VT: At what point redemption?

Source: manchesterjournal.com 2/3/23 BENNINGTON — There’s a case making its way through the halls of the Bennington Superior Courthouse that touches on all the things that our criminal justice system is designed to accomplish. The case hinges on what happens to people convicted of crimes who serve their time and stay out of trouble. It begs certain questions: When has someone paid enough for a crime committed long ago? What if years pass and that 17-year-old kid becomes a husband and father of young children, a productive member of society,…

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OR: He Was Convicted of Molesting a 6-Year Old. Should He Have a Future in Baseball?

[UPDATED LINKS 5/9/18] [nytimes.com 5/7/18] CORVALLIS, Ore. — __________, one of the best players in college baseball, and certainly its most controversial, strode to the mound, dusted away a patch of dirt with his cleats and lined up for his first pitch. The home crowd of nearly 3,000, most in orange and black, the colors of Oregon State, cheered, “Luke! Luke! Luke!” They wanted a victory against Arizona State, one of their biggest rivals. More than that, they wanted a performance that would hark back to a different time —…

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