CA: Former LAPD officer charged with sexually assaulting 4 children dies in custody

Source: 5/22/23

A former officer with the Los Angeles Police Department who was charged with eight counts of lewd acts with a child after allegedly sexually assaulting four boys has died in custody, authorities announced Monday.  

Paul ___, who had been taken into custody less than two weeks ago, was transported to an L.A. County medical center on May 20 for a pre-existing medical condition. The 46-year-old died while receiving treatment, officials with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department told KTLA. 

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office alleges ___ sexually assaulted four boys between 2007 and 2016 in his Covina home. Two of the victims were described as being his young male relatives, officials said. 

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Just more evidence the registry does nothing to keep people safe. It’s not a deterrent nor a magic shield.

Well we see why CDC got rid of the “Sensitive Needs Yards” they did this to combat their war on people who commit crimes against children, to let people knowing that a prison sentence is not just a prison sentence it’s also a 50% chance death sentence.

” This must be fake news we all know those on the registry are the only ones who commit sex crimes. We believe because the government tells us so and we are blinded by facts due to our ignorance.” Thoughts of Karen/Daren.

Meanwhile those who live in reality know this is another case of someone not on the registry committing a sex crime. How much more evidence does the courts need to overturn Smith v. Doe and abolish the registry.

Who didn’t see this coming right away… With his charges and number of victims… And he used to be a cop!!… There is no way he would have made it to his parole date. Better it happened sooner than later. Because folks in there can drag out the abuse and torture for years, all they have in there is time…

This comment is not an excuse for the now-deceased officer’s alleged inappropriate actions. But I will add that this incident has been on my mind for a few weeks to the point I actually broke down in tears when I learned about it. You see, Mr. Paul Razo lived a few blocks away from me. When I’d walk my dog up until his arrest, I used to (regularly) see Mr. Razo and he would cordially wave from either his pickup truck or from his front yard. When I would wave, I didn’t know he was a cop and my impression of him was that he seemed like a good-hearted guy. Why this whole incident troubles me is that Mr. Razo also saved my former neighbor’s life, as well as tried to save my neighbor’s now-deceased friend’s life, from a burning car.

You see, what the media is remiss about, and what the media won’t say, is that Mr. Paul Razo saved my former neighbor’s life from a burning car. Mr. Razo put his life in jeopardy so my former neighbor could live. This was talked about in the neighborhood where I live because the car crash was not too far from where I live. The night this happened in 2016 was a night littered with endless sirens that I still remember to this day.

Again, this is not to condone Mr. Paul Razo’s alleged crimes. But I post this to mention that despite what the media isn’t telling the masses, Mr. Razo was awarded the Los Angeles Police Department’s highest award, the Medal of Valor, for having saved the life of my former neighbor. Mr. Razo wasn’t even on duty when he acted to save another person’s life. Good people do not-so-good things:

May God forgive Mr. Razo’s misdeeds and let him Rest in Peace.