MI: Police use license plate readers to arrest 6, including Wyandotte teacher, in undercover sex sting

Source: detroitnews.com 5/29/24

Six people, including a teacher in Wyandotte and two Venezuelan nationals, have been arrested on sex and prostitution charges after Taylor police and Homeland Security officials posed undercover and then used license plate readers and live-time cameras to pinpoint the suspects.

The arrests stemmed from an investigation that ran from April 24-26 and involved both Taylor police and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Investigators used license plate readers to track alleged predators after they arranged online to meet the officers who’d posed as 14- and 15-year-old children, said officials at a press conference Wednesday.

“Homeland Security reached out to us and asked if we wanted to participate,” Taylor Lt. Jeff Adamisin said. “We had officers on websites, having contact with these individuals. Occasionally, we’d get vehicle descriptions, and we’d use our network of Flock (license plate readers), and were able to locate these vehicles prior to them getting to the destination.

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Assembly line to the registry. These are “dangerous predators” but they can’t spare 6 officers to handle the arrests of men that are so risky they need at least 25 years in a public registry. Now we can use online surveillance coupled with public camera surveillance to efficiently send as many men who fail government morality tests to jail. Meanwhile metro Detroit is as violent and crime-ridden as ever

After reading about half of this self-congratulatory nonsense, something occurred to me. Wasn’t the Department of Homeland Security set up to counter domestic terrorism? Why in God’s name are they conducting these stupid bait-and-switch stings? What the hell do those stings have to do with terrorism?

Apparently police departments would rather create crime in order to arrest people instead of doing actual police work to investigate real crimes…

Entrapment issues aside – the word “predator” gets thrown around a lot in an overall blanket statement to include johns that solicit sex from prostitutes. I see the political manipulation of perception from politicians and the police to make something more than it actually is in order to aggrandize their cheap efforts of protecting the public so they can keep their jobs. I just wish the rest of society could see through this BS and demand law enforcement to do better than stage these absurd publicity stunts that cost taxpayer money.

IF they charge the child sexual abuse statute mcl750.145c2 its an easy but unauthorized prosecution.
Just read the online jury instructions at: courts.michigan.gov

Hope the moderator can shorten that.
Bottom line for a REAL prosecution:
1. Underage child and perp knows they are
2. Belief online that the child is a child
3. Prep for sexually abusive activity in order to produce sexually abusive materials.
4. Engage in the activity
5. Commercial gain

( I have no info on prostitution charges)

The fake Felony Information can’t include any essential elements or the defendants would see they are innocent.

Michigan fake courts must pay