General Comments May 2024

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Any PFRs been able to land a state or county job after being convicted? I recently lost my job of nearly 7 years and recently began applying for jobs. I have been intentionally not applying to any gov’t jobs as I know they typically do deep dive background checks (Live scan, etc) that go beyond the usual 7 years. What sucks is there are a lot of jobs right now, with good pay and benefits, that are with county or city agencies. I have a CP conviction from 2013. Reduced to misdemeanor and expunged in 2017. I have a letter from my attorney from back then that explains police found 3 illegal files in a porn hoard of nearly 2TB that I amassed using P2P.

Wondering if any PFRs have tried to get some sort of gov’t job and what the outcome was after the background check. Anybody manage to get hired? The type of job I would be applying for would put me behind a computer screen And not dealing with the public. Trying to figure out if I have any chance in hell.

Last edited 9 months ago by MS

I know teacher student incidents have been on the raise, but this is a new one from last month you’ll have to look up online (didn’t post link)…geez!

Police catch naked teacher in car with undressed student after short pursuit, crash (NEB)

I doubt she admitted to what they she said… Probably used other words.

Hoping for a Supreme Court win in June ( Chevron)
.if that domino falls as it should, how long would it take to start the challenges on our end?

Have you guys checked out the fancy new hi-tech upgrade for the “Megans law” website, it’s kinda scary how simple and fast it is.
I gotta get off this website by any means necessary

Last edited 8 months ago by AERO1

This just in:
LA County puts 66 probation officers on leave for misconduct including sexual abuse, excessive force
Of course, we already know that many who are in trusted positions are the ones misusing that trust. But we are the ones the public needs to be aware of? I wonder if they will be added to the registry since they are being accused or charged of sexual misconduct in both adult and juvenile division. I am sure this is just one of MANY such incidences across the country. The registry needs to go, or people like this need to be added.

Please give me your opinion, I am a tier 1 and have been on the Michigan registry for 13 years. My case was federal, I’ve paid a quality attorney to submit a request for removal from the registry a year ago. A month ago a federal judge signed the order for my removal. My attorney says we now need a Michigan state judge to sign removal order. Do you think the Michigan state police will accept an order from a federal judge ??

I am visiting CA this summer and would like to start scoping out housing (my five year plan has me moving to CA, but the universe has laughed at my plans in the past so who knows). I know there are no residency restrictions thanks to Janice, but I often hear of counties / cities that are worse in terms of compliance checks and harassment like Riverside, San Diego, and LA. Can you CA residents please give me a list of areas to stay away from? Conversely, if anyone has a positive experience in their county, I would like to hear about that too.

This would be housing for me, but I need to be ready for my son to live with me if his housing goes bad. We are clear of the residency restriction for the moment, but if a day care goes up in a vacant store front, we will have to sell. And I am hearing other parts of IL are trying to increase the restriction to more than 500 feet, so that would really squeeze us out.

Are there any states that have declared the registry as punishment?

I’m looking for info on how things are for a PFR moving to Wisconsin with a CP conviction from another state. I read some stuff about the registry rules there so I get that. How bad is it with people knowing about you and harassing you? If I have to move it would be somewhere near the Illinois border. Is Kenosha county or Walworth county okay?

Any help is appreciated!

Need advice please – Here in California, you have to register within 5 working days before or after your Birthday. When do these days start, and do weekends and holidays count? Monday is Memorial Day. Is that considered a working day? Let’s say, Birthday is 5/23. Is the first of the five days counted from 5/24 on, disregarding the weekend and Memorial Day, and would put you until 5/31 to register? Or would 5/30 be the last possible day if you start the count on 5/23?

Maryland has now banned certain minors forced to register from schools.

California is one of the toughest states when it comes to sex registration laws.
Me personally, I didn’t find out about Janice and ACSOL till around 2015 through a litter I received from a registrant about standing up and fighting for our rights. Before that I didn’t know shiit about “compliance checks” most of time I would also let them in to get them out my hallway screaming and banging on my door in full swat gear with loud az walkie-talkie’s scaring the Hell out of my neighbors.
Thanks to ACSOL a lot people are more educated about registry laws in California BUT even with all the knowledge and information we have don’t ever think your bigger then the program or smarter then Law-enforcement, they have unlimited resources while we have only have Janice and ACSOL and depending on your financial situation, you might not even have that.
So sometimes it’s just easier to open the door and comply so they can move on down their hit list of harassment.
If you’re on the registry, never move to another state thinking that the registry laws are going to be less strenuous or not as harsh as your current state, because the truth is the registry is the same in every state, coming to California thinking the grass is greener, you can easily find yourself sitting in prison on a failure to register conviction for just staying with family or friends longer than seven days, or staying at a Airbnb for longer then 7 days or staying the night at your girlfriends house for the last two years even though you don’t live there and have your own apartment.
When the California (SAFE) task force is on you you’re on you they’ll watch you on and off for weeks at a time and you’ll never know till it’s to late.

Last edited 8 months ago by AERO 1

Speaking of pornography: “Studies also show that there is a connection between shame or embarrassment around masturbation and a self-perception of compulsion and addiction. In other words, if you view masturbation as a normal part of human sexuality, you’re unlikely to view yourself as addicted. We also see clear links between perceived pornography addiction and shame related to culture and religiosity as major causes of distress.3 4

I couldn’t have said it any better myself except to underline, bold and all-caps “culture and religiosity.” So, porn “addiction” is highly correlated to culture and religious belief. Who’d a thunk it?

This is an interesting organization, the Woodhull Foundation, and they have a refreshingly positivist message about human sexuality, in general. We can hope that they extend their influence.

Remember, having your name, address, and photo on a public registry website is not punishment, but according to the Missouri Attorney General, naming the city that a famous NFL kicker lives in is a criminal act
(Missouri AG demands Kansas City records from Harrison Butker doxing post).
For the record, I don’t care at all about what an NFL kicker says at a private school’s graduation, but I really think we need to hold politicians accountable who argue out of both sides of their mouths. At what point does this become perjury?

Am I seeing a bleak(er) future, or being paranoid?

Just saw something on the News (PBS Newshour) that reported that, “1 in 4 Community College applicants are Bots”. They are applying to enroll as, “remote learning students”, who need financial aid. So far these bots have gotten “millions” in financial aid, per this report.

What’s that guy to do with the registry? There bots use real identities in their applications, identities that were gained from the internet. A PFR identity may not be particularly valuable to this scam, but how much longer will it be before someone comes up with a scam that it would be valuable to?

AI enabled bots, using real identities like mine or yours, are becoming indistinguishable from real people. With the data on the ML Website, and an AI enable bot using it…

Also, North Korea is using real American identities to get, “remote employee” jobs. These aren’t fully bot, there is an actual person doing the job, just in North Korea, not America. PFR identities aren’t particularly useful here either, but…that scam involves real people here in America, making it look like the workers in NK are actually here in the US. It only took me 2 minutes to figure out how to use the registry to get in on that.

With a few thousand dollars, I’m in business! A business that uses your name, not mine… in your home town, not mine. PFR status isn’t a problem either… so no reason not to use it.

The website has gotten even more dangerous? Also, with the potential involvement of State actors like NK… this abomination has made it more dangerous for everyone?

“Ask Amy column to end after 21 years” “I’m grateful that we’ve been able to help each other,” Amy Dickenson says as she announces the end of her advice column after 21 years.”

Along with the other folks from ACSOL, I’m choosing to believe that we helped to bring that about, Amy! Let’s face it, you were pretty terrible at it anyway. Coincidence?

Ask Amy column to end after 21 years

I normally don’t talk about stuff like this, but I got into a strange back & forth with this person on It was over an article concerning Germany rolling back cp possession from a 1 year to a 3 month minimum. I posted that even 3 months in jail is too much for first time possession. After that, a couple of posters jumped on me like sharks. One of them was honest enough to say we’re to far apart on the issue, so he/or she didn’t want to discuss anything else with me. The other person stuck around, said people should get years in prison for possession, and then he/or she told me I think it’s okay to have cp pictures. I responded that’s it’s no more okay than someone who looks at child torture images, but those people don’t get jailed for it. Then this person said they get jailed for years. I said, no they don’t, because viewing non sexual torture abuses images is protected free speech. This person then threatened to flag me to the FBI. I responded, “Oh please! They’ll probably laugh at you and send you a copy of the US Constitution.” Then I challenged this person to cite a case where someone has been prosecuted for having child torture images. Then this person said he/or she works with the FBI, and they’ve sent people to prison for this. I responded “you’re blowing smoke, Cite me one case. You have Google.” Then this person said they just flagged my ID to the FBI….LOL! Then I told this person how I know they’re blowing smoke. The FBI isn’t interested in online discussions over the legal status of something that is legal. Even if I was flat out advocating for child porn legalization, the FBI still can’t do nothing about it. I also told this person that they must have slept thru Civics 101. I haven’t received anymore responses. I think I got rid of that troll.

Found this by accident. Remember the Moose Antler vigilante? Here’s some follow up on him.

“Axtell, 27, was found to be mentally ill and dangerous and chemically dependent after court-ordered mental health evaluations. His criminal case has been suspended until he “can be returned to competency,” Cook County Attorney Molly Hicken said after a review hearing held via Zoom on Monday afternoon.”

“…appears to see himself as a hero for having killed the alleged victim and believes that others are likely ‘relieved this was taken care of,…”

Moose man showed up at the PFR victim’s house with a shovel, moose antler, and a plan… and he’s facing murder 2 charges. How much more premeditated does it need to be? Perhaps if he rode a live specially trained “War moose” to the PFR Victim’s house?

Google Search: “Murder Moose Antler” There are a variety of stories from about a year ago.

I read that Mike Tyson had a health scare while traveling. Read on you tube. I scrolled through comments and found one that was asking god to bless him and thanking god he was o.k. I recognized the person’s name from a … video that they had made negative comments responding to one I had posted. I commented to them, “ You posted before that all …[people forced to register] should be beaten, but then you want God to bless Mike”. Isn’t that hypocritical?” The response was , well , expected. It read simply ,
“ Mr. Tyson (how respectful) has paid his price and deserves to be left alone”.
Gee, but the rest of us don’t?

Just caught the last few minutes of the American Experience episode about polygraphs…thought I would share my thoughts. 😁

… because it always produces the result they want, that’s why!

Have you harmed a child recently?
No – Pass = Yeah, my pogrom is working!
No – Fail = Lock this dirty…
No -??? = We’ll need to do this again
Yes – Pass = Lock this….
Yes – Fail = Has to be true! Lock….
Yes- ??? = Just in case…Loc…

See how the Magic Confirmation Machine always produces the result you want? It never fails to validate your efforts! It never contradicts your presumption that what you’re doing is necessary and productive! It always confirms all of your presumptions!

What could those presumptions be, one wonders?

* That all the PFRs would… if you didn’t stop them!
* The pogrom is the only thing that stops them, outside of prison.
* The Magic Confirmation Machine proves that, scientifically!

How dare you! They don’t need to invent excuses to lock people back up in the prison they never had to let them out of in the first place! They could have kept them in that prison, or moved them to a shadow prison, and kept them there until they died, if they wanted that!

It’s about being brave and heroic in the face of relentless evil!

How dare you! True, people do vote for heroically brave people like that, but that’s not what it’s all about! It’s about being brave and heroic in the face of relentless evil!

How dare you! It has to be real, the Magic Confirmation Machine PROVES THAT, SCIENTIFICALLY!

That’s why…and how…it always produces the results you want! No matter what the quija board says, it always PROVES that you are right about everything, but that’s not what is all about… right?

Reaching out for any assistance and, really, more clarity. Public defenders, lawyers, and the law just can feel overwhelming by the language.

I have a 664/288(a) from infamous sting in Riverside. I now reside in San Bernardino County. Received expungement late last year. Been trying to obtain COR. This county says I’m ineligible because I still register. Once removed I can apply for COR. I’m aware of the attempts court case that should lower tiers (currently tier 2, with 2028 being the twenty year mark). Question is, does the county’s words make sense? Do I even really need a COR? My main objective is to clean my record as best as possible so I can move forward in my life with little to no hiccups. My understanding, I thought, was that a COR would do that as it often coincides with the expungement.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

I hope the recording for May’s conference call is uploaded now if it is at all. I hate when I can’t make it live.

[MODERATOR’S NOTE: Sorry, but due to technical difficulties there will be no May recording available]

So the other night I was asleep and having a dream. In the dream I was with a group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse and we were being chased by zombies (I apparently watch too many zombie shows).

We found a school and managed to barricade ourselves in one of the buildings.

It was at that point that my subconscious mind realized that I should not be there, it was illegal to be there because as a registrant I hadn’t received permission from the school to enter. That realization snapped me back to reality and I woke up.

WTF? It’s not right that this intrudes even into my dreams.

No comment. I don’t want to get into a political mudslinging battle. People have their strong views on both sides, but I believe one of those sides will come to their senses after the passage of time

Don’t fall into that line of reasoning because it’s a false dichotomy . A felony conviction is very different for people with power, influence and wealth. To them, it’s an inconvenience and wear it as an honor badge. Shame, humiliation and vilification is only reserved for the poors with a felony and PFT.