The other day, I came across an article about ____ ____, a former Missouri state senator who was recently released from a 1-year stint in federal prison. Years earlier during a failed congressional run, Smith’s campaign violated election law by sending out anonymous postcards attacking his political opponent. When the violation surfaced years later, Smith was caught on tape conspiring to cover it up.
Not to make light of election law, but a year in prison for conspiracy to cover up postcards? Even if the punishment were fair to Smith and his family, is prison really the best use of tax dollars? Each federal inmate costs tax payers about $29,000 a year. Wouldn’t a suspension from elected office and a monetary fine have been a more suitable punishment?
It all got me to wondering about the U.S. incarceration system. It’s well known that the U.S. locks up a larger share of its population than most other countries, but just how much more? Full Article
Ah, who are these people who describe the USA as a “free” country? What planet do they live on?
Allow me to quote from the great country musician, Johnny Cash: “San Quentin may you rot and burn in Hell. May your walls fall, and may I live to tell. May all the world forget you ever stood. And may all the world regret you did no good.”
You really need to check the news from your neighbor to the east. Nevada rso news is blowing up right now!
My p.o came to visit me tonight 6/9/2016,and told me of a law that would extend my parole, i sign for a three year parole, and now that i am about to get off in 2/2/2017,he says a California law was pass to extend it for 20 years, if this is so it is unlawful.
The high rate of incarceration in the US is insane and paints a picture of a horrible criminal nation. I believe it boils down to what all is considered a crime here when it is not a crime in other developed countries. The mass incarceration needs to stop.