from University Hospital responded to the call for help and began life saving measures on the man but he was pronounced dead at 30 minutes later. At this point it appears the inmate suffered an episode brought on by…

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Sign the change.org petition: Public Sex Offender Registration is Violation of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Source: Florida Action Committee (FAC) started this petition To: The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the United Nations, Complaint Procedure Unit, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland  Petition to Declare Public Sex Offender Registration in the United States a Violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) The Florida Action Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a 2,500+ member non-profit public safety organization that advocates for the rights of all persons. Included in our membership are people forced to register as sexual offenders in the United States. Today, approximately one-million people in the United States…

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