AZ: Charles Rodrick Indicted, Arrested by FBI


Charles Roderick, who charged registrants up to $500 to remove their personal information from websites he created, was arrested today by the FBI and taken into custody.  His arrest followed a grand jury indictment for a variety of felonies and misdemeanors.  If convicted of those charges, Rodrick faces between 12 to 23 years in prison.

According to reliable news sources, Rodrick was arrested in the Phoenix airport after returning from a vacation in Costa Rica.  He is scheduled to appear in Maricopa Superior Court on April 14.  In order to ensure he will appear in court on that date, Mr. Rodrick is currently wearing a GPS device.

In addition to Rodrick, the same grand jury also indicted his colleague Brent Oesterblad and Sarah Shea, former wife of Mr. Oesterblad for a variety of felonies including computer tampering, fraudulent schemes and artifices as well as illegally conducting an enterprise.  Oesterblad and Shea are scheduled to appear in court on April 27.  Additional information regarding this matter can be found at

ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci challenged the actions of Rodrick and Oesterblad in federal district court in March 2013.  The claims made in the lawsuit included violation of the federal RICO act which is often used in cases involving organized crime groups.  Following a trial by jury, a federal district court judge granted a partial victory to the plaintiffs in the case in July 2016.

Read the full article on


Charles Rodrick is the ringleader behind a network of websites that extorted, harassed and stalked those who have been labelled as sex offenders. Mr. Roderick and his long-time business partner and friend, Brent Oesterblad were identified as the owners or operators of websites like, Offendex-data, Sexoffenderarchives and more. Charles Rodrick would later start harassing and profiling attorneys, reporters and other professionals.

Related links:

Arizona man charged in scheme targeting sex offenders [ – 4/7/21]


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Really good news. Those websites are a scourge. Thank you for your leadership.

OMG the irony
now there faces and personal information are blasted all over the internet this is the best news iv herd in along time.
Thanks to Janice Bellucci and ACSOL these people will be held accountable for their actions.
Websites like HOMEFACTS and others back in the early 2000s got rich off extorting people from Megan’s law I remember every time I would goole my name and my information would pop up on some weird website.
90% of the time when ramdum people found out I was on Megan’s law it wasn’t because of Megan’s law i wonder how much money HOMEFACTS made over the years from extorting people.
If I was the owner of HOMEFACTS after reading this article I’d be shivering in my boots

Good luck 😷👌

Time wounds all heels!

I hope they shut down all those “” websites. 😡

Interesting one of his former websites owned by one of his victims is publishing this story and data.

Just for those of you who are not aware, the owners of Mugshots (dot com) were also arrested in 2018 and extradited to California and are about to appear in court in June 2021. For those of you who doubted justice will ever be served, I feel your frustration and want to assure you that I am painfully aware of the difficulties we face dealing with these mugshot rackets that extort, shame, harass and stalk it’s victims but have been working behind the scenes for almost a decade to seek justice. I have recently purchased the domain from a domain squatter after Charles Rodrick presumably forgot to pay the bill and decided to develop into a central resource for tracking the progress of the civil litigation and criminal proceedings against those who have been operating these extortion and online bullying campaigns. Please note that it is a lot of work to develop a website and it will take time but I will be welcoming all of your input and providing ways to share information with me. Vetted information will be published where appropriate as it becomes available and I will also be allowing people to sign up for notifications in the coming days. Justice will prevail. It only took more than a decade to start to see some real action but it’s finally happening.

Where are the “reliable news sources”? I come up empty….

Last edited 3 years ago by Joe

A little more history.

Google Not The Only One Targeting Mug Shot Websites

Just as a heads-up:

The site “” was actually owned and controlled by Rodrick and his cohorts a few years back. You can still go to and see a bunch of their schemes and other crap, but the site was taken by the good guys and will be the main site to post comprehensive, strict factual information on Rodrick and his cohorts.

Another interesting facet of this case is that Rodrick, who preyed on registrants for many years, is now being treated as a registrant in that he must wear a GPS device.

Good. A scumbag finally got what he deserved, and in Arizona of all places. Who would’ve thought?

Music to my ears these people have been destroyed family’s for years I personally know of people who lost everything because of these websites I’m glad Janice Bellucci step in when she did or this would still be going on.

I know HOMEFACTS still post sex offenders information but its nothing like is was back in the early 2000s obviously the owner of HOMEFACTS has been keeping a close eye on this case to see the out come of these people busted and charged with the (RICO) I know he’s probably shivering in his boots right now.

I stop googling my name years ago and it wasn’t because of Megan’s law it was those weird az websites I hope this guy gets what he deserves..what goes around comes around

Good luck

Since my misdemeanor reduction, I haven’t seen my name come up at all on internet searches beyond the usual sights that list your last address , phone #, and relatives. But those are subscription sites and usually used to find old friends.
Remember when you would get excited if your name was in the paper or posted in an article? Now anonymity is your best friend.

Sing with me, folks:

“We have the right to move on beyond our past mistakes.
We strive to not repeat the wrongs which we’ve made.
There’s little sense to drag on
Corrected bads and bygones.
It’s simply irrational; not sane.

O’, Karma is a shrew that keeps on biting,
Creating a life that’s uninviting.
They served their time. You make it tough
For them to enjoy even simple stuff. (Why? Well…)

What ever goes around comes around again.”

(In the style of 1960’s doo-wop)


I have to wonder if the FBI only started caring after Rodrick and fiends started going after non- registrant. Had they stuck with harassment of Registered Persons they may not have gotten arrested.

Excellent news! Glad someone kept on this scoundrel!