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I hope they sue the hell out of that sheriff. Florida is in the 11th circuit, which barred this activity just last year. And I’m sure they’re well aware of that.

Lawsuit time! Enough said.

I hope they sue the hell out of that sheriff. Florida is in the 11th circuit, which barred this activity just last year. And I’m sure they’re well aware of that.

Curious that they don’t provide email addresses to contact them on their website.

Notice how the news people use the term “sex offender” and “sexual predator” interchangeably? Not sure about Florida, but up here the two terms mean two very different things.

Guess this sheriff didn’t see the outcome of the nearby court cases.

It’s like an alternative reality in these places. The so called “Christians” harassing, demeaning and assaulting people with no thought about their actions. Surprised a PFR hasn’t snapped and assaulted a cop.

This is the second time to my recollection a story has been written about these signs. Maybe @ACSOL can send a letter to this sheriff too as they did last week to LA and AR. Would be nice to see this guy in the legal lawsuit cross hairs of receiving the title of defendent…

I find it funny the sheriff is named “Leeper” kinda like the person he has made the person behind the sign at that residence when spoken with a southern drawl.

It’s bad enough being listed on the Internet with all the apps, alerts and various websites like Nextdoor, Homefacts and the “kill your local pedo nut jobs, but a sign in front of your house?! That just magnifies and amplifies the hate and ill-will.. It’s actually a lightning rod for stochastic terrorism.

The sheriff is not promoting “public safety,” with these signs, he’s promoting spite and weaponized hate.

Well thank you Ranger stranger I always wanted to know what a so called Christian was. Seems like the Sheriff forgot to read what it was also and skimmed over parts of it as well as the Government. Course the sheriff gave the general public a type of sudo- type warning of posting a sign which is in bad taste in many ways.

Should that say much about these internet encounters also?. Its also funny that this country is based on Christian principals but lying seems to be the standard in government today. Seems like Canada has a jump on the USA than in the understands of biblical principals and sovereignty . One still wonders does the punishment fit the crime.

Id go out and tear them down, to me looks like the sign was placed on private property, remove it and destroy it.

I haven’t seen anyone get any ‘damages’ out of these lawsuits. All that seems to happen is LE says ‘OK. We were wrong’ and that’s as far as it goes, all the meanwhile the registrants have to suffer the sheriff’s unlawful humiliation and don’t get a penny.
Plus, even after the signs are taken down the people will know that a registrant lives there.

So Halloween went well last night in Oakland County Michigan. Despite a very little bit of rain in my neighborhood, we had 27 groups of kids come get candy. I actually had to send my girlfriend to the store to buy more.
No police came to my house, and never even came down my road. No children were abducted by me or anyone else. I did a Google search this morning and found no reports in my area of any kids being harmed. I did, however, find a report of a drive by shooting in Chicago where 3 kids and 11 others were injured. You can read it here
It seems that once again all the hype of kids being at danger of being harmed by a registered citizen on Halloween was nonsense, and the real danger was drive by shootings.
But we already knew that, right?

How much did each of these metal signs, personalized with individual names, cost??

(I suspect that – since it was a government purchase order – each sign costs between $200 – $300 with possibly another $100 – $200 for installation. Can the sheriff be charged with a sex offense when he screws the taxpayers?? 😖)

We are seeing a distinct pattern. I’m not talking signs directly. I’m talking gov actors blatantly ignoring judicial determination of precedent. Like many have posted already, This WRONG DOING was already rejected by a court as constitutional behavior, but that ruling is being overturned by the Sheriff.
IMO a direct result of the abdication precedent in Smith V Doh by the Rehnquist Court. We’ve seen the problem in my northern neighbors in MI where the 4 ACLU Rankin decisions were essentially ignored by MI Congress. I also believe SCOTUS flip\flop on Roe precedent has attributed to this problem of ignoring judicial determination.
I hear a man now on Cspan calling in saying how our political atmosphere ” an avalanche of vitriol.” He was noting it as the reason for the Paul Pelosi attack. Where did the vitriol begin? With the Wetterling Act at least in part, whereby online name calling became law, and upheld by the Rehnquist Court. I know I’m living in the water long under the bridge, but all of America is too.
I’m attempting to contact Politico congressional reporter a guest on Cspan now 7:05 am CST Wednesday talking scrubbing politicians name + personal info from the DDI because of attack threats.
I’m trying to call in as I type- busy signal ugg!
I’m connected & on hold:) 7:14 am CST. 7:32 Damn segment is over. Maybe next month. Anyway I did get to make the point with the Cspan producer. The vitriol began with the sex offender.