SD: A second chance for sex offenders

South Dakota’s sex offenders were given a new avenue to get off the state registry, but few have taken the path to clearing their name.

According to legislation passed in July 2010, sex offenders are placed into three tiers dependent upon their offenses. If they follow their treatment programs and don’t re-offend, people in the first and second tier are eligible to get off the sex offender registry entirely. Full Article

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With murder, you don’t have to worry about the victim. You just clean up the blood and deal with the family. That’s easy. When the murderer gets out of prison, they just go about their lives.

This is the perfect picture of how people work together for the good of registered citizens who are doing the right thing!!! Kudos to S.D.

Gotta say that I am impressed with S.D.

They are light years ahead of California.

Were this the case here not only would most already be off this stupid list but those still were listed would at least know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and make going on easier and more optimistic.

I really hope that this news since it is an entire state will become a model for other states and actual facts are used and not this unfair and just clusterf*ck that we have now with no end in sight. Finally a ray of light.

I was hopeful when reading the title of this story. But I was disappointed when reading the text of the law. The ability to get off the registry is limited to a fairly narrow group. It allows people who are level 1 and level 2 to petition. The way I read it – Level 1 and 2 are restricted to a small list of crimes, where the offender was under 21 and the victim was older than 12. Everyone else is level 3, and listed for life.

South Dakota is no different than most other states that use the tier system. They also allow level ones to petition for early release from the registry after 10 years & like someone said, its limited to small crimes. And how many people get suspended or stayed sentences for sex crimes? Normally it’s straight to prison. And I never did understand this notion of getting sex offender treatment while in prison. That’s like putting a target on your back. I encourage someone to serve their time quietly….no other inmates need to know what your in for. Treatment should take place during probation.

I don’t see how they can be adam walsh act compliant when these laws are not compliant. You may get off the state registry but from my understanding you still have to register under federal law

Theres always one,”the worlds gonna end” in the crowd….Good news is good news and we are starting to see more and more of it…Everytime I read something good there is alaways someone crying it isnt enough…well of course its not enough but it is a hell of alot better than where we come from…Get over your pity and be thankful for our steps forward..

Read the “SORNA Substantial Implementation Review State of South Dakota” to better understand how the tiers are defined:

I don’t understand how they can be compliant when they are not. Because sorna has accepted south Dakota to be compliant does it mean some of the sex offenders follow the south Dakota laws and if they travel interstate what happens? Are they subject to the full federal laws. Meaning a sex offender is complying with what they believe they have to do under south Dakota laws but if they travel interstate are they subject to the full sorna guidelines? If someone gets off the registry early is sorna allowing this? Or just in that state? So confusing. I almost wish my state was sorna compliant so I would have some idea of what law I’m supposed to follow. I don’t register in my state because I have completed my ten year term. So I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

I think the article is correct but every state has different laws so you would have to be very careful, If I was single I would of already done it. But anyone that does I would not depend on those that wrote the article to come to your defense and that isn’t going to help you if your locked up. Also, with cdc talking about closing sny yards I would be very careful.

Also, you better assume they will be servailing your properties, or even yourself, waiting for you to stay one second over what your allowed as well.

Also, just as Love states, you better understand every law in every state you visit so you are not breaking that states law because in many states you could not get away with it. CA I think you could and just travel between Nevada, Oregon, etc. but definitely do not take my word or anyone else’s when the stakes are so high, at least I wouldn’t.

AJ is absolutely right. No matter what you have to register, there is no way around that. If you go homelesd or transient in CA you have to report every 30 days. The only thing transient status does is you have no address. You’re still on the registry though so good luck with that and the article is misleading at best, and kind of comical at worst as AJ suggest.

Thanks everyone for the spot on input on this article. Of course, I would never take that misleading advice as it would cause more hardship of course. However, the one thing about this article is that the registry should never be enforced as it IS punishment, and everyone should be able to get off this unconstitutional list that adds punishment for life to a few who made a mistake, just like others did.