GA: 73 Sheriff’s Offices Searched 9,232 Registrants to Find Only 3 Re-Offenses

Source: 11/14/23

Thanks to an initiative involving 73 Georgia Sheriffs,…

Due to the overwhelming success of the original initiative, Georgia’s Sheriffs have made this an annual operation…

Preliminary reporting by the 73 participating sheriff’s offices reveals 12,092 registered sex offenders, 466 predators and 552 homeless sex offenders are currently living in their counties. During the one week operation, 9,232 residence verifications were conducted, … 3 warrants were issued for new sex offenses

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so out of 9,232 residency searched only wait for it…3 people had a NEW sex offense issued, which comes out to 1/3 of 1 percent quite clearly a frightening and high recidivism rates.

great work Georgia on wasting the tax payers dollars.

So, out of all those checks less than 2.75% were issued warrants for violations and a minuscule 3 out of 9,232 registrants had new sexually related offenses. WOW!! How ‘frightening and high’ is the recidivism rate!!
Call out the Army!!
Call out the Navy!!
Call out the Marines!!
Call out the National Guard!!
Declare Martial Law!!
What a useless piece of journalism!
Where are the DUI arrests for the year?
Where are drug trafficking arrests for the year?
Where are the………oh………my bad….those other arrests don’t produce as much of a sense of safety to the public as arresting registrants.
I guess I lost touch with reality for a minute.

Please keep in mind that these “3 new sex offenses” are merely accusations instituted by law enforcement officers against citizens who are, even now, presumed innocent. This presumption shall remain until any allegation has been proven true in a court of law, provided that the district attorney chooses to pursue criminal indictments.

Aren’t such articles nothing more than gaslighting? The same as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater over a dropped cigarette? But hey, they’re the government and they have nothing better to do than to monitor and alert the activities of individuals peepee’s. So, the peepee patrol is out there literally doing nothing more than just making a name for itself. I wonder if they realize just how ridiculous they look to those who know what they actually do? Or do they operate their peepee monitoring office with the sheer intent of exploiting the naivety of the general population with the assumption that everyone is now protected from….. What, we don’t know yet. This entire article just reeks of someone’s ego looking for a way to inflate further. Anyone have a pin?

Wow, that’s so frightening and high.

We don’t know the nature of the sex offenses involved, but I’m pretty sure that if the ENTIRE state of GA used their collective policing powers and randomly checked on over 9000 individuals in their communities, they would uncover at least as many sexual crimes being committed, likely more.

Is there an election for the popo upcoming or are they just vying for top billing with the county LE in NC or FLA?

They call circumventing The Constitution an “initiative.”

But hey… w”E hAvE 2 keEp TaBz On ThEzE pEoPlE 2 mAkE sUr ThEy r WhErE tHeY r SuPpOsEd 2 b”

Big government just can’t stop burning our tax dollars. Personally, I’m done with paying magnitudes of my fair share of taxes just to support these moron a**holes. I’m tired of paying for their propaganda “operations” and overtime. Law enforcement is overpaid and needs to be seriously de-funded. If they can’t focus on real work, they shouldn’t have money and other resources. All Americans need to vote that into reality. Vote for smaller government. Not the money burners.

These propaganda stunts are a great reason why PFRs should never, ever allow “compliance checks”. I don’t allow law enforcement criminals or any other big government employees to get onto my properties or near my family. Unless there is some benefit to me, of course.

What is hilarious about this stunt is that the propaganda that they force onto media to report is the same year after year, verbatim in many places. Maybe all key places. I’d check more but their blathering makes me feel dumber and ill, so I’ll avoid it.

This article said, “Due to the overwhelming success of the original initiative, Georgia’s Sheriffs have made this an annual operation and recently conducted Operation Watchful Eye VIII.”

Here is an article from 2021 that said EXACTLY the same thing except has “VI” instead of “VIII”:

You can find a lot more examples of the exact drivel being “reported” year after year after year, in numerous media.

And by “overwhelming success” they mean that they got their propaganda out to the public and they were overpaid.

Another bit of drivel that is repeated for this year after year betrays that the main purpose of the “operation” is propaganda. That drivel starts, “The purpose of this statewide effort is to create awareness that sheriffs’ offices work …”.

Let’s de-fund law enforcement that has no clue about how to prevent or solve crimes and instead puts on shows.

In the real world, this would matter… but it won’t here! In the paranoid, delusional fantasy world of the registry, even 1 new SO is conclusive proof the all have and/or will recidivate. The fact that about 95% of these assumed recidivists, nor any of the dozens to hundreds of SO’s the allegedly committed, will ever be known to the State, means nothing…apparently.

Seriously, look at what Registry Supports say is true, then do the math. If their lies were true, it would be virtually impossible to survive childhood without being sexually assaulted at least once, if not multiple times. Instead of 1-7 females and 1-13 males, it would quickly be the inverse, eg only 1-13 males avoid being assaulted, the other 12 not so lucky… Now double that for females!

This is one of the more frustrating aspects of this for me. The crap they say is so obviously, demonstratively lies! The nightmare world they say we live in has no relation to reality, and that is just ignored! The numbers NEVER MATCH the propaganda… The don’t even come close.

F the DCS (Department of Community Supervision)
F the Sheriffs (Georgia)
F Michael Nail (Commissioner)
F Brian Kemp (Governor)

10/26/2023, One DCS pig visited me.
10/27/2023, Same DCS pig visited me (they must visit twice a month.)
10/31/2023, Two different DCS pigs visited.

I’ve been on supervision (after 3 years prison) for 21 years now.

Throughout the year, each sheriff’s office verifies addresses provided by registered sex offenders. While conducting residence verifications, deputies also assure additional registration requirements are being adhered to’

So, unless you’re still on parole/supervised release, how do they assure you’re following all the other requirements? Come into your home, search, check phones, computers, etc? That’s just BS, unless GA has some naff rules. No warrant, you’re not coming in, period.
I’m in MI, never had this, and hope I don’t. But if they decide to come knocking on the door, piss off!

Amazing amount of Resources expended for an Amazing over reach. But the ‘Good Ole Boys” I am sure were all fired up the night before. But yet Fentanyl dealers who are in FACT killing teens and others are given a pass and well, that’s okay right? Millions spent on this, but yet MS kids are dying from the dopeman. The Registered SO? Alleged predator #1. The Dopeman? oh, sorry mom and dad who just buried your teen kid, that we cant do anything about. Insanity. INSANITY!!!

It stated that 3 re-offended which alludes to them committing another sex crime but it was for them having obsconded from registering or not having the right address listed. Language matters!