CA: Sex offender sweep in Victorville nets 13 arrests

Source: 6/30/23

Over 50 registered sex offenders were contacted and several were arrested during a weekend sweep at multiple locations in Victorville.

The sex offender compliance operation was conducted on Saturday, June 24 by Victorville Sheriff’s Station and California State Parole personnel. Deputies and parole agents arrested 13 registered sex offenders on suspicion of various allegations, including failing to register as a sex offender, outstanding warrants, and parole violations.

There are nearly 260 registered sex offenders in Victorville, and about 450 between Adelanto, Apple Valley and Hesperia

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What’s missing??
Arrests for non-sex offense parole violations.
Arrests for domestic violence.
Arrests for DUI.
Arrests for burglary.
Arrests for felonious assault.
Arrests for robbery.
Oh…….wait a minute… bad!
For a moment I forgot those crimes don’t make law enforcement look as good when those people are arrested as arrests for registrant crimes.
What was I thinking!!
Sorry for briefly losing touch with reality.

The scary part is almost all the county’s in California are still doing this, except for LA county BUT every now and then they conducted these types of sweeps too.
Between 2006 and 2010 they were doing these every day, different agencies linking up and catching sex offenders, one of these many agencies still exist it’s called SAFE task force they don’t look like cops they look like everyday people and sometimes drive their own personal cars
They we’re watching me and my wife and kids for weeks before they arrested me in front of my children for going to visit them 3 days a week said it was a frequent place that I dwell even though I lived with my mom at the time.
If u live in California and ur on the registry you gotta live your life like ur on the run 🏃🏿‍♂️

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO’S PHO

This is terrible reporting or maybe it terrible reporting by design. There is a difference between an RSO in custody (parole or probation) and out of custody.

In custody, this really wouldn’t be considered a sweep because it is standard operating procedure (SOP) to have your dwelling inspected by parole or probation officers.

Out of custody is a totally different matter. If Victorville does conduct an SO compliance check unit, then ACSOL better start suing Victorville and the state because now compliance checks completes the traits of being under custody because there are no compliance check operations listed in any form of registration (290.5 or SB 384). The state or Victorville cannot have it both ways of practicing compliance checks on those out of custody and still claim to be a civil program.

This article should serve as evidence in court. Even though it is vague, this piece of evidence reflects how the Victorville police department treats in-custody and out-of-custody the same way.

“Deputies and parole agents arrested 13 registered sex offenders on suspicion of various allegations, including failing to register as a sex offender, outstanding warrants, and parole violations.” I didn’t realize suspicion was an arrestable office. Detainment maybe, but arrestable???

It’s all performative nonsense to whitewash the cop’s tarnished public image.

When I got my compliance check this year, I was told they got a grant to fund these. Yet, there are hard drugs used and sold in the same neighborhood daily. The sheriff is threatening to cut patrols due to funding cuts. Hmmm, seems like punishment to me. When you need extra funding for compliance, it is monitoring. Being monitored is punishment.

I wonder if they do any sweeps in Barstow? San Berdoo County leo has been known to pass over my hometown in favor of concentrating resources on the bigger high desert cities. Ironically, Victorville was smaller than Barstow when I was a kid.