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A lot of people think Florida is bad, but SC is the WORSE! Zero quality of life… then you die on the registry there.

It seems that death is the best way to get off the registry, because as long as you’re living you’re stuck with it and you are in mental bondage until the day you die. This has to change.

This is good information. However, I have no idea what my position for possible relief is. I’m in MA. In mid-2010 I was classified as a level 3. I appealed it, went to court, and was granted a new hearing by SORB. In mid-2011 I was finally classified as a level 2.

I cannot for the life of me find any information that definitively states how long I have to register for (20 years or life?) and/or if I’m eligible for relief at any point. The laws are vague on it, and I know it’s changed multiple times over the years.

I have no interest in calling SORB, as I want as little to do with them as possible. Can anyone point me to any specific document or law that states my position?

This is just proof there is no rational basis for registry laws. In Hawaii you have to wait 40 years to prove you are not a danger, in Idaho, it appears you can petition at any time, in California if you have a low level offense you have to prove you are a civic minded saint (did they not know John Wayne Gacy was a model citizen before he was caught?).
These laws treat us like lead in water, rather than citizens — but without the scientific verification or rights. If we were like lead pipes endangering children, then there would be a more standardized approach to regulating us, like limits on lead in water, and the states would adopt the federal levels based on empirical info. I suppose the officials believe the static 99 is such an empirical test. But there is no Atomic Emission Spectrometry test equivalent for dangerousness in former offenders. Not even close.
There will never be such a standardized approach, because these laws are more to express the public’s condemnation of sexual deviance than to protect.

That list isn’t accurate. It does not account for recent (2016) court decisions in PA for example.


I was Sen range to 10yrs of registry in ND upon release to IL with interstate compac after the 10yrs Illinois is has change my sentence to life time registry. Can this be done with no new offense. Don’t original sentence have to be honored?

I recently graduated a paralegal certificate program and I am intending to challenge some of the unjust laws and restrictions that are currently in place. Stay tuned.

Having just graduated from a paralegal certificate program at a College in Texas, I intend to challenge some of these rulings and findings as well as to raise some new challenges of my own. Stay tuned.

My boyfriend is on the regisry and was condemned to grow up on the registry. I’m doing my own work on figuring out how to get him off of it. He made a couple mistake as a kid that he regrets and has ruined his life. If I can figure out how to abolish the registry I will. I have always thought it was unconstitutional the way it’s set up. And if there proven not to be a danger then they should be allowed around there full families. There also needs to be help for children. Don’t automatically put them on the registry! They need therapy or other forms of punishment. It never should of been made Into a thing.

Thank God for people like you. I hope you are successful. The registries are cruel punishment based on false statistics.