CO: Musician who called out alleged sexual predators online for years pleads guilty to attempted sexual assault on a minor

Source: 9/6/23

Ross _______, a political activist and onetime prominent member of the local punk music scene, has spent years using the internet to call out alleged perpetrators of sexual assault — and anyone who associates with them. But this summer, _______ himself was convicted of attempted sexual assault on a minor, and a condition of his probation sentence had him kicked off the internet.

On September 23, 2022, _______ began sending messages to a person he thought was a fourteen-year-old girl named _______, according to a Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office arrest affidavit. _______was actually an undercover investigator who messaged back and forth with _______ over the course of the next five days.

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Bad karma

In June, Swirling pleaded guilty to criminal attempt to commit sexual assault on a child, resulting in the dismissal of other charges against him. The judge sentenced Swirling to a two-year term of sex offender intensive supervised probation. As a consequence, he is currently listed on the Colorado Bureau of Investigation sex offender registry and is banned from using the internet.”

That was from: Allout Helter frontman Ross Swirling convicted of attempted sexual assault against a minor – Lambgoat

In my opinion he got off light. Anyway, perhaps he’ll think twice on canceling others. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Another case of entrapment. There needs to be a public notification that all police will lie to serve their interests over anyone else. It should be in the Miranda rights but isn’t.

I once asked a PhD psychologist with 20 years experience in counseling sex offenders for an impression about the men who worked at catching internet predators. She just smiled, shook her head and said she wouldn’t comment. Nuff said (or unsaid). Regarding this guy, I’ll just say that “time wounds all heels.”

Not surprising. A huge motivation for the worst of the cancel culture guys on social media is eliminating male competition for women. They (try to) build their brands with gullible women by relentlessly attacking other men and pretending to be allies to poor, marginalized young women. This is true across the whole political spectrum.

People that virtue signal the hardest and loudest usually use that as cover to hide their own misdeeds. Projection and Halo Effect is everywhere in politics and Hollywood.