Ped*philes could see death penalty under new House GOP bill: ‘Taken off the streets permanently’

Source: 1/14/25

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., is unveiling a new set of bills that could have child sexual predators facing the death penalty.

“If you are raping someone, if you’re molesting someone, you are essentially murdering their soul. Those people never actually fully recover. I’ve actually sat on a committee with a very prominent [female House Democrat] who actually talked about the fact that she was molested as a child. And so you can see that it impacts and really hurts people,” Luna said.

Two of her three bills, all of which are being introduced in the 119th Congress on Tuesday, would require sentences of death or at least life imprisonment for those charged with a wide range of crimes related to children. 

A third bill would require guilty verdicts of rape and sexual abuse against adults to carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years to life in prison.

Luna told Fox News Digital she broached the topic with President-elect Donald Trump over the weekend, who she suggested was enthusiastic about the idea.

“I got the impression that he absolutely is supportive of anything in this sector,” Luna said.

The Florida congresswoman was among the members of the House Freedom Caucus who met with Trump over the weekend at Mar-a-Lago. 

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What about domestic abuse? Did it not impact me and my family of constantly being beaten and verbally assaulted by an alcoholic? He nearly beat our mother to death with a claw hammer on my 10th birthday.

So they want to murder people that never murdered anyone….Whats next, cutting off ones hand for stealing? The US is truly showing its true self, it truly is a nation of hate and double standards.

Here’s some interesting points for you all about this respective article:

The crime to which she would like to institute the death penalty for of a forcible sexual assault is technically punishable by death in the United States military by law, but is not implemented that way anymore.

Upon reviewing her personal history as published online, it’s pretty sketchy in its own right given she can’t keep her stories and facts straight according to family, friends, and former colleagues alike. She is much like Ms. Book who hails from the same state which this individual represents. Enough said.

This woman clearly doesn’t understand the issue. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla is calling for the execution of fathers and mothers, other relatives, and many former sex abuse victims in the majority of cases.

Regarding the few actual predators out there, if she gets her way, I guess she won’t have to worry about victim’s souls being murdered anymore, because the really evil people will likely think nothing of committing literal murder after they are finished abusing their victims.

Is this really the solution we want?

Sorry. Kennedy V Louisiana forbids it.

And yet Matt Gaetz walks free…

I called this one. The ultra conservatives see Trump as a rubber stamp to anything they want. They just throw cr*p against a wall and see what sticks. The inmates are truly running the asylum now. (apologies for if I overused the metaphors).

This is like winning the lottery for the ACLU. They are going to have a field day in court with this!

But letting 1500 domestic terrorists back on the streets is perfectly fine though.

This bill that this witch proposes is not limited to contact crimes. For those that take the time to read the fine details, people twice convicted of possession can also get the death penalty.
If I had been convicted under this law, you might see the old doc on a gurney getting the needle for downloading something from the internet.

Last edited 17 days ago by Doc Martin

“…If you are raping someone, if you’re molesting someone, you are essentially murdering their soul. Those people never actually fully recover. I’ve actually sat on a committee with a very prominent [female House Democrat] who actually talked about the fact that she was molested as a child.”

How did “prominent {Female House Democrat} get to be a Prominent member of the House when her “Soul was murdered” as a child? I guess we must presume she carries on as a soulless abomination in an eternal quest for revenge?

Clearly, the Legislators need to make sure that people don’t leave behind more victims with murdered souls to wander about the Nation, so they are encouraging people to finish the job!

Soon there will be no more soulless adults struggling to come to terms with being assaulted as a child, and a whole lot more tiny graves. What are they going to do, make people die in prison twice?

Although church and state must be separated, neither should we make laws that directly and blatantly affront religion. As every Christian knows, a soul is immortal and cannot be murdered.

what about matt gatez and Pete Hegseth and floridas most popular man of the year trumpee the felon, guilty store molestations, i like beer judge and he hate women, florida produces the most affenders that never get convicted why is that, that my opinion