Book by Emily Horowitz: From Rage to Reason: Why We Need Sex Crime Laws Based on Facts, Not Fear

In this timely and extensively researched book, sociologist Emily Horowitz shows how current sex-offense policies in the United States create new forms of harm and prevent those who have caused harm from the process of constructive repentance or contributing to society after punishment. Horowitz also illustrates the failure of criminal justice responses to social problems. Sharing detailed narratives from the experiences of those on registries and their loved ones, Horowitz reveals the social impact and cycle of violence that results from dehumanizing and banishing those who have already been held accountable.

From Rage to Reason offers a new perspective on how and why false claims about sex offenses became so pervasive and how these myths fostered ineffective policies that have little to do with the reality of most sexual abuse. It argues that to truly prevent sexual abuse, we must unearth the sources of these misunderstandings, debunk these claims in a systematic way, and have frank and genuine discussions about the limits of legal responses to complex social problems.


“This may be the bravest book you have ever read. Horowitz’s meticulous interviews with people on sex offense registries returns a modicum of humanity not just to them but, more importantly, to the rest of us. As she aptly describes, registries are utterly useless for preventing new sex crimes. All they do is sentence to social and civil death people who have already served their time of punishment and labored to repent. We can ill afford to deny rights and humanity to anyone in our culture. To do so cuts us all at an Achilles heel that very few are willing to acknowledge. Horowitz won’t let us look away.” ―Debbie Nathan, Prize-winning Journalist, Author of Sybil Exposed: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case & Satan’s Silence: Ritual Abuse And The Making Of A Modern American Witch Hunt

 “From Rage to Reason offers an unvarnished look at the crippling realities of life on the sex offense registry. Crafted from over 100 in-depth interviews, From Rage to Reason is storytelling at its best, vividly portraying the needless abuse and punishment directed at those society deems to be “others.”” ―Catherine L. Carpenter, Arleigh M. Woods and William T. Woods Chair, Southwestern Law School and President, Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws

Click here to buy the book “Rage to Reason: Why We Need Sex Crime Laws Based on Facts, Not Fear” on Amazon


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Cant wait to read your new book Emily! I ordered mine today. For anyone not familiar with her work I reccommend checking her out.

Horowitz is certainly doing her best the educate the people on the absurd use of a database driven sex offender regime. But to get the answers she desires she must acknowledge it never factually was, at it’s foundation about the violent man. Mr. Stevens made a point of espousing that fact in DOE03.

It was about the potential of the database driven infrastructure and a burgeoning market.
Everyone understands the DDI is a powerful tool. However, very few truly know how it all works, they simply like it’s conveniences, it’s bells and whistles. The internet is mighty damn useful, like common duct tape. Ultimately it comes down to how humans utilize them… Databases. They are being used for good, and for bad. But let us not forget history. True or false: The inventor ( or discoverer) of TnT created a Nobel peace Prize? Named after himself, of course. TnT was a “safer” way to blow stuff and other humans up when compared to nitroglycerin. Anyway, he could have named it “The Mrs. Nobel Peace Prize” but alas; he did not. The people’s use of the database isn’t all that different. One fact is certain, both Democrats and Republicans are United in their intent to divide the people via the database driven infrastructure.

Hopefully a copy of her book will be distributed to all SCOTUS members, every elected official and every State official, including those on State Supreme Courts. Getting them to read it is something else, changing a mind something else all together. I think everyone knows the registry is punishment but they will never vote for abolishing the damn thing cause… Well, votes.

Last edited 9 months ago by H n H

Just ordered from Amazonian site a day ago, one left, will be great reading, wish it would be available online to The Masses to be RE-Educated from a Professional trusted to poss ignorant or mislead individuals let alone groups that do NOT advocate our NEEDS facts vs. fiction of hysteria and/or Fear factoring instead of great groups like Calif’s ACSOL that have been trying for years and many published authors within their Board! Narsol prob p/u on this as well, hope so on such a Larger Level alike W.A.R. fighting for The Truth! AMEN Thank you Professor Horowitz!!

Emily’s new book is much anticipated! Emily has shared with the ACSOL board of directors on which she serves some of the challenges she faced in gathering material for her book. Based upon Emily’s description of the book, I have ordered a copy and very much look forward to start reading it as soon as it arrives. Thank you, Emily, for all of your hard work. May it be rewarded with robust book sales.

The truth must be told millions of people who have served their sentence are being forced on these registries in most cases years after serving a sentence. Very unconstitutional. Weather one likes it or not when a person in this Country has served their time they deserve the right as anyone else to live the rest of their lives in peace not retroactively punished from power hungry politicians who have the right to rewrite laws and call them rules. The truth is if you allow this on one set of “unpopular” group it can end being applied to all groups. Bad law makers creates bad law. These registries do nothing but bring down those on them as well as punishing the families or those on them.

 Thank you Emily Horowitz.🙏🏽 The truth is never easy to be told, Sometimes even harder to be heard.

I am two-thirds done with this book and can’t recommend it enough. I paid $65 on Amazon but it was worth it. My son is an SO here in Wisconsin, and the stories in this book were familiar to me on so many levels. Emily’s book should be required reading for every legislator, judge…no, EVERYONE with an unhealthy attitude about sex offenders.

Food for thought…perhaps if the book was a bit less expensive it would reach more people?