GPS failed to stop serial killings

While GPS devices used to monitor sex offenders played an integral role in the capture of two suspected serial killers last week, early details from the case raise questions about how well the tracking data are routinely monitored.

Police say the devices enabled them to trace the movements of ____ ____ ____, 45, and ____ ____, 26, and link the two men to the slayings of at least five women.

But the investigation has also painted an unsettling picture of sex offender oversight: According to the police account, the pair was meeting and killing women for months before state and local authorities make a connection. Full Article

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Have these guys confessed to murdering and raping all these women or is there an awful lot of speculation and wild accusations being thrown out there? If they’ve been able to pinpoint these guys being in contact with these gals using GPS they should have an idea where the bodies are if they’re relying on their tracks. I’m not Columbo, but too many things aren’t adding up yet. I guess all the dirty details will be revealed at the end of the show.

I agree, if they were tracked with GPS then how come this didn’t show a red flag? It is a sad day for any one to be murdered or killed. But it is to often that news reports are too eager to point it out that it is a sex offender. There are many who are gunned down by gangs and drug related crimes. Many are killed by DUI’s. I wonder what the percentage is murders were by previous convicted drug dealers, armed robbers, mental illness and above all first time offenders with no previous criminal record. I would bet the latter being first time offenders will be much higher. So should we worry more about people not on the registry? Maybe we should worry more about people who have no criminal record? I don’t want to sound heartless but just to label all sex offenders as murders is far far from the truth.

I was pocking around the FBIcrime statistics. 2012 over 14,000 killings.
Break down by various stuff.
Types of murder by circumstance.
Look at other arguments is off the chart.

And also reasons for general violent crimes. 48% because of race issues.

It is pretty clear the real problem is still racism in this country. Murders by being a sex offender is rather a very very small issue and is most likely irrelevant to what is going on. We don’t know the circumstance of these two, but it could be a raciest issue as well. But needles to say we should be more afraid of people who are raciest because that is the majority of violent crimes being committed. Sad indeed.

Suppose we had a registration system for drunk drivers.. Suppose there was a large body of laws and over a hundred thousand people who had been convicted of drunk driving on the registry. Lets say that in each car of a registered drunk driver there was a tracking device that allowed law enforcement to prevent drunk driving. Who thinks such a system would have even a chance of working. Because they spend so many resources keeping track of 100,000 people, there is zero chance that they can prevent the acts of just a handful.

In the unlikely event that law enforcement is interested in public safety (instead of more overtime), they would scrap our current registration system and plow those resources into keeping track of they guys with the real potential to commit new crimes.

Gps is being the decoy scapegoat to this matter…when the real exposure of this should be that registry is nonsense …if this scheme supposedly worked this case would be nonexistent …if a scheme like registry works(it doesn’t) then why aren’t they making higher dangerous risks crime like robbers dui’s assaults drug sellers thieves be forced on a public registry for our childrens and community protection
.??…because it doesn’t work.

I find abit of humor in all this… All those past park restrictions in the OC couldn’t prevent this…
Also I find a bit confusion with the GPS tracking collars.. hopefully this case will bring that into light..

Whether or not they accept a plea deal…they should get that case out of california scales…the scales of justice has already been tweaked and fixed toward one side remember that oc office shop has already proclaimed to the public ‘ongoing war against ‘sex’ offenders’…………….that statement alone is offensive………… way to get a fair trial in california ….oc pretty much guaranteed that.

The addition of “sex offenders” to the murder story is only a plus in the minds of the media pundits. Two sickos murdering women for months is horrible enough. Two S.O.s murdering women is grounds for the metaphorical pitchfork and torch-toting villagers converging on our senate house to enact more laws/changes.
That the actions of these two ‘vampires’ conflict with the statistical averages of other sex offenders (registered) is not even of interest to the general public. Never has there been a society with so much information at their fingertips(cellphones, folks….Google it out!)yet still maintaining a staggering level of ignorance on so many, many topics.