Google Contractor Pays Parents $50 to Scan Their Childrens’ Faces

Source: 1/4/24

Google is collecting the eyelid shape and skin tone of children via parent submitted videos, according to a project description online reviewed by 404 Media. Canadian tech conglomerate TELUS, which says it is working on Google’s behalf, is offering parents $50 to film their children wearing various props such as hats or sunglasses as part of the project, the description adds.

The project shows the methods some companies are using to build machine learning, artificial intelligence, or facial recognition datasets and products. Rather than scraping already existing images or analyzing previously collected material, TELUS, and by extension Google, is asking the public to contribute directly and get paid in return. Google told 404 Media the collection was part of the company’s efforts to verify users’ age.

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These are the same type of parents who would give their kids puberty blockers and sex change operations and one day they’ll happily shuttle them to receive the Mark of the Beast. Of course, these are the kids they didn’t offer up to Moloch.
(Kidding/Not kidding)

Age variation software. Useful, in a variety of ways. Photo ID is meaningless these days. Way too easy to fake, however.

Having the ability to near instantly identify a person has all kinds of problems. From endless government surveillance, to inescapable targeted advertising. Also allows for ideas like, “Social Credit”, an idea used in PRC.

A rating of your value to the State, established by the government, using data from every aspect of your life. It determines everything in your life, from what job you can have/keep to where you can live, loans, professional/academic/social membership, police monitoring, everything. If the State considered you trustworthy and valuable, your golden, the sky is the limit. If they do not, you are doomed to a life of poverty and isolation/harassment/rejection and possible imprisonment.

Both the Right and Left Tyrannies will love this! It’s useful for both. Left wing Populism will know who needs to be “Reeducated” so they can be assimilated into ” thinking correctly”. Right wing will know who “Doesn’t belong” and needs to be eliminated.

21st century ‘Star of David”. Everybody gets a customized identifier that everybody can see, cannot be hidden, and is always up to the minute accurate. That way everybody knows exactly how you should be treated. Oh and Google can know exactly who they are tracking through the web, so they can sell that data to advertisers to better pinpoint market… Also banks, so they will better be able to determine the loans and interest rates. Also insurance company coverage and premiums. Universities will be able to better judge admissions for you and your kids. Companies can make better informed decisions on who to hire and fire. The list of benefits goes on and on and on.

People like my Dad will LOVE THIS, because he’s absolutely certain he will get a “Rock Star” rating that will always give him advantages. He also won’t care who’s watching him on the web, nothing to hide there. His high rating will give him the privilege of blocking most advertising, so he just gets informed of the good deals on stuff he wants. Deals that are reserved just for people like him. He’ll love it!