LA: Louisiana Passes Surgical Castration Bill for Child Molesters, waiting for Governor’s signature

Source: 6/4/24

Judges in Louisiana could order people who are convicted of sex crimes against children to undergo surgical castration under a bill that state lawmakers passed overwhelmingly on Monday.

While Louisiana and a few other states, including California, Texas and Florida, have long allowed chemical castration, the option to punish sex offenders via surgical castration — which is far more intrusive — appears to be the first in the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures and prisoners’ advocacy groups.

The bill now awaits the signature of Gov. Jeff Landry, a Republican who took office in January vowing a tough-on-crime approach. And while the bill easily passed the Republican-dominated Legislature, it was a Democrat from Baton Rouge, Senator Regina Barrow, who introduced the measure.

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Louisiana residents, ACSOL just heard about this bill so it is too late to fight it in the legislature but you can still call/write your governor!

We all need to keep an eye out for dangerous bills like this one and let ACSOL and local registrant rights organizations know about them ASAP!

Check your state’s legislature using
ACSOL has a page that describe this.

In fact we should also keep an eye out for bad bills submitted city, county, and federal gov.

If we notice a car only after it hits us, that is too late!

There’s one problem with this reporting. I noticed it the other day since I’ve been following this story closely over the last few days. The legislature might have adjourned too early to have actually sent it to the governor. As of yesterday the legislature there has adjourned sine die, and every bill that has been signed by the governor, first had to be sent to him via the secretary of the senate. Why is that small detail missing from the Louisiana legislature’s website?


Getting castrated sounds like cruel and unusual punishment imp, but I’m just a registrant ashamed of the insanity of our lawmakers. Louisiana just change your name to Louisianastan, the Corruption Punitive State (CPS)

This is red meat for the bloodthirsty base and we know that they have an endless appetite. SCOTUS is dominated by more religious radicals than we’ve ever seen so we’ll see if they correctly interpret the clear Constitutional issues at hand.

This is the same fine state that does not understand separation of church and state.

Louisiana could soon become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom:

This is really happening, just look at the American government and our president options right now this country is going to shiit.
The politicians down south don’t play either, they’re nothing like the hippies up here in California, people are gonna have to start fleeing the south like the slaves did. This is nothing new BUT until PFR start organizing and flooding the streets in public protest we will continue to be public enemy number one

I am a person forced to register in Louisiana.
Not sure how this new law in Louisiana will get past the 1942 US Supreme Court unanimous decision of Skinner v. Oklahoma which ruled that
The right to procreation is a fundamental right, so a state cannot require the sterilization of criminals convicted of certain crimes.”.

Lets just say if they came after me with the intentions of separating me from my jewels it would be a terrible, terrible day for those involved. I will never understand how one of the most advanced Country’s in the world, would resort to mid-evil times wow and the constitution can’t stop all this BS they call a registry and the senseless restrictions that are designed to shame!

Since state laws don’t make a child sex crime distinction between contact & no-contact offenses, I did more research on the Louisiana law to find out if it included child pornography offenses. The bill actually did in the beginning, but someone was able to talk the barbarians into taking it out. Also, the question of female genital mutilation came up, because it is a flat out human rights violation under the UN Charter. Although it’s rare for Germany to grant asylum to Americans with sex crimes, these castration cases will be no brainers for German courts. So get your people together, River, for more pockets 💸 to empty. I hope the sponsor of the bill realizes she’s being used. It’s probably the first time southern white men in the Louisiana legislature had ever listened to a black woman. Forget about their other complaints of voter suppression, redistricting, criminal justice disparities…but chopping a black man’s penis off is fine with those lawmakers

Then cut off the finger that pulled a trigger and killed someone. Then cut off the tongue for defamation. Then cut off the hand(s) or foot(feet) that assaulted someone. Etc… Why only sex crimes? Hypocrites.

Does this new statute apply to a minor having sex with a minor?