The Disturbing True Story Behind the Movie “May December”

Source: 12/3/23

Todd Haynes’ new film May December stars Julianne Moore and Charles Melton as a married couple with a complicated history (to say the least), and Natalie Portman as an actress who inserts themselves into their lives while preparing to perform in a movie about the beginning of their relationship.

The detail which makes this marriage so unusual, and which drives much of the deeply unsettling dynamics throughout the film, is the fact that Moore’s character Gracie met her now-husband, Joe, when she was 36 and he was 13.

While May December is technically a work of fiction—the character of Elizabeth, for instance, is completely invented—many of the facts surrounding Gracie and Joe’s marriage are rooted in reality. Director Todd Haynes and screenwriters Sammy Burch and Alex Mechanik used the true story of Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau as the inspiration for the film.

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Hardly, “Disturbing” IMO.

Here in the real world, things like this can and do happen. Often they do not last, but sometimes they do. I recall meeting some friends of someone I was dating.
Elder of the two was 55 years old, and the younger was 35. My date brought me as his +1 to their 20th anniversary party.

Yeah 35 and 15 at the start of their lifelong romance. They seemed really happy about their life together. I was the only person there that didn’t know them well, and the only person there that seemed to think anything about this was odd. I changed my mind about that by the end of the evening.

The State will demand that what I saw wasn’t real. Their life together was a sham to cover up 20 years of abuse. That the younger couldn’t possibly be happy with his choice, and his life, but had simply been brainwashed into thinking he was. The State would be wrong.

Yes, there are people that will take advantage of younger people in an abusive fashion, but not all will. Instead of simply acting when and where there is a problem, the State turns everything into a problem, and demands that their declaration is infallible. They create abuse by decree, and disregard the alleged victim’s opinion on the subject.

This has nothing to do with protecting children from abuse, it has everything to do with protecting parental property rights.

If I remember correctly, the illustrious John Walsh began his marriage when his wife was a mid-teenager. I don’t recall the age but….

I have read that Fualaau and Letourneau had split up after however many years together (counting when she was locked up). She died from cancer a year after they had separated, which may or may not have had a role in their separation. But nowhere did I see anything that Fualaau had decided that he was abused after all those years.

There’s a very big difference in questioning the wisdom of a teenage decision and questioning the capacity to make it. IT’s an absolute shame that the same generation that was cheering proposals to make condoms available in schools when they were teenagers are now writing and supporting laws claiming teenagers are too damn stupid to make these decisions. Especially those that need their teens’ help to operate their own cell phones.

When a woman sleeps with a minor everyone always says how lucky boy is for hooking up with a older woman BUT if A man sleeps with a minor, he’s a groomer and a sick monster, and the minor female was taking advantage of.
What a bunch of hypocrites

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO1

🤔 Hmmm, like the novel The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. (adult woman & 15 y.o. boy) 🤷🏻‍♂️