PA: Hampton mom’s push to restrict where sex offenders live gets lawmakers’ support

Source:  3/27/23 HAMPTON, Pa. (KDKA) – Violent sexual predators are living just steps away from playgrounds and elementary schools right here in our area. It’s a common yet false belief that sex offenders can’t come close, or live close, to our kids. “Anyone in Pennsylvania should be thinking about this issue, especially if they have children because there are a lot of schools and daycares in Pennsylvania, and this could be happening anywhere.” There’s actually nothing to stop sex offenders from coming too close for comfort. Currently, Pennsylvania is…

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Action Alert for Illinois Residents: Call and email today to support SB 2158 to end weekly police registration

Source: Illinois Voices for Reform, Chicago 400 Illinois residents, we have a great opportunity to support legislation that would improve the lives of registrants and their loved ones, and we urgently need everyone’s help! Our colleagues at the Chicago 400 have been hard at work on a bill that, if passed, would make the following changes to our harmful and wasteful registration and residency laws: reduce residential banishment zones to 250 feet; remove home daycares from the list of zones around which banishment zones are imposed; grandfather in existing residences…

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UT: Utah Governor signs bill H.B. 139 to allow some lifetime offenders to petition the courts for registry removal

Source: 3/14/23 Utah Governor signed bill H.B. 139 to allow lifetime-offenders, convicted in another jurisdiction, the ability to Petition the Courts to be removed from the registry after living in the State for two consecutive years (at least 183 per years), with the intent of primarily residing in Utah, and meeting other conditions. This is available 20 years after release from confinement, or if no confinement from sentencing – as long as you have no class A mis., felony, or capital felony in the last 20 years. There is…

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