CA: Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Darrin Bell arrested on child porn charges, including AI

Source: 1/16/25
[ACSOL is publishing this because it is the first arrest based upon AI content]

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a Sacramento-based Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist on accusations of being in possession of child pornography.

Detectives from the Sacramento Valley Internet Crimes Against Children served a search warrant to 49-year-old Darrin Bell’s home Wednesday morning after receiving a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

 Detectives said they recovered computer-generated AI child sex abuse material and other evidence related to the case. In all 134 videos linked to the same account controlled by Bell were recovered, the sheriff’s office said.

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The first but certainly not the last. Let’s see if this new law holds up under constitutional scrutiny.

Oh by the way, if the cops ever try and arrest me for this I’ve got my flail and claymore ready.

Last edited 25 days ago by PO'D Registered Citizen

ACSOL usually does not post articles on this website when a person has been merely arrested for a sex offense. We made a different decision today in order to send out a warning that individuals are now being arrested for this type of offense. Please take heed.

If the new GOP bill passes before he is sentenced he is looking at Federal Death Row.

The article said He was reported to Law Enforcement by the center for missing and exploited children. If they were AI files as reported, then who’s missing and who’s being exploited. And since there is no law in Ca that I’m aware of that makes imagery illegal, what law is being enforced here. 🤔

Last edited 25 days ago by Way too long

The Taliban would be proud of this. This is a law which makes thoughts and visions illegal. There is no victim. No one has been harmed. The only thing that is harmed are snowflake people and their weak minds. I’m sure weaklings who support this have no idea at all if any actual person is put in any danger in any way or harmed. I’m also sure they don’t care. They are offended and that is their main concern.

It’s cool though that apparently you can depict any kind of abuse against a child as long as no SEX is around. It is fine to abuse children with bullets. Amerika is scared of SEX.

Anyway, I feel the need to state that I don’t think I’ve ever seen CP and I’ve never been in any legal trouble because of it. I obviously do not support abuse of any real children. But these horsesh*t, “morality-only” laws are garbage. They take time, money, attention, goodwill, peace, and all kinds of other limited resources away from actually protecting real children and people. These laws harm FAR more innocent, normal people than they will ever “protect”.

These kinds of laws make me want to break everything and climb a clock tower. Normals Americans are not in danger from people like Darrin Bell and others who are imprisoned because of these laws. Normal Americans are in danger from the people who support these laws. Some of these dangerous people and organizations are CA Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-San Mateo), Sgt. Amar Gandhi, Jennifer Newman, NCMEC, and law enforcement in general. Those people are anti-Americans and should be considered terrorists. I’ll do anything I can to defund all those terrorists and cause them problems.

Hmm I wonder about the facts of this case

This is what happens when “One Nation under God” is taken literally and used as a template – or justification – to punish deeds, actions and behaviors that are ungodly and morally objectionable in accordance to religious creed. It’s the highest form of virtue signaling and zealotry.

Once again, the NCMEC is behind all this.

Can we all agree that their efforts are all futile and in vain attempting to eradicate something that has existed in some form or another that was depicted in cave drawings, finger or stick in sand? They are not protecting the innocence of children and shielding them from this digital world. Their innocence was lost the moment cell phones became affordable for the masses.

They had been watching him for a while, soon as that law kicked in they arrested him the next day. Anyone who’s involved in CP probably knows the consequences and deserves what comes with it. This guy through his whole life away over AI generated content.

Last edited 24 days ago by AERO1

I hope people are noticing the sudden uptick in arrests , laws implemented and general chatter about sexual based offenses. These people feel emboldened with the MAGA conservatives behind them. Hitler did this in ‘38 with gypsies , homosexuals and what was labeled sexual deviants. We are facing a repeat of history.

Let me get this straight. A person can have in their possession as many pictures & videos as possible of young children as young as babies getting tortured & beaten. But a computer-generated image of a teen flashing her knockers will get one prosecuted and sent to prison? These weak, fragile MeToo politicians should never be in office if they intend to be perpetual whining victims.

Who is harmed by these images? The theory that simply possessing an imagine of a real child is criminal, is questionable to say the least, but how can this be justified? Who is harmed by a computer generated imagine of an imaginary person?

We are entering the era of morality laws hidden behind a “Reasonable presumption” of past and/or future crimes serving as an Illusion of Legitimacy to conceal and justify what the State is doing? This is one step closer?

Eventually the “Reasonable to Presume” doctrine sees further and further into “The Future” to include activities that proceed creating CGI images? Viewing any kind of porn makes it “Reasonable to presume” that this will lead to the production of CGI CP which makes it “Reasonable to presume” will lead to CP Production using real children… thus making it “Reasonable to presume”…

Naturally, they suspended his comics (and his income). He has been found guilty on the basis of an accusation before trial.

I have a question? I have no idea! How do they find out anyone possesses child porn? Raid? Internet police?

Hopefully he has the resources to take this all the way up to SCOTUS.

None of us are fully informed as to the entirety of the evidence/illegal materials seized. It could be that it was not exclusively AI generated images. If he had received/distributed images other than AI generated images, then it is feasible that this could have come to the attention of NCMEC.