Trump’s case casts a spotlight on movement to restore voting rights to those convicted of felonies

Source: 5/31/24
[ACSOL is posting this non-partisan article about voting rights because it affects registrants]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican-led states have historically made it difficult for those convicted of a felony to vote or barred it altogether. Now the Republicans’ presumptive nominee for president, who lives in one of those states, is among them.

Donald Trump’s conviction in the New York hush money case puts a spotlight on a wider movement to restore rights that has been gaining momentum in recent years, with the notable exception of Trump’s newly adopted state of Florida and a pair of its Southern neighbors.

Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2018 restoring the right to vote for the estimated 1.8 million people in the state who had felony convictions, but the Republican-controlled Legislature watered that down by making the payment of all fines, fees and court costs part of the requirement before voting rights would be restored. That had the effect of making it complex, expensive and risky for people convicted of felonies to try to cast ballots.

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“Republican-controlled Legislature watered that down by making the payment of all fines, fees and court costs part of the requirement before voting rights would be restored. That had the effect of making it complex, expensive and risky for people convicted of felonies to try to cast ballots.”

Risky? How? If you have an unpaid fine and vote would they consider That to be another felony as well? Why even bother restoring rights if they’re just going to start stacking on exceptions? Seems like all they want to do is keep people perpetually in the system forever.

Do politicians believe that all felons belong to their opposing party and wouldn’t impact their campaign? Hopefully now politicians see how punitive our voting laws are, how they impact both parties at the ballot box, and cost our country as a whole. Allow citizens to participate in our society and if politicians are too scared of felons they should stay out of politics.

What is even more interesting is in the state of Colorado, the governor just signed Senate Bill 72 which allows for jail based voting, the first by a state in this country. So not only do felons get to vote in the state of Colorado, those who are currently incarcerated get the opportunity to vote.

It’s risky because those with felony records may not be AWARE of this “add-on” legislative requirement. Then, when attempting to cast their vote, they may unwittingly violate the mandate to pay all fines, etc., thus committing another felony.

On the bright side, this requirement also applies to Former Pres. Trump, who would have to (1) Complete all of his criminal sentences, including probation, before he is allowed to vote (we’ll see how Judge Marchon rules on July 11), and (2) Mr. Trump may also be required to pay ALL of his outstanding fines and penalties. I’m not sure if this would include “unpaid civil judgments” (e.g., monies owed to the State of NY, or the millions of dollars owed to E. Jean Carroll), as well.

As I understand it, the whole thing is moot since his New York state conviction doesn’t impact his Florida voting per the wording of the Florida law. Secondly, the sketchy republican written law gives the govenor the ability to grant voting rights to an individual, & I am pretty sure that ron de sanctimonious will gladly do that for his buddy.

DeSantis is EVIL. He makes Trump look like Mr. Rogers!

This article highlights international travel restrictions for people convicted of felonies (not to mention People Forced to Register):

Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries – Newsweek

I hope Trump’s trial, verdict, and sentence sheds a light on how our criminal justice system needs true reform. Instead of being tough on crime our country and society would benefit from being smart on crime. Time for Tough on crime to die and Smart on Crime a chance to shine

Where in the federal constitution or amendments does it state a person can be deprived of the right to vote if jailed or under the supervision of the state?

How do states get away with not allowing all citizens over the 18 the right to vote?