The Dobbs Wire: Flashback to 1996

[The Dobbs Wire (@TheDobbsWire) / Twitter  – 4/19/21]

A Massachusetts father writes about his young son — an important matter requiring a trip to the police station.  It’s a powerful, poignant story that the Chicago Tribune published on Dec. 1, 1996.  The father inquires, “What will be done with this information?”  He asked that question shortly after the Massachusetts sex offense registry got rolling, on Oct. 1, 1996.  Massachusetts was the last of the states to create an official blacklist.  This year marks 25 years that every state has had such a registry, a full generation.  After 25 years the ugly name we give those required to register is one of the most destructive pair of words in the English language.  Sex offense registries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia have an estimated one million listings.  Counting family members and significant others, several million people are directly affected.  Over 25 years plenty has been learned about the impact of these draconian laws, the research has accumulated.  They do not improve public safety or reduce re-offense.  Registries cost a lot of taxpayer dollars to run.  And they do incalculable damage to the lives and future prospects of those forced, under penalty of criminal prosecution, to register.  Registries are disastrous, ineffective laws.  Yet, legislators  continue pushing to make these laws even harsher and judges rarely get in their way.  The cry to dismantle registration laws must be heard and get louder.   Those personally impacted will have to raise their voices and then others will join.  As many readers of The Dobbs Wire are registrants – what will you do to stop this blacklisting?   –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire   Drop us a line if you would like to join The Dobbs Wire email list or have something to say:   Twitter:  @thedobbswire


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Taxpayer money used to implement and continue these banishment fear mongering laws could of been used to make communities safer. Just think schools, healthcare, infrastructure, and other important issues could of been funded. Profits over the best interests of the country win each and every time.

This is another prime example of once again another constitutional violation upon its citizens rights , The United States Government has allowed states to get away with suppression of the rights to be heard or even speak. They knew when they unjustly picked a certain group of individuals that they knew were unpopular among others ” too apply these punitive barbaric laws too. Then force them off the internet, Demand they supply law enforcement with private info like emails and internet identifiers as well as telephone numbers, That is intentionally trying too suppress them , In most cases years after a conviction has been already served ,These Civil Right Violations Laws always start with one unpopular group. This is Never Ok !!! When will the rest of the world see these registries do “Nothing” too prevent a Crime, Nor do they protect children or anyone else from crime, They only Destroy lives and are holding down over 1,000,000,000 citizens to be Equal or Able too provide for their families , not too mention the Damage & Punishment it has caused too Millions of registrants Family members. When will Enough be Enough ??