Recent Comments

  • Chris B July 15, 2024 at 4:56 pm on Florida City to Consider Significant Increase Residency RestrictionsI'lll sum up this article and those like it. NIMBY
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 15, 2024 at 4:38 pm on International Travel 2024NYLevel1, are you saying that you have a U.K. passport? Ordinarily, that would mean that you have U.K. citizenship. If so, then they have to let you in, regardless if you are on-or-off a registry. They cannot refuse entry to a citizen.
  • Tuna July 15, 2024 at 4:24 pm on General Comments July 2024Not sure who did, but I'm almost sure Maine does.
  • M C July 15, 2024 at 4:11 pm on International Travel 2024Australia is supposed to be a complete ban at least now and it is in their law. I'm not sure if that was implemented before 2018 or after though. Going the other way it is illegal to even travel outside of Australia at all if you are from there and convicted of a sex offense against minor. It seems Australia might even be worse than USA when it comes to these offenses.
  • Gordon July 15, 2024 at 3:56 pm on International Travel 2023Israel & Lebanon are preparing for war. Why would you go there?
  • Gordon July 15, 2024 at 3:52 pm on International Travel 2024We're pretty much on the same page. If the UK can refuse entry for anything at their discretion, they'll likely refuse entry to someone still on the registry.
  • Gordon July 15, 2024 at 3:45 pm on International Travel 2024Being off the registry is different. The OP is talking about still being on the registry. If you think you can get into the UK while you're on the registry, have at it
  • M July 15, 2024 at 3:20 pm on CA: Man died in San Diego jail after deputies wrongly placed him in cell with violent offender, outside review findsThey do the same in Orange County. When in the loop on a violation they put me in a cell with a guy being held for a triple homicide and gang ties. Turns out I knew his cousin from when I was in the Fed’s and he was super cool with me. They won’t go as far as telling them what your there for, they think your going to be dumb enough to hang yourself and tell dude why your there. This is what happens when they cops get their way
  • Borntobefree July 15, 2024 at 2:53 pm on International Travel 2023Where are you getting no from? As per multiple travel matrices, they may interigate you, but not a definate no.
  • James July 15, 2024 at 2:50 pm on Florida City to Consider Significant Increase Residency RestrictionsI am so tired of the hatred in this country. I am so tired of hypocrisy of some people who call themselves Christians. I am so tired of people in this country who live in an alternate reality and do not believe in facts - my deceased lawyer uncle summed up it best for me, "your opinion does not change the facts".
  • Jim July 15, 2024 at 2:49 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryAgreed. If the registry is not punishment, and just another dry, boring administrative act, like licensing a pet, then the man shouldn't deserve any money. We now can refer to a judge who at least implies that the Registry is punishment and believes the victim deserving of renumeration, if that's the right word, whether he was accidentally or purposely listed. It's the Big Lie, that the Registry doesn't in any way interfere with one's freedom.
  • TS July 15, 2024 at 1:11 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryThe registry is punishment or the outcomes of being on it are punishment? The latter is what the courts say is beyond their control when the initial action is merely regulatory as intentionally legislated by the states and Congress (where violating regulations can have punishing measures for infractions, but why split hairs). I am not saying you are wrong as I agree with you and your thinking. It may have been a mistake for the gent to be on it, but the mistake was made that much greater when the outcomes of being on it compounded the error via the punishment society placed on him until he overcame the error. So, will the people now apologize for their egregious action towards him and those with him? This gent would be a great reference of the punishing actions of the registry (obviously) regardless if it was intentionally legislated as a regulation only.
  • M C July 15, 2024 at 12:17 pm on International Travel 2024@Notorious, I am pretty reluctant to try it myself these days but maybe if I could still get in in 2012 it would still work to get in today. My offense was ages 19/14 and at the time at least in my state (1998) was not treated as seriously as it is today. Yes it would get you on the registry and it was still classified as a serious felony but smaller age differences like this generally resulted in extremely short sentences. Today you would never get this kind of deal - in fact I've heard 2 years at an absolute minimum - but in my case it was only 30 days on work release - which is really actually 20 days with the good behavior credits my state gave. I was basically at work the whole time and would go back there to sleep as my job at the time just gave me as much overtime as possible. The real punishment was the registry after and all the changes they kept making. Perhaps this short incarceration period made the difference for getting into the UK in 2012 but I don't really know that for sure.
  • Athena July 15, 2024 at 12:02 pm on Florida City to Consider Significant Increase Residency RestrictionsThese residency restrictions make me nuts. Where the f@#k are people supposed to live?!
  • LPH July 15, 2024 at 10:22 am on General Comments July 2024Who was it that stated or referenced a website that showed which states honored out of state time frames for registering?
  • Disgusted in Michigan July 15, 2024 at 9:51 am on International Travel 2023No.
  • Jim July 15, 2024 at 9:48 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryI am no legal genius, but it seems like we finally have precedent and "proof" that the registry has been deemed punitive.
  • Expat July 15, 2024 at 9:43 am on International Travel 2024Not the UK, but I did fly into another 5 Eyes nation (Australia) and stay for a week on a business trip in 2018. That was with an unmarked passport. The Australian border control was fully automated with a passport and biometric (face) scan. I was through in under 60 seconds.
  • M C July 15, 2024 at 7:30 am on International Travel 2024@Gordon, that is certainly not true either because they can refuse you entry for literally anything and the fall back can always be that they decided you were not of good character. The UK law specifically states they can deny entry for someone who is not of good character and that denial is at their discretion. When it is spent it is not in the law that they must not let you in (like it is supposed to be automatically if it is not spent) but they surely can still make the choice not to let you in. UK is funny about things sometimes not even related to crimes. I had a friend who got denied entry and sent home because he wanted to attend a (pre brexit) European automotive convention in London as a tourist (for his own enjoyment not for work - his job wasnt even sending him there) but since he had a job in the auto industry they said he needed to have a visa and was ineligible to enter under visa waiver because it was too related to work and not considered to be tourism. He was also told he would be ineligible attempt to return for a year and not to attempt it.
  • someone who cares July 15, 2024 at 7:07 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registry@KM - My thoughts exactly. Supposedly the registry is only regulatory, so if there is a mistake done, why compensate someone? We all know the answer. The registry is NOT regulatory, and being on it is pure punishment. I know I am preaching to the choir.
  • Facts should matter July 15, 2024 at 7:01 am on General Comments July 2024"They were already on their way to the neighbors houses on both side of mine with a print out of my profile when I reached the door." Divide and shame.
  • Facts should matter July 15, 2024 at 6:52 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryIf the so-called sex registry is just "regulatory" and "civil" (as they love to claim) then WHY is it defamatory and life-destroying for someone ELSE that is placed on it by "mistake?"
  • Athena July 15, 2024 at 5:47 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryThis is an excellent point, KM. All cases won for wrongful registration should be used as proof when challenging the "registry is not punishment" claim that props up this entire scheme.
  • Dustin July 15, 2024 at 5:28 am on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris OlympicsRegarding the line in the linked article complaining that this guy's selection "...completely disrespects and invalidates the victim of hos crimes.": Did they think to ask the victim if she felt disrespected and invalidated? Highly unlikely. But even if they did and she concurred, since when do her feelings trump everything else? By that reasoning, wouldn't her feelings be more respected and validated if they just cancelled the Olympics? Or beach volleyball altogether?
  • yerac July 15, 2024 at 4:25 am on International Travel 2024is voyeurism really a sex crime?
  • yerac July 15, 2024 at 4:21 am on International Travel 2024no matter what you can apply for residency in Europe.
  • yerac July 15, 2024 at 4:06 am on International Travel 2024I was arrested on March 9th of 2006. Does it help me?
  • yerac July 15, 2024 at 3:52 am on International Travel 2023is Israel available for us? I know that Lebanon is...
  • Matthew July 14, 2024 at 10:40 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryYou are her client, you are her boss. If not performing how you see fit, fire her. She is not the one on the registry or who was put in jail for extra days. Believe it or not, attorneys can do two cases at once or even handle all matters at once as most courts require especially for civil claims. Judges want all matters connected to be resolved.
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 14, 2024 at 10:09 pm on International Travel 2024MC, Oh, I don't assume 100% that someone won't get in. I, almost certainly, wouldn't get in due to my prison time (five years) and the ages of my friends (below 14) but I wouldn't say that it is 100%. While I've never tried to go back to the U.K. since they started blocking people and so have not been refused, I'm also unwilling to try it. The primary reason for this, apart from the extreme inconvenience of being refused, is that I don't want to ever have an entry refusal on my record for any particular country in case these policies ever get reversed. Entry refusals tend to mean one can never again get into a country. I miss the U.K. but I don't want to permanently burn that bridge, just in case they should one day come to their senses, which is unlikely in my lifetime.
  • NYlevel1 July 14, 2024 at 9:18 pm on International Travel 2024Why do you say that when I have consulted with top UK solicitors that have confirmed that if my NYS conviction is spent and not on the registry, with my UK Passport they cannot refuse me entry?
  • AERO 1 July 14, 2024 at 8:14 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryThis is very interesting for me, On a probation transfer the California superior court accidentally convicted me twice for the same crime, I spent 5 days in jail and lived with the conviction for 14 years. I should’ve been off the registry 2 years ago BUT because of this mistake Im still here battling the registry. I want my money for the 5 days I spent in jail and the two extra years I spent on the registry. My attorney keeps calming me down she wants me to just focus on getting off the registry for now.
  • Ny Won't let go July 14, 2024 at 4:57 pm on International Travel 2024Good luck with trying to get a level reduction from those aholes in NY. I initially fought my level assignment. Then they scored me higher based on false information that was proven false in court and again at the assignment. Then I filed for a downward movement a couple years ago and they said since I moved out of the country I was more dangerous. They also admitted that they scored me higher in error but we're sticking to it because they could
  • Matthew July 14, 2024 at 3:23 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryShould be the same for those who are granted reductions to tier 1. They take months to make the changes. If it is earned, it should be done. Not a sit on it and wait.
  • H n H July 14, 2024 at 2:47 pm on CA: Man died in San Diego jail after deputies wrongly placed him in cell with violent offender, outside review findsHow is it that this isn't more ammunition to shut down the registries? Just how much evidence is needed that the registries are a complete waste and bring more harm than good? What's going on that these murders and acts of vigilantes aren't all compiled together and taken to the Supreme Court to stop this insanity? Oh well, I'm just one voice and not a loud enough one at that. Emily Horrowitz or Janet should have all this information to give to a stunning lawyer who could petition the Court for a review of the entire registry scheme. But thus far nothing. Why? I don't think it's because they aren't trying, but what is it going to take to get some action on this? Halloween will be here soon enough and yet again there isn't anything stopping this madness. Every year I think the same thing, the same headlines the same fight the same misuse of the system by people out for vengeance thinking they're so noble and just. I guess this man dying in a prison cell over an FTR charge was absolutely completely 1000% in vain and don't worry, the registry wasn't punishment for him, and no... Noone will do anything about it.
  • M C July 14, 2024 at 2:30 pm on International Travel 2024@Notorious, that is exactly the point I'm trying to make. Don't assume 100% you won't get in to the UK. Assume that it is unlikely you will get in but denial is not guaranteed. Also has anyone tried the visa route? I once specifically emailed their consulate about 5 years ago regarding my situation and their spent conviction policy. Their response was to apply for a visa as they would need to research the specifics in order to decide. Australia is a complete bar though. That is in their law.
  • not resigned July 14, 2024 at 1:33 pm on CA: SJ County loses $220 million because of old criminal records, legislation proposes relief in SB 731(6) If the defendant seeks relief under this section for a felony that resulted in a sentence to the state prison, the relief available under this section may only be granted if that felony did not result in a requirement to register ... pursuant to Chapter 5.5 (commencing with Section 290) of Title 9 of Part1. So am I reading this right? To be excluded, the conviction must be for a sex offense that resulted in a prison sentence. So would a suspended prison sentence still qualify?
  • KM in SoCal July 14, 2024 at 12:33 pm on General Comments July 2024So what is Independence day all about then? In America it just means a day off work that allows us to get drunk, grill meat on the grill, hang with family, smoke some potentially illegal substances and light fireworks that may be illegal in our area. Few Americans realize what they are celebrating, and no we PFRs do not get those things. Independence day is ostensibly about remember the lives lost to free us from the foreign tyranny of England. The same England that expected us to pay taxes, but granted us no voice in the choosing of how much or where the money went (kind of like how PFRs are in some locations expected to "donate" to the upkeep of the tool of oppression). We are held hostage by the government of the US, silenced through fear, intimidation and in some place banned from having a voice at the council meeting or even voting for the representative. The OP is entirely correct that in fact we are just as bad off if not worse off than the Founding fathers of this country.
  • TS July 14, 2024 at 12:23 pm on CA: Man died in San Diego jail after deputies wrongly placed him in cell with violent offender, outside review findsI personally hope the sheriff's department is sued in a civil lawsuit for wrongful death among other things and is nearly bankrupted in their settlement with the family and maybe even more families if it can turn into a class action suit.
  • KM in SoCal July 14, 2024 at 12:11 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryWait... Its not a punishment so why was he owed anything?! Oh that's right, the statement that its not punishment is bull and the government knows it.
  • AERO 1 July 14, 2024 at 10:34 am on CA: Man died in San Diego jail after deputies wrongly placed him in cell with violent offender, outside review findsIn California a FTR charge is also a possible death sentence.
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 14, 2024 at 10:26 am on International Travel 2024MC, I knew of a number of people who were barred from the U.K., Canada, Ireland and Australia beginning in the early 2000's. Count yourself lucky. We know that experiences vary widely in any country. One person getting in while another does not is to be expected. Also, because we know that The Five Eyes DOES share criminal information on at least some of us, that could explain some of the disparities in our treatment. One person's experience does not indicate policy. The U.K. does have laws, whether administrative or otherwise, that spell out at least some of the restrictions they impose upon foreign visitors. These include both severity of offense and time spent incarcerated.
  • GTB July 14, 2024 at 9:58 am on International Travel 2024Have a similar situation, Federal tier 1 CP possession, have pending appeal of my NYS SORA level 2 , assigned counsel since I have no funds to retain counsel.
  • TS July 14, 2024 at 9:20 am on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris OlympicsOriginal story as linked to in this M article on the subject and person detailed: IOC played no part in Dutch decision to select convicted rapist (Reuters (Berlin) 8 Jul 2024) They look at the IOC banning other athletes but not this one based upon their actions.
  • TS July 14, 2024 at 9:18 am on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris OlympicsThe only reasonable fact the author needed for this was it is a sports story and he is a sports reporter for the website. His name is highlighted on the byline with his email that could be used to ask him why he felt this was a viable story for the website in time for the event (other than to pass along the original story written overseas on Jul 8).
  • TS July 14, 2024 at 9:07 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryBeyond a reasonable doubt is no longer the bar for those who have passed bar to reach, but preponderance of guilt is now the low hanging level acceptable to find guilt. Heck, you don't have to leave the ground to reach up to the latter where as you once had to jump up pretty high to get the former...and those who approve of such actions for the latter are those who won't be offended by this even though they had to once jump up to get the former. Lawyers should not be guarding lawyer's actions when it comes legal, moral, and ethical actions from within.
  • Dustin July 14, 2024 at 5:07 am on TN: Death penalty for child rapists does more harm than good. Tennessee erred on new lawWon't happen. The law will get struck down on appeal.
  • Dustin July 14, 2024 at 5:05 am on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris OlympicsI would like someone to explain in detail what exactly they would expect this man to do at the Olympics that they need to prevent. Not hint at, insinuate, or suppose. Specifics. And to explain them without sounding overly alarmist or outright foolish.
  • Dustin July 14, 2024 at 5:01 am on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryNowadays when it comes to sex crimes, a mere accusation is considered sufficient proof to convict. Even when there is no other evidence, and sometimes even with evidence to the contrary. This case highlights the problem with this type of prosecution, which appears to be limited solely to sex crime. Agree that whoever reported this false incident - be it the victim, child services, teacher, neighborhood busybody - is responsible. I would argue that the state should prosecute that person, as the accusation cost the state upwards of $1M (factoring investigation, prosecution, conviction and appeal as well as his settlement). But that won't happen, under the absolutely absurd notion that prosecuting false accusations somehow discourages reporting genuine ones. Also, this is from Virginia, not California.
  • Dustin July 14, 2024 at 4:44 am on CA: Man died in San Diego jail after deputies wrongly placed him in cell with violent offender, outside review findsFrom what I've read, it appears that this board's function is to agree with the public and shrug their shoulders saying, "Yeah, LE was wrong, but nothing we can do but complain until the next one." I could live to be 600 and still never understand the point of establishing a board like this without giving them the authority to do anything regarding their findings.
  • Bill July 13, 2024 at 11:18 pm on CA: Montgomery County man gets $431,000 for time wrongly listed on sex offender registryIt should've been MILLIONS.
  • C July 13, 2024 at 5:44 pm on General Comments July 2024Indeed. So comforting to know they caught all the murderers and other active criminals.
  • C July 13, 2024 at 5:38 pm on ID: ‘What is the relevance?’ Idaho sheriff’s office post about sex offender irks SatanistsIf Satanists don’t worship Satan then they need to hire a new PR firm and rebrand. If they live by the Golden Rule, perhaps Golden Rulism might be a little less off putting.
  • Anonymous July 13, 2024 at 2:56 pm on General Comments July 2024After the Miller and Graham (SCOTUS) was handed down it moved through the States now I'm wondering how the recent Chevron ruling will affect CDCr on "Treatment" Cognitive Behavioral Treatment during parole, if at all?
  • not resigned July 13, 2024 at 1:35 pm on Living with 290: Cleaning Up Your Online Reputation After Ending RegistrationA google of my name got a hit at Clicking the RECORD REMOVALS/UPDATES link requires proof: Mugshots/Arrest records are only removed with Expungement, Seal, No Information, Record Restriction, Identity Theft or Death. All the DOJ mailed was notice of removal from the registry, and this letter is what the DOJ advised to keep as proof of removal. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks.
  • Borntobefree July 13, 2024 at 1:08 pm on International Travel 2024I am level 2 and I tried appealing to the first division, was denied. Not going to appeal further. Going to wait a few years after my probation ends for a level reduction hearing. Lawyers are too expensive... spent 350k life savings on initial lawyer for original charges. Need to save up a little
  • M C July 13, 2024 at 12:35 pm on International Travel 2024 "This was somewhere in the early 2000’s" I flew into the UK as late as 2012 even while on the registry (no longer on one today) with no issues gaining entry or questions asked. I experienced a major attempt at interrogation upon return each time. I have not left the country since then due to just being too busy to have time to travel for long enough to do an international trip and I would not be surprised to be denied entry today but it was no problem then.
  • M C July 13, 2024 at 12:23 pm on International Travel 2024"based on UK’s laws, they do not allow anyone convicted of a sex crime to enter the country" This is definitely not in the UK immigration laws that I have ever been able to find. Please show me a link or this law if it exists. It might be an administrative policy but it is not in their law What is in there law is something about spent convictions and that there is an automatic denial when the conviction is not spent. In addition, there is always discretion for their border agents to deny entry to anyone they might think poses a risk for anything. So they might have an administrative rule that tells their agents to use that part of the law to deny entry to those convicted of sex crimes but its not a law that I can find.
  • Renny July 13, 2024 at 12:12 pm on General Comments July 2024That makes no sense. It would take a 30 second phone call to the parole officer to send the terms. It would be in their email before their next 45 minute break. And it would be the official version, not the version a person registering provided. I hate when people ask me to answer questions that they could answer themselves and this is one of those things that would annoy me to no end. I would ask, "You mean my parole officer refused to give it to you?!" My PO had a copy of my convicting state's terms before I got on the bus to come to CA. Because he ASKED for it.
  • M C July 13, 2024 at 12:08 pm on International Travel 2024@Disgusted there is a major difference between sharing information and sharing the entire US criminal database. Canada is the only country with direct access to the NCIC. UK gets some information and this never includes the full criminal history but is likely to include certain people who have committed sex crimes.. at least unless something changed in the last 2 years or so. If you have some kind of proof UK has full access to NCIC I would like to see that. I have not seen that and I have asked on here and nobody has provided evidence of that.
  • Renny July 13, 2024 at 12:04 pm on General Comments July 2024I have engaged in overcompliance. I write letters for every single little change in my life. So much that the registering deputy has asked me to NOT send so many updates because my paper file is becoming unmanageable. I have seen it, they pull it for every annual. It's massive. And that's for CA, where I do not need to report internet identifiers. I cannot even imagine what my file in my convicting state looks like since I have to report all that internet stuff and when the law first came out, I created and deleted emails a lot.
  • Athena July 13, 2024 at 11:26 am on General Comments July 2024WTF. Self righteous morons. Apparently there is no more crime to fight.
  • Perpetually Disappointed July 13, 2024 at 11:05 am on General Comments July 2024It's been quite some time since I have flown, but whenever I did, if not going international I always avoid LAX.....I would try for my departure (and arrival) to be at the Ontario airport. It's much smaller than LAX, but seems to go smoother (at least back when I would fly).
  • M C July 13, 2024 at 10:32 am on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration ActThis is likely approval of the motions for leave to file from back in February that we're already posted here. They usually don't deny motions for leave to file Amici except if there is a deficiency. It's not worth looking up on pacer. But the '(Dkts.136 ,138 ,139)' match the february filings.
  • Bobby S. July 13, 2024 at 9:35 am on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act@Dr. That's ok, I get it maybe some one smarter then us will explain what it means when they see it. I do appreciate you posting these updates though. Thank you.
  • KM in SoCal July 13, 2024 at 9:16 am on General Comments July 2024I am aware of this, but after the threats made during pushback on annual day and the fact that the last thing my disabled wife and disabled child need is cops forcing their way in or going around to the neighbors putting us on blast. They were already on their way to the neighbors houses on both side of mine with a print out of my profile when I reached the door.
  • KM in SoCal July 13, 2024 at 9:14 am on General Comments July 2024Imperial County.
  • Dr. July 13, 2024 at 8:34 am on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration ActHere is pacer monitor version; 2024149   1 pgs orderOrder on Motion for Leave to File Fri 07/12 4:21 PM  ORDER Granting Motions for Leave to File Amicus Briefs (Dkts.136 ,138 ,139 ). Signed by District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith. (MNee) that’s all I have.
  • Dr. July 13, 2024 at 8:30 am on MI: ACLU Sues State Officials for the Fourth Time over Unconstitutional Michigan Sex Offender Registration ActThis morning’s update; Filed Description 149 Jul 12, 2024 Main Doc Order on Motion for Leave to File AND Order on Motion for Leave to File AND Order on Motion for Leave to File @ Bobby S, Sorry I don’t know?
  • someone who cares July 13, 2024 at 7:52 am on General Comments July 2024@KM - If you are not on probation or parole, you don't have to give them that information or even open your door. I get it, they do what they want, and when they pound on the door, you feel better opening your door briefly as to not draw attention to the spectacle. They have all the information they asked you about. What is next, they bring a scale and tape to weigh you and measure your height? Look up the duties of ICSO. Doing compliance checks is not one of them.
  • sma88 July 13, 2024 at 7:25 am on International Travel 2024This is great to know! I finally got unlazy enough to do some googling on the subject as well, and it seems to agree with your recollection of going through customs/immigration on the French side before boarding the train. Next time I'm in Europe, I'll give it a shot just to see. Can't do too much harm I don't think. Thanks!
  • GTB July 13, 2024 at 5:28 am on International Travel 2024California had lifetime registration until ACSOL was able to fight it, NYS needs something like ACSOL, NYS obviously doesn't care when someone like borntobefree or me who have Federal tier 1 CP possession are given level 2 lifetime in NYS,where someone like Jeffrey Epstein was given a NYS level 1. The DC court of appeals ruled on a similar issue in the case US vs Fallen.the NYS system needs to be overhauled,the only way that is going to happened is the same way that Janice/Chance and ASCOL have been able to California.
  • Mr. D July 13, 2024 at 1:05 am on General Comments July 2024If you don’t mind my asking, where do you reside in Southern California?
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 12, 2024 at 10:06 pm on International Travel 2024sma88, Well, we're now going back a number of years but, I have a vague recollection that, in the times I departed from the Gare du Nord in Paris, that there were British officials in France checking passports, etc. before boarding the train back to London, but I can't be sure. Also, I think there were French officials at Waterloo Station in London (now Eurostar leaves from St. Pancras) doing the same. I also took that train from Brussels a few times and I believe at least once from A'dam (or did I take a separate train from there to Brussels?) and I think that was true there, too. Plus, as with many border-crossing trains in most of Europe, they often have Immigration and Customs officials on the train itself, checking passports and asking questions on the journey. The idea of having I/C agents in each others' countries to check before getting on the train is to keep out illegals in the first place, among other things. It enables them to shift some of the burden off of the ground staff and utilize travel time to scrutinize visitors. They're not always pleasant people, in my experience.
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 12, 2024 at 9:42 pm on International Travel 2024It's, essentially, a "perma-ban" from the U.K. if you spent twelve months or more in the slammer. I recommend reading the British government's page on the subject which provides many more insights into how restrictive they have become, especially of people forced to register. I'm pretty sure I'm never getting back in. UK Visas and Immigration Guidance Grounds for refusal: criminality
  • They Lie July 12, 2024 at 9:10 pm on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris OlympicsThey can take their concern and shove it. I bet my entire salary for the year that he won't do anything illegal.
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 12, 2024 at 9:08 pm on ID: ‘What is the relevance?’ Idaho sheriff’s office post about sex offender irks SatanistsGordon, as mentioned, it has been my observation that the theater of devil-worshipping - and it's almost entirely theater - most appeals to the children of Christian fundamentalists. As for their parents, we always need to keep in mind the entertainment value, not only of a Satanic threat, but of fear of the boogeyman, in general, along with the whole hysterical movement that gave rise to our "modern" sex laws. We should never overlook the satisfaction of the ancient thrill provided by tribal coalescence into an organized defense from threats. Our ancestors developed an appetite for the drama that accompanies the assemblage of a cohesive unit to counter such threats, one which, today, continues to be vicariously sated by modern-day rituals fueled by lies and exaggerations in the media, especially those concerning people with a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. The media has tapped into that ancient appetite and satisfies it
  • SacTown July 12, 2024 at 8:36 pm on Sotomayor Is Right: The Supreme Court Should Reevaluate Absolute Immunity for ProsecutorsI could be wrong about this but where I am at, the Head Prosecutor is voted in. And He or She runs the prosecutors that are working under them. If the public would just wake up, and learn that one vote that they have is so valuable. If a prosecutor is breaking the rules, then the public should cast their vote in the next election for another Head Prosecutor. Sooner or later the Head Prosecutor will get the picture that the public will not put up with the prosecutor mistakes. This can also work with state and federal elected officials. I say vote out the old and let us all start to vote some one new in.
  • AERO 1 July 12, 2024 at 7:57 pm on General Comments July 2024My last compliance check in Long Beach, 2 plane closes detectives and the same they demand my phone number s and left 📱
  • KM in SoCal July 12, 2024 at 6:45 pm on General Comments July 2024So literally 5 minutes ago I had 3 ICSO officers pounding on my door to do a "compliance check". Demanded to my cell number, my vehicle description and my name. Implying that they were checking because they had to. Beware they are starting the security theatre early this year.
  • Doc Martin July 12, 2024 at 6:32 pm on General Comments July 2024Codifying is putting a law into formal code to be readable in book or electronic format like LexisNexis. All the horse trading & amending of the this GOP partisan bill had already taken place before the governor signed it. So you should be good, and also thankful that they didn't make this bill retroactive--an almost predictable outcome of registry legislation since the scheme is considered "civil" and not punishment.
  • Way too long July 12, 2024 at 6:17 pm on International Travel 2024I think they stipulate the offense to be a felony. Misdemeanors are not as scrutinized.
  • Way too long July 12, 2024 at 6:12 pm on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris Olympicswould be awesome if he were to win gold in a finals match against the Brits! Talk about the ultimate burn.
  • Doc Martin July 12, 2024 at 6:00 pm on International Travel 2024That's not going to work. States can do what they want. If New York can get away with requiring former residents to register while they're living abroad, despite SORNA not having that requirement, what makes you think NY would care about making someone register for life for a SORNA equivalent offense that requires only 10 years?
  • sma88 July 12, 2024 at 5:15 pm on International Travel 2024Hey Notorious, thanks for letting me know you have experience on the Eurostar even if it was a few years ago. I guess what I'm wondering is, where do you clear UK immigration? Prior to boarding the Eurostar, or after arriving in the UK? Intuitively I'd think on the UK side, but for some reason I thought I had read somewhere you clear immigration before crossing the channel. My point is, yeah I doubt I could get into the UK. But if it doesn't come at a huge cost (lost train ticket at most), then it would be worth an experiment I think on my part. Just wondering how much time and inconvenience it would be. If I get bounced before ever even boarding the train, no problem. If I cross the channel and get put back on the train to France, uggh annoying but fine. If I get put on an airplane and flown back to the US, that would really suck... but I don't think there would be much chance of that at a train station. I'm bored and curious enough to try some shit and see what sticks. This is just one example. I travel solo, so failures won't inconvenience anyone but me. I don't think traveling by train would get me less scrutiny, i just think it would be easier to deal with if I get denied. Just trying to figure out where I'd be denied in this case.
  • Someone who cares July 12, 2024 at 4:33 pm on General Comments July 2024@James - I was only referring to California
  • Gordon July 12, 2024 at 3:55 pm on International Travel 2024I doubt it. The UK still considers it a sex crime. They're smart enough to know that possession gets a person jail or even prison time in most states in America. And they surely wouldn't let in UK citizens convicted of possession.
  • Gordon July 12, 2024 at 3:43 pm on ID: ‘What is the relevance?’ Idaho sheriff’s office post about sex offender irks SatanistsLaVey's daughter also broke away from the temple and was estranged from her dad, but she adopted his showmanship traits by becoming a spiritual leader & musician. The occult has always peaked my interest; I learned much about their lifestyle doing a research paper in college. I concluded that they may not always believe the stuff they preach, but they're very gifted artists, performers & storytellers.
  • LPH July 12, 2024 at 2:28 pm on General Comments July 2024I am trying to hire a lawyer to petition the court in Ga to get off the registry. He questioned my eligibility to petition and referenced a bill, SB 493. The link he referenced did not state if it was retroactive or not. I even asked him if if it was or not. I reached out to a reform group I am with and was told it is NOT retroactive and forwarded the link below to this lawyer which says so. The SB 493 was passed and signed by the Governor and states it will take effect on July 1, this year and that "This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2024, and shall apply to all offenses committed on or after such date." I showed my maybe lawyer that, but he said it's not codified. Looking up the bill, SB 493 , shows that and at the end of the bill it states "This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2024, and shall apply to all offenses committed on or after such date." So again, does an as passed bill and signed by the Gov make it a law or does it actually have to be "codified" into the text of the law? Maybe my maybe soon to be lawyer just wants to make sure? He asked me to give him a week to research. I've been waiting 22 years...aye ya yay.
  • GTB July 12, 2024 at 2:19 pm on International Travel 2024If you have a Federal CP conviction, that is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. Are you filing an appeal to the 2nd Circuit of your NYS SORA level 2 which is lifetime and a violation of your 6th Amendment right to trial by jury. NYS needs a site like ACSOL, to fight the BS that NYS is doing.
  • not resigned July 12, 2024 at 12:25 pm on General Comments July 2024Case Name:People v. Rounds, Case #: G063593, Court: CA Court of Appeal, District: 4 DCA, Division: 3, Opinion Date: 06/05/2024 Trial court abused its discretion in denying defendant’s petition for a certificate of rehabilitation and pardon (PC 4582.01 et seq) by relying “almost entirely” on two statutorily impermissible factors: the details of the underlying crime and the unfairness to the victims and their families of granting the petition. Further, although it is proper to consider whether the defendant has admitted culpability for the crime, here the trial court improperly relied on defendant’s plea to a reduced charge as evidence that he failed to accept responsibility. The full opinion is available on the court’s website . here
  • Perpetually Disappointed July 12, 2024 at 12:15 pm on Out of Step: U.S. Policy on Voting Rights in Global Perspective"the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendment are about granting rights, not taking them away" I disagree with this statement. The Bill of Rights doesn't grant rights, as rights can not be given they are inherent. The Bill of Rights enumerates those rights we already have, and is an enjoinment on the government against infringing upon them. The Constitution does speak clearly about how a right can be removed.... only through due process. Due process must be unique to each individual, therefore ANY blanket removal of a right is unconstitutional, regardless of which right it is (free speech, right to vote, right to bear arms, etc etc etc)
  • SR July 12, 2024 at 10:42 am on Out of Step: U.S. Policy on Voting Rights in Global PerspectiveUS is a country of gross punitive administration. We like to get our pound of flesh instead of rehabbing people. And if extreme punitive measures that we have actually worked, we wouldn't have 25% of the worlds inmates while still not having anything near to the lowest crime among nations.
  • Disgusted in Michigan July 12, 2024 at 10:36 am on International Travel 2024Not true at all. The United States shares criminal history with Canada, The United Kingdom, New Zeeland, and Australia to name a few. Customs and border patrol agents in those countries will see an American's criminal history when the passport is scanned.
  • Disgusted in Michigan July 12, 2024 at 10:29 am on International Travel 2024The stipulation is not how much time you were sentenced to, but if the offense carries a minimum of 12 months incarceration. I'm not an attorney so I cannot say if you would be allowed in or not, but based on UK's laws, they do not allow anyone convicted of a sex crime to enter the country.
  • Borntobefree July 12, 2024 at 9:42 am on International Travel 2024Does this mean that If I was convicted of possession of cp and sentenced to 5 years probation, I would potentially be allowed in?
  • dsgermick July 12, 2024 at 8:06 am on Alabama Court Rules Residency Restrictions Violate ConstitutionIt can and it will, this is just a start!
  • Notorious D.I.K. July 12, 2024 at 8:04 am on ID: ‘What is the relevance?’ Idaho sheriff’s office post about sex offender irks SatanistsGordon, from what I can tell, LaVey's group is dead or, at least, moribund. I think all of them are pretty much dead, apart from The Satanic Temple. Satanism was something of a fad that has passed. It is ironic that the most ardent devil worshippers seem always to be the children of fundamentalist Christians. Michael Aquino, a disaffected member of LaVey's Church Of Satan, split off to form The Temple Of Set, also in S.F. He came into the crosshairs of the afore-mentioned Sandi Gallant, "sex crimes" investigator with SFPD and an early fabricator of "satanic ritual sexual abuse." She and Glen Pamfiloff (who much later investigated and arrested me) made up all kinds of stories about Aquino involving the Presidio Day Care but he beat all of the charges. It was front-page news here for over a year.
  • TS July 12, 2024 at 8:02 am on Out of Step: U.S. Policy on Voting Rights in Global PerspectiveIt does not @James, but it has a long history in this country as read here from Wikipedia on the disenfranchisement and voting topic which stems a lot from Richardson v. Ramirez (Wikipedia) and even prior to that case in this country's history. But then again, the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendment are about granting rights, not taking them away which is what the courts do when they can't find the specific verbiage that grants or does not grant something. They make the exception because the founding fathers, et al did not specifically think of everything as omnipotent omniscient people back in the day. Shame on them for not having the foresight! (sarc) ******************* Overall, this is a very well written article on the topic with a lot of good references. Their conclusion is spot on. This country is behind and out of whack/step on a lot of things in comparison to the world and it is not cared about. As one who wore the uniform to protect the voting ability, the removal of it as a punishment that is abused is embarrassing especially as they tout and brag about bringing the ability to other parts of the world at times in the past. Hypocritical. Much like the registry, the disenfranchisement punishment has taken on a life of its own and used against people to further the gain of those who ride it for all the election power they can get, even when the alleged gain is more like regression instead of progression. I'll step off the town square soap box now and go about enjoying the day...
  • Athena July 12, 2024 at 7:06 am on Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris Olympics“We know Steven’s history…,” said Michel Everaert, general director at Nevobo. “He was convicted at the time according to English law and he has served his sentence." Wow, independent thinking and standing up to contrary public opinion. Bravo Mr. Everaert.