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Anyone have a sense of how things may go? Why did PFL waive their Oral Argument?

Is it the same judge?

What does this lawsuit consist of, and how will it help/hurt those who are required to register?

If “The law is an ass”, then the government is an idiot!

How does the US government expect anyone who is no longer required to register to submit any information (to USDOJ, US Marshals, SMART) if there is no mechanism in place by which to do so??
As I said, an idiot! 😳

I hope the Judge does hold Oral Arguments if only because I like laughing at the ridiculous DOJ attorneys as they attempt to answer unanswerable questions!
(Especially since this judge has already shown himself unwilling to accept “Because we say so.” as a valid argument! 😂)

SORNA is an Ex Post Facto law (Retroactive law). Ex Post Facto laws are strictly prohibited by the U. S. Constitution. Therefore, SORNA is illegal and Unconstitutional and none of it should be upheld. Ex-offenders are re-arrested, even after 45 years of being “Freed” by the American court system, without their 5th and 14th Amendments Due Process Rights!!! Ex Post Facto laws do not belong in a Democracy!!!

TWO clauses in the United States Constitution prohibits Ex Post Facto SORNA laws:
1. Art 1, § 9 (Article 1 Section 9)
This prohibits “CONGRESS” from passing any SORNA laws which apply Ex Post Facto [Retroactively goes back in time].

2. Art. 1 § 10 (Article 1 Section 10)
This prohibits the “STATES” from passing any SORNA laws which apply Ex Post Facto.
It’s right there in plain sight in the Constitution!!!

ONE of the many Evil capabilities of Evil Ex Post Facto laws that should concern ALL Americans is that Ex Post Facto laws can Criminalize Actions that were “Legal when Committed!!!”
Did you truly understand what you just read???!!!

SORNA is a nightmare! Where does it apply? Where does it not?? And who does it apply to??

Greenbrier Co. man sntenced for violating federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act


Texas has to get rid of the life time registration. That should be illegal. Hell all states need to get rid of lifetime registration.

I think the hearing went to an immature level after listening to it. My opinion is that sense they went to that level, there are a whole lot of constitutional violations going on in this country that have not been properly challenged. Gun rights, grandparents rights and whatnot. They’re trying to compare why registrants should remain on the list oppose to why someone shouldn’t own a gun or someone shouldn’t have the rights to their grandchildren. I stopped listening after the first hour but I think. they’re being very immature about this. Like fifth graders, why can he play on the swing set and the other kid who’s in a wheel chair isn’t allowed to. It’s common sense. People who haven’t re offended on the registry have 0 recidivism, people who haven’t committed another crime have 0 recidivism. yet they want to force them to think they do. Same with gun rights, not every person who has a violent crime on their record should loose third gun rights. People can just as easily get an illegal gun off the street and use it in a crime as joe shmo, one day decides , hey I’m going to rob a bank because I’m broke and has a cabinet full of legally owned guns.

What we need is a RSO millionaire willing to take on the system in order for it to get some changes made.

Judge Bernal is infamous for cancelling hearings at the 11th hour, and this is particularly true when he does not wish to hear the truth of the matter on the open public oral record. It is disturbing that such a significant matter, which will proliferate in CA, is not addressed. I thank SORNA for the link, and was intending to listen this morning.

🤔 Wasn’t there a children’s movie called “The Neverending Story”??
‘Cause that “neverending” part is really ringing true right now! 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by David 🔱

Out in California things are different from here in Tennessee, these people have used the register as retaliation.

SORNA is said to be unconstitutional in some States but, other States are still carry this Evil thing. I know someone Right now who is homeless and jobless here in Texas due to residency restrictions. The lawmakers seems to not be bothered bc, it’s not their family members. Why vote for Corrupt leadership?

I need to go back and refresh my memory bc, I think it stated, both parties waived something to that effect.

The sex offenders registry has always been unconstitutional bc, a registry cannot protect citizens. The reason that it’s in effect bc, the government needs to please certain people and the Hell what others thinks. These people have served their Time. Why want they let them be Productive and live in Society again?

“July 10th you say, Rick?
I’m shocked to hear it’s been rescheduled! Shocked, I say.” 😝😂

Last edited 1 year ago by David🔱

Yeah! Now we just have to cancel Merrick Garland. Screw him for targeting us like this. He and the rest of the Hillary people are really Trumpers. If they weren’t why would they back his policies?

If you are a former registrant from California, who is relieved of the requirement, how does SONRA affect you? Specifically, does it impact your firearm rights, or the right to travel overseas? Is notification required?

NOTE: The July 10th Hearing has been cancelled.
For more information, please see:

CA: Federal Court Denies Government’s Motion to Dismiss SORNA Claims – ACSOL


Last edited 1 year ago by David🔱